War of Resistance

Chapter 557: Defending Lanfeng?

Chapter 557: Defending Lanfeng?

Many people may believe in one sentence, that is, wine quality and character. Since Zhang Tianhai can behave so cheerfully and boldly at the wine table, he must not break his promise and become fat.

Besides, is it necessary for Zhang Tianhai to lie to them?That's not necessary at all, okay, the military power is in his hands, even if he says he's going to evacuate tomorrow, there's nothing he can do about it, isn't it?

Seeing Zhang Tianhai drank the glass of wine so boldly, Zhang Chenggong's expression softened, and he drank the wine in one gulp, as did the Lanfeng county government officials behind Zhang Chenggong.

For a while, the scene suddenly eased up, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

While pushing cups and changing cups, Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Chenggong sat together.

"Major Zhang, I have a question to ask you." I have to say that Zhang Tianhai still drinks very well, at least he is still sober now.

"Teacher Zhang, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Regarding everything about Lanfeng County, Chenggong must know everything and talk endlessly!" At this time, Zhang Chenggong's face was still flushed, and it was obvious that he was seven points drunk.

But before Zhang Tianhai could ask, Zhang Chenggong said another drunken word: "May I ask these questions asked by Captain Zhang... are they prepared to defend my Lanfeng?"

It has to be said that when Zhang Chenggong asked this sentence, his slightly wretched face suddenly became a little taller.

Zhang Tianhai also drank so much wine, he said he was not drunk at all, that would be a lie, he is in a slightly drunk state now.

Taking advantage of the alcohol, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but bald all of a sudden: "To tell you the truth, County Magistrate Zhang, we originally planned to fight to defend Lanfeng to the death, but our army is I'm new here, I don't know anything, I don't understand anything. War is not based on blood, after all, no matter how hot the blood is, it can't resist the power of aircraft, artillery and bullets. The lives of our officers and soldiers are also It is impossible for me to squander their trust in us officers! Their lives are in our hands!"

When you are slightly drunk, it is the most frivolous time, and it is also the time when it is easiest to speak your mind. Therefore, Zhang Tianhai accidentally confides what he originally thought in his heart.

Zhang Chenggong raised his heavy head and said, "Head Zhang, you are welcome. The Lanfeng County Government will fully cooperate with you if there is anything to do. You don't have to worry about us playing tricks or something. I I am a native of Lanfeng, and Lanfeng is my home. No matter how bad I am Zhang Chenggong, I will never hope that my home will disappear like this, and I don't want my children and grandchildren to become subjugated slaves!

I, Zhang Chenggong, do not have any great abilities, and as you can see, I am a thin and weak scholar, and I have no other better skills than holding a pen, and I cannot carry guns and fight with you... Alas, but that It's all impossible. "

As he said that, Zhang Chenggong sighed frequently. At least it seemed that what he said did not seem like lies against his will.

Zhang Tianhai patted Zhang Chenggong on the shoulder, and then said: "Major Zhang, since you have such a heart to serve the country, at least you have a patriotic heart, that is enough. To be honest, I ask I want to ask you for help with this question. After all, we are not locals, and we know nothing about Nanfeng's situation. Even if we want to defend Lanfeng to the death, we must not die in vain under the enemy's artillery fire. As I said just now, the lives of the Lanfeng people are their lives, and the lives of the officers and soldiers of the First Regiment directly under my Third War Zone are also lives, and I have to take responsibility for their lives."

Zhang Chenggong, who was a little drunk, nodded heavily, then helped his glasses that were about to fall, and said solemnly: "Head Zhang, don't worry! I will send some cadres to assist your troops tomorrow, and understand us The situation in Lanfeng County! But if you have any orders, just say it directly, and you don't have to be polite!"

"Then it's settled like this." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"There is absolutely no problem. Although I, Zhang Chenggong, is just a scholar, it does not mean that I am the kind of person who is not trustworthy, or even afraid of death! I, Zhang Chenggong, are a dignified man!" Zhang Chenggong patted his chest and assured Dao, at that moment, he definitely didn't look like he was joking, nor did he look like he was drunk.


And when Zhang Tianhai led his troops to Lanfeng County, the battle on the front line of Xuzhou was not so smooth.

On April 22, that is, the day when the First Regiment Headquarters directly under the Third Theater was ordered by the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater, and the whole regiment set off for Kaifeng to accept the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the First Theater.

On this day, the Japanese army in Yixian County, which had successfully waited for the arrival of the reinforcements, joined forces with one of the fifth divisions of the enemy army Seishiro Itagaki, who was headed in the direction of LY, to join forces with the South Criminal Army, and the No.60 Yunnan Army Gao Yinhuai's No. The [-]rd Division fought fiercely in the Lianfang Mountain area northeast of Taierzhuang.

The fierce battle in the Lianfang Mountain area was not carried out around the attacking mountain, but around the Xingjialou and Wushengtang near Lianfang Mountain——

This was an unexpected encounter. The 60rd Division of the Lu Han No.[-] Army Headquarters, who had just got off the bus at Taierzhuang Station and hurried over, met the enemy at Xingjialou, Wushengtang and other places. !
Coincidentally, both sides occupied the village with a posture of marching in a hurry to win the initiative on the battlefield.

Fortunately, when Lu Han led An Enpu's [-]nd Division northward, Gao Yinhuai's [-]rd Division was not idle, and almost all of them marched in a hurry to occupy the company's defenses. Villages north of the mountain and east of Lianfang Mountain.

Their purpose is to take the lead in occupying these outlying villages, exchange space for time, consume Japanese soldiers, and wait for the reinforcements sent by the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone. At that time, they will launch a huge counterattack!

It is precisely because of this that when the division commander Gao Yinhuai got off the car at Taierzhuang, he ordered the troops to occupy the villages near Lianfang Mountain as quickly as possible, especially the villages in the north and east, because the location here is particularly important.

An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood, for the national army that does not have so many weapons and equipment, they can only rely on their flesh and blood to stop the enemy's absolute advantage in the advancement of aircraft and cannons!
Life for life, for the national army with relatively poor equipment, this is the most conventional way of fighting!

In other words, this is the only way to play!

Indeed, in the configuration of light weapons such as rifles and machine guns, the elite troops of the national army are not inferior to the configuration of the standing divisions of the Japanese army.

But is war only fought with light weapons?That doesn't exist!
In modern warfare, what is fought is the joint firepower of the three armed forces of the sea, land and air!

Firepower is truth, caliber is justice!
Under the combined bombing of the Japanese army's land and air firepower, the national army, which lacks heavy weapons, is no match for these Japanese troops with a large number of heavy weapons!

Leaving aside the differences in the quality of soldiers and officers, the national army is no match for them in terms of firepower data!
Two days ago, a very fierce battle was unfolding in Lianfang Mountain!


PS: The second update is here!Finally, I am not late!It is the third shift that is in arrears, it may still take a little time to pay back slowly.

Thanks to Qidian book friends for playing and Jinchan for their reward of 1000 points!

This book friend should be the account of QQ reading book friend [-] o'clock, thank you again for this book friend's reward!

(End of this chapter)

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