Chapter 558
It is precisely because of the order of Gao Yinhuai, the commander of the [-]rd Division, to seize the time, that the headquarters of the [-]rd Division seized the opportunity in this encounter.

Because when the Japanese troops arrived, the headquarters of the [-]rd Division had already seized most of the villages north of Lianfang Mountain.

Xiaoguanzhuang, this is an unknown village north of Lianfang Mountain.

Originally, this place belonged to an unknown place, but because the headquarters of the [-]rd Division was established here, it suddenly became extremely lively.

The military headquarters of the No. 60 Army has followed the headquarters of the 60nd Division to the front line, and is still retreating, so this naturally becomes the front-line headquarters of the [-]rd Division of the No. [-] Army.

Gao Yinhuai, the commander of the [-]rd Division, was standing in the division headquarters, and he was very restless. Just look at his appearance: he had his hands behind his back, and his face seemed calm, but he was inside the division headquarters. Keep going back and forth.

The telegrams were beeping, and the telegrams sent back were not about the encounter on the front line, which made Gao Yinhuai's heart even more anxious.

This is the first battle of the Dian army after leaving Yunnan. It is not only related to the reputation of the Dian army in the future, but also related to the situation on the front line.

The No.60 military headquarters of the Yunnan Army is a new force, and it is also one of the few Class A armies in the country, and its combat effectiveness is also guaranteed.

More than 60 people from the No.5000 Army Headquarters left Yunnan and came to Taierzhuang, thousands of miles away, to fight the war. These troops were peasant soldiers recruited by Long Yun in Yunnan. There are a large number of foreign weapons, and the quality of the officers is relatively high. It can be said that among the army-level troops, the combat effectiveness of the No. Teachers compare and compare.

However, that's just everyone's guess. If it's a mule or a horse, don't you know if you pull it out for a walk?

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.This first actual battle since the Anti-Japanese War is undoubtedly a test of the combat effectiveness of the Yunnan Army.

Therefore, Gao Yinhuai and the others couldn't help not paying attention to it. If this battle is fought well, not only will the reputation be improved, but also meritorious service can be made, and they might be able to be promoted.

Gao Yinhuai is relatively tall, with a tall figure of about 1.8 meters, which is not like the standard southern figure of this era at all. The whole person looks murderous, especially his thick eyebrows. It's like that very capable fierce man.

Wearing the dark blue military uniform on his body, it made his figure even taller and straighter.

"I don't know what's going on at the front line. Which regiment fought against the little devil's troops. Is it the [-]st regiment or the [-]nd regiment?" Gao Yinhuai murmured, obviously It looks like I have no idea.

Not long after, soon, an officer ran in, panting heavily, and reported in a panic: "Master, it's not good, the Pan Shuoduan of the [-]st Regiment on the front line, with, with the enemy We met in Chenwafang, and now the fighting has become fierce to the point of hand-to-hand combat, and our casualties are huge!"

"We suffered a lot of casualties, so how is the situation of the enemy? How many troops did they come?" Gao Yinhuai immediately asked the most critical question.

"Master, we don't know the situation of the enemy's troops for the time being, but they have heavy weapons such as cannons and tanks. Based on our rough guess now, the enemy's troops are about [-] people." The officer who came to report Some said out of breath.

"There are only two thousand people, and the enemy has an artillery unit, plus tank units. This is obviously impossible! The enemy's strength is at least one regiment!" Gao Yinhuai immediately denied the judgment of the front line.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yinhuai said to the combat staff around him: "Send me an order, and immediately send an order. Pan Shuoduan, the commander of the [-]st Regiment, must stick to Chenwafang, fight for every inch of land, and fight the enemy to the end! No! After receiving the order, it is absolutely not allowed to retreat without authorization! Anyone who violates the order will follow the military law!" Gao Yinhuai said very seriously.

"Yes! Commander!" said the combat staff officer next to him.


Chen Wafang front line.

It was originally a quiet village, and there were quite a few brick houses. It looked like a slightly rich village.

However, the peace and tranquility of the past had long since disappeared, leaving only the roar of killing, the smell of blood floating in the air, and the lingering smell of gunpowder smoke.

The officers and soldiers of the 60st Regiment of the No.[-] Army under the Yunnan Army are fighting bloody battles with the Japanese army here.

"I am your ancestor! Little Japan!!"

A soldier of the Yunnan army held a rifle with a bayonet in his hand, and stabbed forward violently. He didn't even care about the bayonets stabbing him nearby. This move was completely desperate, anyway. No matter what, kill a damned little devil!
Sure enough, after the soldier inserted the bayonet into the enemy's body, three bayonets pierced into his body.

The severe pain made him couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and then his whole body became numb.

After all, he is an ordinary person, not a god.

The ferocious Japanese devils did not stop their fighting, and after pulling out the bayonet that had been inserted into the soldier's body, they killed other officers and soldiers of the national army.

Blood kept gushing out from the wound of that Yunnan soldier, his eyes were gradually dimming, and finally his slightly thin body fell heavily to the ground as if he had lost his strength.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to Yunnan to take our baby. Let's have a good pregnancy in the next life and be a husband and wife again, because in this life, we may never be able to..." The Yunnan soldier The soldier was muttering to himself, and after a short while, he slowly closed his eyes and passed away...

"Battalion Commander! Battalion Commander! The enemy's offensive is getting more and more fierce. If we continue to kill like this, I'm afraid everyone in our battalion will die!" A company commander ran to the battalion commander Yin Guohua and reported.

Yin Guohua gritted his teeth tightly, and forced out a sentence from inside: "Even if we die, we can't retreat! If we become deserters, even if we return to Yunnan alive, what face will we have to face the elders in Yunnan?! Send me an order to continue the charge! Fight to the death without retreating!!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!!" The company commander responded. The Dian Army's strict military discipline is well-known throughout the country. If you retreat this time, you may be shot by the division commander if you go back alive!
Besides, if everyone quits, the country may perish!

As a result, under the leadership of the battalion commander Yin Guohua, who was born in the Yunnan Jiangwu Hall, the Yunnan army, which was already at a disadvantage, repeatedly charged and killed the enemy, dealing a very heavy blow to the enemy.

However, in Yin Guohua's battalion, at the end of the battle, only one person survived. Almost all the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion, from battalion commander Yin Guohua down, died, and the entire battalion was wiped out.

However, just after Yin Guohua and other officers and soldiers of the entire battalion died heroically, the Japanese army occupied the entire village of Chenwafang, and the battle at Lianfangshan was still going on.


PS: Take a day off today!

I have been working and working overtime since the second day of the Lunar New Year. Until today, I finally felt that I couldn't bear it anymore, so I just asked for a day off!

This chapter is to repay the previous chapters in arrears, and I owe everyone two updates!good night, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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