Chapter 559
"Regiment...regimental commander, it's not good, all the brothers in the first battalion have been wiped out! The whole battalion has been wiped out down to the battalion commander Yin Guohua, and only one brother has come back alive." A staff officer of the regiment headquarters panicked. In a panic, he ran to the head of the group, Pan Shuodan, and reported.

After hearing the news, Pan Shuodan clenched his fists lightly, and a look of anger overflowed his face: it was a deep sense of powerlessness. But more than 500 and 600 people, all of them were wiped out in one day. Even the well-equipped and well-trained Yunnan army could hardly stop the Japanese army with such fierce combat effectiveness!
Pan Shuodan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then said: "Order the headquarters of my [-]st Regiment to prepare for battle and be ready to counterattack Chen Wafang at any time! Order the headquarters of the Second Battalion to assemble immediately as a The first troops to counterattack Chen Wafang tonight!"

"Yes! Commander!" The combat staff officer responded loudly, and then ran out.

There is no way. At this time, when the troops have just entered the villages, the telephone lines set up by the communication battalion of the military headquarters are too late to reach the divisions, let alone the regiments and battalions. Therefore, they can only rely on this A relatively primitive way to transmit information.

In the slightly gloomy headquarters of the [-]st Regiment, Pan Shuodan, the head of the regiment, lightly clenched his fists, trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall from his eyes: who would have known that Yin Guohua was not only his subordinate, but also his life-and-death brother!

The brother of life and death died in front of his eyes, but he could only remain indifferent.This feeling of collapse may only be understood by the person involved.

At this time, the sun was slowly setting. Under the order of the regiment commander Pan Shuoduan, the troops of the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment had already begun to gather slowly. They only waited for the attack from the regiment commander after dark. ordered.

The No.60 Army has been in the army for several years and has also been trained for several years. The brotherhood between them is far from that of some newly established troops.

After all, these troops have been established for a short time, and the time they get along with each other is not that long. The emotional foundation between them must be relatively weak.

Therefore, when Pan Shuoduan, the head of the regiment, ordered the troops to assemble, there was a surge of enthusiasm, and everyone was very excited, and they rushed to say that they would avenge all the brothers in the first battalion and take back Chen Wafang.

It was night, less than twelve o'clock in the night, and around ten o'clock, the Yunnan army in dark blue military uniforms launched a surprise counterattack against the Japanese army in Chen Wafang.

The battle went smoothly, and the Japanese army was once expelled from Chen Wafang.

But when the follow-up troops of the Japanese army came for reinforcements, the pressure on the Yunnan army suddenly became very huge.

The battle continued until dawn, and the sound of gunfire rang throughout the whole night in the village of Chen Wafang. This was something no one expected.

Bullets flew overhead. Pan Shuodan personally led the troops to reinforce Chen Wafang for a long time, and the casualties on both sides were huge.

"Regiment leader! Regiment leader! Let's retreat quickly, we don't have much reserve team! If we continue to fight like this, our regiment will be wiped out!" The chief of staff ran to Pan Shuodan's side to persuade him.

"Can't withdraw, can't withdraw! Have you forgotten that our Dian army troops left Yunnan to go north to fight against Japan?! If Chen Wafang fell like this, would we be worthy of the brothers who have already sacrificed?!" Pan Shuodan said stubbornly .

Indeed, it's no wonder that the chief of staff is heartbroken. This army is dying one after another. How many troops in the Dian army can spend like this?
There are more than 5000 people in total, which seems to be a lot of people, but is there really that many people?In the case of more than 1000 casualties in a day, it will not take long for the casualties to be exhausted.

These troops have been trained hard for four or five years. Who doesn't feel sad when they are wiped out like this?

At this time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, and the time was April 23. On this day, the troops of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone were still spending time in the train carriages and were heading to Kaifeng.


The scream of shells piercing the air was heard in the distance, and Pan Shuo wanted to yell at everyone to take cover, but it was too late.




The shell exploded in Chen Wafang, a not-so-small village. The earth was flying everywhere, and the smoke column was rising here.

Wars are often so cruel, no, because you are the officer, you can shoot a few fewer shells here, on the contrary, if you know, you may shoot a few more shells.

The artillery fire of the Japanese army enveloped the village of Chenwafang, and there was a breath of death everywhere.

While the artillery of the Japanese army was showing off, the mechanized troops of the Japanese army also started to act-about five or six small thin-skinned tanks were going around the side and rear of the reinforcements of the national army, trying to cut off the reinforcements of the Chen Wafang national army.

Their goal is to wipe out the Dian Army troops on Chen Wafang again, and then take Chen Wafang to seize the strategic initiative in the area north of Lianfang Mountain!

It may be that the Japanese army was in a hurry, and the follow-up troops could not fully keep up with the supplies of supplies, so the shelling only lasted for about 15 minutes before being suspended.

Of course, in this short 15 minutes, hundreds of shells have already poured on the small village of Chenwafang.

During the cessation of artillery fire, Pan Shuodan, the commander of the [-]st Regiment, hurried to the front line because he knew that the Japanese army was about to launch a very violent attack. Able to get rest adjusted.

After the artillery fire ceased, what ushered in was bound to be a violent attack by the Japanese army!

Pan Shuodan also knew that there were not many remaining troops in his army, so he had to rush to the front line to see the situation for himself. What if the battalion commander died in this artillery fire?
So, worried, he had to go to the front line to command the battle.

However, it was still like this, they still let the Japanese army break through the first-line positions, and a fierce close-range combat began again!

This time, the situation of the Yunnan Army is not so optimistic.

On this day, the regiments of the [-]rd Division of the Dian Army were attacked by the overwhelmingly superior artillery fire and tank troops of the Japanese army. Seventy-eight times out of ten, Chen Wafang fell into the hands of the enemy after Pan Shuodan, the regiment leader, was injured.

Villages such as Xingjialou and Wushengtang were successively destroyed by enemy artillery fire...

The flames of war were very fierce, especially the fighting will of the Yunnan army, but many Japanese troops were surprised. They thought that they had reached this level, and the national army in the fifth theater should not have much power to fight back.

But what the commanders of the Japanese army never expected was that they hit an iron plate!


PS: The first update is here.

In fact, many people think that the Battle of Xuzhou may not have much to do with the Battle of Lanfeng, but is this really the case?

The Battle of Lanfeng is actually a continuation of the Battle of Xuzhou. After the Battle of Lanfeng, the Battle of Xuzhou really came to an end.

The progress of the protagonist needs to be written, but the historical progress cannot be violated, so please bear with it!

Thanks to the starting point book friends for male recognition thirty, human flesh, Bawang Group, and two monthly tickets for Brother Guihu!

(End of this chapter)

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