War of Resistance

Chapter 560 Isotani Rensuke's Revenge

Chapter 560 Isotani Rensuke's Revenge

The Yunnan Army is indeed a well-known army in history, especially the elite Yunnan Army trained by Cai E, which has left a strong mark in history.

The Yunnan army trained by Cai E is strong, but it does not mean that the troops trained by Yunnan King Longyun will be weaker than the Yunnan army trained by Cai E more than ten years ago.

Backed by the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and relying on Yunnan's uncontested geographical environment, Long Yun slowly trained a well-equipped and highly qualified Yunnan army. Don't forget that the Yunnan army organized by Cai E The foundation of the army is still there, and the group of Yunnan army officers who came out of the Yunnan Lecture Hall is the foundation.

Moreover, the foundation of the Yunnan Lecture Hall is still there, and it is precisely because the foundation of the Yunnan Lecture Hall is still there that it has provided a group of high-quality grassroots officers for the Yunnan Army.

It is precisely because of the existence of this group of grassroots officers that the Dian Army has an ethos of "talking about military law and observing military discipline", and it is precisely because of this ethos of the Dian Army that the Dian Army has become a Formed a force with extremely strong combat effectiveness and strict military discipline.

If you change to other troops, you may not be able to hold on for so long, the casualty rate has reached seventy-eight out of ten, until the regiment leader Pan Shuoduan was injured, the troops had no leader, and they couldn't hold on at all, so Chen Wafang couldn't hold on. into the hands of the Japanese army.

Including Zhang Tianhai's first regiment directly under the third war zone, it might not be able to last that long in the face of this situation, let alone the troops led by Xiang Gui Yongqing and Huang Jie.

Throughout the history from ancient times to the present, which famous army was not achieved by various aspects such as military level and strictness.

For those who don't believe, you can refer to the Gaoshun camp in the ancient Three Kingdoms period.

Only an army with strict military discipline can enforce orders and prohibit orders, and only when fighting can it know that it is death, but it must also be an army that dares to die.

The front line of Gao Yinhuai's [-]rd Division suffered such a heavy blow from the Japanese army, but it was not fatal, because their reinforcements - An Enpu's [-]nd Division also followed closely behind.

In particular, Yang Binglin's [-]th Regiment took the lead in marching into Powang.

The Japanese troops received the order to die. In addition to launching a violent attack on the [-]rd Division, they also launched a very violent attack on these places such as Puwang.

By the morning of the 22nd, the 60rd Regiment of Pan Shuodan, a subordinate of the [-]rd Division of Gao Yinhuai under the No. [-] Army Headquarters, withstood the main force of the enemy. , use the terrain to build fortifications, and fight fiercely with the enemy all day and all night.

On the 23rd, the main force of one part of the Japanese army went south via Gengzhuang to attack Puwang, which was guarded by the [-]th Regiment of the [-]nd Division.

Since Pan Shuodan's [-]st Regiment held back the enemy's main attack in Chen Wafang, Yang Binglin's [-]th Regiment had a longer time to prepare.

A whole day and night of preparation time is enough for the regiment to build a relatively strong fortification.

Because the fortifications built by the regiment were relatively strong, the enemy was unable to attack repeatedly, and the casualties were very heavy.


Headquarters of the Japanese North China Front Army's Southward March.

At this time, Rensuke Isotani, who had already broken through the front line of Yixian County, wanted to attack the frontline troops of the national army with the mentality that he must avenge his shame.

After all, they have been suppressed and beaten in Yi County for several days, so it can be said that they are almost powerless to fight back. It is the defeat of Taierzhuang that was suppressed and beaten and the shame of the front line of Yi County, which made him have to fight back. Play a beautiful turnaround!
"Reporting to your Excellency, the commander of the division, the troops who attacked Puwang on the front line suffered heavy casualties. The commander of the front line, Naobu Ozawa, asked for artillery support, saying that this place must be wiped off the map! Otherwise, the fortifications of these Chinese troops are very strong. , with close-range support artillery fire, there is absolutely no way to take them!" A Japanese major ran to the front of Isoya Rensuke and reported.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Isoya Rensuke remembered how he looked when he was beaten by the national army in Yixian County before, and his teeth itched with hatred.

"Order the artillery unit to fire immediately and erase the place of Puwang on the map! This village must be destroyed! Otherwise, please ask the artillery captain to kill himself to thank the emperor!" Isotani Rensuke said in a deep voice, obviously , his mentality of revenge and meritorious deeds is already very urgent.

For Rensuke Isotani, if he has made some achievements in the front line, he is afraid that he will return to China for trial soon. Even if he returns to China without incident, he will have to sit on the bench!
After all, Rensuke Isoya's troops were the first major defeat suffered by the Japanese invaders since they entered China, and it was a disastrous defeat!
Terauchi Shouichi, the commander of the North China Front Army, has lost all light on his face, and domestic public opinion has grown. It is not only a question of Commander Terauchi Shouichi, but also a suspicion of him, Isoya Rensuke. He Isotani Rensuke is the one who is in the center of the storm. If he doesn't fight a good battle, then it will be a very bleak prospect for his career and career!

"Hay!" The Japanese combat staff officer responded, and then hurried to issue the combat order from division commander Rensuke Isoya.

Following the issuance of an order by Rensuke Isoya, it was a catastrophic event for the national army stationed in Puwang.

A series of shells with a howling sound slammed into the village of Puwang.

The artillery fire directly burned the buildings of Puwang, and the whole village was almost destroyed in the blazing fire. With the burning fireworks and the roaring shells, the whole village was crushed For Mi Fan!
Gunpowder smoke filled the entire sky, and it was full of raging black smoke, which looked terrifying.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers of the Yunnan Army are well-trained, and they know how to deal with such a thick smoke-they all blocked their mouths and noses with cloth, and it was wet cloth!

Of course, it's not clear where the water came from to wet the cloths—perhaps it was water, or perhaps their own urine, but either way, it was a useful escape technique.

The teacher, An Enpu, who watched this scene with a telescope in the distance, was so angry that he punched the wall directly, even his fist was slightly bleeding.

"Damn it, Ge Laozi, the little Japanese bully people too much, they bully our Dian army with less heavy firepower and poor equipment, but if our No. 60 army has an artillery regiment, they will definitely be turned on their backs!" An Enpu said viciously.

However, this is a very helpless and irrefutable fact after all. The national army may not have a large gap in light equipment, but in terms of heavy weapons, especially aircraft, cannons, tanks, and warships, the gap in heavy weapons is very large. That's pretty huge.

If the Japanese army was really that weak, why did the War of Resistance last 14 years?Even after the all-out war of resistance, it took eight full years to fight?
Moreover, the entire eight-year war of resistance ended only because of the actions of the Yankees and the Soviets. Otherwise, it would have taken 20 years to rely solely on China's national strength.

Finally, after the fire was extinguished, the Puwang position was repeatedly attacked by more than [-] tanks.

The officers and soldiers of the [-]th Regiment fought directly with the determination to live and die with the position-after the tanks ran over, the soldiers jumped out of the trenches and fought hand-to-hand with the accompanying tanks and infantry.

From morning to noon, the shouts of killing never stopped!

PS: The second update is here!

The missing part has been corrected now.

Thanks to Qidian book friends Zhu Zhu also has big dreams, book friends 20170523121742169, Tie Mian Long, QQ reading book friends Zui Meng, U214563371, and Broken Bridge Remnant Snow monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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