War of Resistance

Chapter 561 Are you ready?

Chapter 561 Are you ready?

Although the shouts of killing rang for so long, the position was still in the hands of the Dian army, and it remained motionless.

Later, the enemy's planes and heavy tanks had already entered the battlefield. In terms of the intensity of the battle, it had already reached the peak of the Lunan Campaign!

The officers and soldiers of the Dian Army suffered heavy casualties, and the regiment commander Yang Binglin was also wounded and taken off the line of fire.

Infantry platoon leader Lu Jianguo and mortar platoon leader Jin Jiaxiang together automatically formed an anti-tank team.

Lu Jianguo's infantry platoon, under the cover of Jin Jiaxiang's mortars, approached the enemy tanks, blew up two tanks with cluster grenades, and was besieged by several other tanks. The anti-tank team was finally all heroic sacrifices.

In the evening, when Zhong Guanghan, the successor head of the regiment, arrived, more than [-] officers and soldiers were accommodated. After reorganization, they continued to fight for a day and a night.

It was not until the night of the 24th that the No.60 Army Command ordered the regiment to evacuate Puwang.

It can be said that in the two days since the No. 60 Army headquarters participated in the battle, both regiments were almost wiped out, and this does not include the casualties of other regiments.

It can be seen that on the battlefield dominated by the positions north of Lianfang Mountain, the fighting was intense.

In particular, the three-day battle from the 22nd to the 24th was the most intense. The Japanese army tried their best and mobilized all their strength in an attempt to destroy the strong resistance of the Yunnan army. However, this time their wishful thinking was wrong. Oh, they hit their heads on the iron plate!


On the morning of the 25th, after receiving the battle report from the front line, Zhang Tianhai immediately gathered all the middle-level cadres directly under the First Regiment of the Third Theater, and held the first military meeting since he was stationed in Lanfeng.

At the military meeting that day, Zhang Tianhai arrived late, holding a report on the casualties of the Yunnan Army on the front line in his hand.

"Hello, leader!!"

After Zhang Tianhai entered the meeting room of the regiment headquarters, everyone stood up and saluted.

After standing on the main seat, Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly and said, "Sit down."

Zhang Tianhai didn't drink too much wine last night. After all, he still needs to stay awake. The headquarters of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone entered Lanfeng County on the first day, and there are still many clues that have not been clarified. Drunk.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, all the officers sat down one after another.

After sitting firmly on the main seat, Zhang Tianhai said slowly: "Brothers and comrades-in-arms, I just received a battle report from Xuzhou about the Yunnan army. The enemy troops have already reached the northeast of Taierzhuang During the two or three days of the battle, the Dian army almost lost one regiment a day, which shows the intensity of the battle."

Zhang Tianhai slowed down, took a sip of strong tea, woke up, and then continued: "Everyone, we are now under the command of the First War Zone, but don't forget that we are the same as the Fifth War Zone." It is closely related. Lanfeng County is located in an important road. If the Japanese army wants to go to Kaifeng, they must pass through our defense area, so everyone should be prepared! We must find out about Lanfeng County in the past few days The situation in the territory, occupying favorable terrain, building our positions and fortifications here, and preparing for battle to defend Lanfeng!"

"Yes! Commander!!" Everyone straightened their backs and responded.

"Just wait, guys. I have sent people to negotiate with the people of Lanfeng County Government. They have promised to send some cadres to help us quickly understand the situation in our defense zone. In addition, our regiment originally planned to The cadre training class in Lanfeng County should be temporarily suspended! We will reopen the class after we have completed the construction of each battalion. In short, everything must be prepared around the defense of Lanfeng." Zhang Tianhai emphasized again at the end One sentence.

"Yes!" More than a dozen school-level officers responded again.

Zhang Tianhai closed his eyes, still thinking about what else he hadn't mentioned - it's already the end of April, and it will be May soon, and this battle of Lanfeng will be in May At the beginning of the fight, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help being careless.

"What's the situation of the battalions now? The first battalion commander, Li Chunfei, will start reporting, and the four main infantry battalions will report in order!" Zhang Tianhai, who had nothing to say, ordered.

After Li Chunfei was named, he stood up immediately and reported: "Reporting to the regiment, I believe everyone knows the situation of my battalion. My first battalion was the most tragic one in history during the battle in Tangtou Town." The troops, including the humble staff themselves, are in a state where the wounds have not fully healed. Although the regiment headquarters held a series of large-scale military training exercises, they could not improve the problem of insufficient training of our battalion's grassroots units in a short period of time. The quality is also worse than before.”

After thinking about it for a while, Li Chunfei continued: "Since the opening of the cadre training class organized by the regiment, the quality of the officers has improved, but their various knowledge is still not as good as that of the previous batch of officers, and what they say is that they are not as good as the troops. The soldiers among them are not well-adjusted enough, so I’m afraid their fighting power is not too strong. If there is a battle, there should be no problem, but I don’t know how long they can stick to it. Commander, the report of the humble position is completed, please give instructions!”

After hearing the report, Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly. He also knew that what Li Chunfei said was the truth. It may be that among the four main infantry battalions, only the third battalion has the strongest combat effectiveness!
"The first battalion commander summed it up very well, and the regiment headquarters will try every means to change this situation. But I also ask the battalion commanders to strengthen the running-in of the troops, and to give more consideration to any situation that may arise." Zhang Tianhai is the next Having reached a conclusion, "Second Battalion Commander, it's your turn."

After being named, Lu Shaojie stood up after Li Chunfei sat down and reported: "Reporting to the group, the situation of my second battalion is not as serious as that of the first battalion, but it is very close to the first battalion to varying degrees. The situation is different, but if you give me another half a month, I have the confidence to train our battalion into a unit that can be nailed to the ground! The report of the humble officer is over, please give instructions!"

Zhang Tianhai is also basically aware of the situation of the Second Battalion, and also knows that Lu Shaojie did not lie to him with big words, or fool him with some casual talk, so he nodded and said, "Second Battalion Commander, please sit down! I hope you can Do what you promised me just now!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! The humble job guarantees to complete the task"!Lu Shaojie promised confidently.

Before Zhang Tianhai called the roll call, the commander of the third battalion, Wang Ziqing, stood up and reported: "Reporting commander, my third battalion is the battalion-level unit with the least casualties in all previous battles in the whole regiment, and the veterans are also the most. According to the distribution , our battalion should have the strongest combat effectiveness, so our battalion is willing to take on the most difficult tasks! And promise to win if you dare to fight, and win the battle!"

After hearing Wang Ziqing's promise, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly. He always felt that Wang Ziqing seemed a little conceited, but this time was not the time to teach others, so he could only nod his head and said: "I hope that your guarantee is combined with your actual actions. You must lead the third battalion well, because the third battalion is indeed the battalion-level unit with the most veterans and the strongest combat effectiveness in our regiment. No one. "

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words of affirmation, the smile on Wang Ziqing's face became even wider, and he said with a smile: "Yes! Tuan Zuo! Please rest assured that the humble job will definitely complete the task, and will definitely make the three battalions into one. The strongest army!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, sit down! I'll wait to see the result."

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Ziqing sat down with a smile, quite proud of himself.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to say something, but held back and didn't say it.


PS: The first update is here!It will definitely be delivered before twelve o'clock in the second update, so please wait.

(End of this chapter)

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