War of Resistance

Chapter 562 Rectify the cavalry battalion!

Chapter 562 Rectify the cavalry battalion!
Perhaps it was because of Wang Ziqing's example, so Han Xingle, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, also stood up and reported to Zhang Tianhai: "Report to the group, the situation of the humble Fourth Battalion and the Second Battalion of Battalion Commander Lu Shaojie. Almost all of them suffered relatively large losses in the Tangtou battle. But it was far from the heavy casualties of the first battalion. Although I can’t say that we can win the battle like the third battalion, we can guarantee that we will win the battle, but our fourth battalion On the surface, there is absolutely no problem. There are not many other guarantees, only a fight to the death, that's all."

I don't know why, listening to Han Xingle's guarantee, Zhang Tianhai always felt that it was much more reliable than what Wang Ziqing promised him.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai still nodded slightly, and said: "Your determination, commander of the fourth battalion, is worth learning from everyone, so let's train the troops well and prepare for the battle! Battalion Commander Wang of the Cavalry Battalion, next, I will report to you." The current situation of your cavalry battalion!"

When Zhang Tianhai was talking, he focused his attention on Wang Yongcheng, because he had planned to rectify the cavalry battalion before, and this time he just wanted to listen to the latter's detailed report.

Whether it is to observe whether the cavalry battalion can accept the situation and ability to be adapted, or from the perspective of existing combat effectiveness, it is necessary to understand and analyze in detail.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's roll call, Wang Yongcheng, a big man in the Northeast, immediately stood up and said, "Reporting to the regiment, the humble cavalry battalion is really a battalion with weaker combat effectiveness than other battalions, because my battalion is Among the battalions of the whole regiment, the unit that has been established for the shortest time is not worth anything else, but the only thing I can guarantee is that the cavalry battalion will do its best to fight to the end after receiving orders from the regiment headquarters!"

Regarding the cavalry battalion, Zhang Tianhai's attitude was different from that of the four main infantry battalions. After all, he wanted to know the real situation of the cavalry battalion.

Before leaving Xuzhou, Zhang Tianhai did go to the cavalry camp to learn about the situation, but the situation he learned was not very satisfactory, so this time he wanted to catch Wang Yongcheng and ask him carefully.

"Battalion Commander Wang, if I remember correctly, when the cavalry battalion was established, the cavalry battalion was equipped with a full range of Japanese equipment. In terms of the level of sophistication of weapons, there is indeed a certain gap with other main infantry battalions. The problem of the gap, but today I want you to report in detail the current situation of the cavalry battalion. The regiment has plans to make certain changes to the combat nature of the cavalry battalion to adapt to the future combat functions of the cavalry battalion. It can be effective and Support the front-line operations very quickly." Zhang Tianhai is not afraid to say it bluntly. After all, the officers present are the backbone of the Zhiyi Regiment. right to know.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai is afraid that they will leak the secrets after they know the rectification plan of the Zhiyi Regiment. Zhang Tianhai just wants them to know the current changes of the Zhiyi Regiment—only these key officers probably know about the Zhiyi Regiment's various battalions. Only after the situation, can we better cooperate with the group to fight.

And for Zhiyituan, wouldn't it be better to survive on the battlefield after the overall combat effectiveness increased?

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's explanation, Wang Yongcheng didn't think too much about it, and directly reported to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting regiment, my cavalry battalion is basically equipped with a daily [-] cover plus a handle Saber, on the light weapons, almost every platoon has only one Japanese-made light machine gun, and there are almost no such weapons as mortars and heavy machine guns. Therefore, the combat effectiveness and penetration capabilities of my cavalry battalion are not that strong. Only One thing, it can be done properly, and that is the aspect of mobility.”

After hearing Wang Yongcheng's words, Zhang Tianhai expressed his satisfaction. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "Battalion Commander Wang, your summary is very good. Indeed, the cavalry battalion now faces poor basic equipment and fewer heavy weapons. Therefore, in order to deal with such disadvantages, the regiment headquarters intends to make certain changes in the configuration of the cavalry battalion's weapons and equipment."

After saying this, Zhang Tianhai stretched out his hand and asked Wang Yongcheng to sit down: "Let me tell you about the rectification plan for the cavalry battalion above, let's just listen to it for now, and implement it immediately when conditions permit. .”

Wang Yongcheng just sat down, and when he heard what Zhang Tianhai was going to say, he knew that the rectification this time was definitely not a simple matter of adding some light machine guns, it was likely to be a big change.

Ever since, the heart of Wang Yongcheng, a rough man, suddenly became agitated.

Zhang Tianhai cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Everyone, regarding the rectification plan for the cavalry battalion, my preliminary expectation is to allow the first company of the cavalry battalion to maintain the mobility of the existing cavalry company. Add a telegraph to move to ensure that when the enemy appears, the combat order can be issued to the companies of the cavalry battalion as quickly as possible to support the front-line battle. This is the first point.

The second point is that, when conditions permit, the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion is issued with a large number of grenades, mortars, and some Japanese-made heavy machine guns, transforming the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion into a team capable of rapid reinforcements and front-line support. Firebase Troops. "

As soon as Zhang Tianhai's words came out, all the officers present were shocked: they had thought about the rectification of combat effectiveness, and at worst it was to strengthen the training of the cavalry battalion, but they did not expect that the rectification and reform of the cavalry this time would be so fast so big!
Once the cavalry battalion has established a rapid support firepower point company, the cavalry battalion will no longer have such a dispensable position in the [-]th regiment, but will become a hot steamed bun.

After all, in positional warfare, most of the combat tasks are undertaken by the infantry, so this is why Zhang Tianhai attaches great importance to the four main infantry battalions.

Without waiting for the officers to react, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "The last one is about the construction of the third company of the cavalry battalion. The construction of the third company of the cavalry battalion should be equipped according to the system of an ordinary infantry company! Do this The purpose is to turn the third company of the cavalry battalion into an infantry company that can quickly enter the battlefield at any time. If it is equipped with the construction of the second company of the cavalry battalion, the cavalry battalion will be able to become a unit with a very strong independent combat capability !"

Zhang Tianhai said the last sentence, but once again the officers of the [-]th Regiment were shocked: If the regiment is really built according to the idea of ​​​​the regiment, the field combat capability of the cavalry battalion will not lose to any infantry main force battalion, and there are even many places that surpass the main infantry battalion. The most important thing is the issue of mobility.

What the main infantry battalion lacked most was the capability of mobile combat. Even if the battalion commanders saw the enemy's weakness, they had no way to send troops to that place in the first place.

However, if the cavalry battalion has been adapted, it will be different: first of all, they have strong mobility and can quickly maneuver in combat, and then each of them is equipped with a mobile station, which means that they can receive anytime, anywhere Direct operational orders from battalion headquarters, if not all.

Of course, for the rectification of the cavalry battalion, apart from showing envy, the battalion commanders did not have much envy: after all, for them, the Zhiyi Regiment has such a powerful and powerful combat team. A cavalry battalion that is not weak is also good for them. For example, they can get a strong reinforcement to fight in the shortest possible time.

In those evenly matched battles, victory is often determined by just a few advantages and disadvantages!

PS: The second update is here!

I owe everyone two more, and I will find time to pay it off in the next few days.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Hua Chief and book friend 20180924225114604 for two monthly tickets each!

Thank you for a monthly ticket for QQ reading book friend Sansheng Fireworks!
(End of this chapter)

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