Chapter 563

It is a good thing for Wang Yongcheng that the cavalry battalion is going to be reorganized into such a powerful mobile force.

Originally, Wang Yongcheng thought that his appointment as the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion was just a way for the regiment commander to use the opportunity of leveling to eliminate dissidents who did not graduate from Whampoa.

But now it seems that he was not only wrong, but also terribly wrong. In fact, the commander transferred him here because he wanted Wang Yongcheng to use his expertise in cavalry experience.

For this kind of result, Wang Yongcheng has the urge to die for his confidant.

Zhang Tianhai can think highly of him so much, and can entrust him with important use, what is this called?This is called the grace of knowing you!
Agitated, Wang Yongcheng immediately stood at attention and saluted, and said very excitedly: "Xie Tuanzuo thinks highly of me, Wang Yongcheng, for allowing me to lead such an elite army! In fact, I have the kindness of rebuilding with me, and I am willing to be the commander Death!"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianhai didn't say anything else, just nodded the military cap on his head, and said with a smile: "I died for the party and the country."

Hearing this, Wang Yongcheng immediately understood the meaning, and he smiled embarrassingly: "Yes, the officer is right, he died for the party and the country."

After seeing Wang Yongcheng's reaction, Zhang Tianhai nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, Battalion Commander Wang, sit down! Next, Battalion Commander Zhao of the Artillery Battalion will report on the specific situation of the Artillery Battalion recently."

Compared with Wang Yongcheng's image of a reckless man, the Artillery Battalion Commander Zhao Chengge looked very gentle.

I saw him wearing a military uniform, with a pair of white command gloves in his hand, slowly stood up, stood at attention and saluted: "Reporting regiment, there is no other special situation in our artillery battalion. There are too many, there are only about [-] rounds of shells, if you save a little, you can fight two battles, if you don't save, it won't be enough for one battle."

"Let's discuss this matter later. When we capture the next batch of materials from the Japanese army, we will focus on replenishing the ammunition reserves of the artillery battalion!" Zhang Tianhai directly made a conclusion on this incident.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Zhao Chengge responded, and he also knew that it was not easy to replenish the artillery shells now. When shells were needed everywhere, it would be nice to have an artillery battalion for a unit like Zhi Yi Tuan. It is barely maintaining the use of artillery.

As for the Zhiyi regiment, it not only expanded the scale of artillery, but also had a large reserve of artillery shells. Many artillery battalions only had one or two hundred shells in stock, and the key point was that they were not willing to use them.

Let’s take a look at the Zhiyi Regiment under Zhang Tianhai’s command. Not only are they willing to use shells, but they are also used very generously. A lot of materials were seized, and basically the battle was fought without much loss, and sometimes there were profits. In this case, how could Commander Zhang not be bold and willing to use shells?

Well, yes, perhaps for other troops, these shells are hard-to-find supplies. If you don't pay attention, they may be gone after being fired, and they will be useless at a critical moment.

But in the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, shells are not considered scarce items. Anyway, the regiment commander ordered them to fight at ease, and now they can fight at ease. Anyway, the regiment leader will naturally find a way to replenish the water of these shells.

For the officers and soldiers of the artillery battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment, that is quite happy. It is difficult for other troops to fire a few shots. It's different, if the regiment leader gets angry, it's just the cannonball tube that is enough to have fun!

Of course, all of this is based on sufficient logistics and transportation capacity, which is why Zhang Tianhai expanded the supply company into a supply battalion.

The supply battalion is the logistics support of the whole regiment. If the logistics is broken, let alone fighting, you may not even be able to eat. Even if you go to the battlefield, you may also face the possibility of not being able to keep up with ammunition supplies.

If the ammunition supply can't keep up, they can only engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army who is good at bayonet fighting in close combat. Thinking about that kind of possibility is scary.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Zhao Chengge sat down after responding.

"Now, please invite Director Zhu Shaohong, Director of Logistics and Director of the Supply Battalion, to report on the situation of the Supply Battalion!" Zhang Tianhai took the initiative to call the name again.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" After Zhu Shaohong stood up, he saluted Zhang Tianhai, and then continued: "Tuan Zuo, the capacity of our supply battalion is temporarily sufficient, but if we need to continue to expand the troop, I'm afraid we have to increase it. The strength of a company is enough to maintain the normal operation of the logistics battalion."

Faced with this problem, Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly, and said, "Let's put this problem on hold for now! If it doesn't work, I'll allocate another platoon of troops to your logistics battalion to maintain normal operation first!"

"Thank you!" After speaking, Zhu Shaohong sat down.

The main combat units and functional departments have basically been described, and the rest of the matter is very simple. After all, the communication company under the jurisdiction of the communication department, as well as the guard platoon, engineering company, small artillery company, and mortar The company and the military police of the political training department are all combat troops directly under the regiment headquarters. The problems of these troops are easy to solve, so Zhang Tianhai didn't directly raise them at the meeting, so as not to slow down the meeting process.

In fact, based on this calculation, if Zhang Tianhai's regiment were all armed with weapons, there would be eight battalions of troops directly.

Even if the troops of the logistics supply battalion, the supply battalion, were excluded, there would still be seven combat battalions at full count.

The seven battle battalions are definitely a lot of data. Of course, the artillery battalion has to be eliminated. After all, the artillery is only responsible for supporting firepower. , There are six battalions at full count.

But don't forget, even the elite troops of the Yunnan Army are only one regiment and three battalions, so Zhang Tianhai has the final say, in fact, his reinforced regiment is actually a brigade, that is, apart from the troop number and his Other than that, it is no different from a brigade, and some brigades don't even have such a thing as an artillery battalion.

So Zhang Tianhai is quite confident about the strength of his troops, but the premise is that they must be trained well, otherwise, once they collapse, it will be zero.

Just when Zhang Tiantai and Haibei announced the dissolution of the meeting, a guard from the guard platoon ran in and reported to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting to the head, Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County, is asking to see you!"

"Then invite him in!" Zhang Tianhai directly ordered the guards, and then turned to the officers present and said, "I'll just wait here for you, County Magistrate Zhang is the boss of Lanfeng County. With his help, we will be able to understand the situation in Lanfeng County as quickly as possible, and then I will make an adjustment according to the current situation in Lanfeng County."

"Yes! Regiment seat (regiment leader)!!" The guards and officers responded in unison.

After the guard answered, he hurried out to ask Zhang Chenggong to come in.


PS: The first update will be sent!There are two more updates tonight, please don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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