War of Resistance

Chapter 564: Lanfeng Crisis

Chapter 564: Lanfeng Crisis

Zhang Tianhai's third theater is directly under the Lanfeng County City Defense Command where the First Regiment Headquarters is stationed. In fact, it is not much different from the Lanling County City Defense Command.

After all, this is also a compound, and there are several two-story buildings in the compound, all of which are hung or printed with the emblem of the blue sky and white sun.

If the city defense command does not have such a scale, how can it be stationed in offices above the regiment level?You must know that the city defense command of the county is also a regiment-level organization.

This is not the first time Zhang Chenggong has come to the Lanfeng City Defense Command, but this time he feels a little different.

Indeed, the former Han Fuqu Third Army Guard Regiment had also been stationed in Lanfeng County, but it felt different, not only in terms of mental outlook, but also in terms of their weapons and equipment, which seemed to be compared with the Third Army Guard Regiment. It's all a better feeling.

Of course, this is directly related to Zhang Tianhai's daily "brainwashing" work.

Zhang Tianhai has always believed that the existence of the position of political commissar is very reasonable, at least let people know what is the goal they are fighting for?For whom they fight, for whom they die.

Only this kind of troops with internal motivation can achieve perfection in combat, and their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

Of course, the system of political commissars is not allowed in the national army, unless it exists under the leadership of our party.

Under this situation, it is impossible for Zhang Tianhai to get a position as a political commissar, so he can only rely on his own propaganda. In addition to the propaganda at the daily meeting, the Political Training Section is also responsible for such advertising.

It can be said that the first regiment directly under the third theater is the fighting force with internal motivation. It is due to the large number of recruits that it is said that the combat effectiveness of the first regiment is not very strong.

After all, things are independent of human will.

Zhang Chenggong belongs to the kind of very clever person. As soon as he walked into the Lanfeng City Defense Command, which is guarded by the first regiment directly under the third theater, his eyes kept rolling, observing everywhere. Regarding the weapons and equipment of the Zhiyi Regiment and other aspects, no matter what he said, as the county magistrate, he had to know about the combat effectiveness of the Zhiyi Regiment.

"Hey, sir, are you the person in charge here?" Zhang Chenggong began to say to the honest and honest Xu Sangou, obviously wanting to drink some ecstasy soup or learn about Zhiyituan's situation.

"No, no, I'm just the platoon leader of the regiment's security platoon, and the head of the regiment is our Chief of Staff Guo." Xu Sangou said casually.

Of course, Xu Sangou's guard platoon does not belong to Zhang Tianhai's personal guard platoon, but to the guard platoon of the regiment headquarters, just because Zhang Tianhai is the regiment leader, he has the right to mobilize all the troops in the regiment, including Xu Sangou. The guard platoon followed him to the front line, but it was just because of his personal preference.

Besides, a dignified head of a large group doesn't even have some entourage when traveling, so does that make sense?In terms of safety, it is definitely not guaranteed.

"The leader Zhang, doesn't he care about these things?" Zhang Chenggong asked tentatively.

Only Xu Sangou snorted coldly, and said: "Huh, our regiment is a standard busy person, and still have time to take care of our small troops? You send someone to the fifth theater to inquire about it. Our third theater is directly under the No. How many battles did the regiment win? Let’s not talk about anything else, just say that when LY won the victory, our regiment leader led our regiment to fight in Tangtou Town. Beheaded by our regiment! Among other things, our regiment wiped out more than 2000 devils in that battle, you go and ask which regiment has such a strong combat effectiveness?"

Before Zhang Chenggong could open his mouth to speak, Xu Sangou said very badly: "Let me tell you! Except for the first regiment directly under our third war zone, there is no semicolon!"

More than 2000 devils may not sound like a lot, but these are more than 2000 armed little devils, and their combat effectiveness is still quite strong, and the battle damage of the Zhiyi regiment has almost reached a terrible one-to-one ratio.

Although Zhang Chenggong basically stayed in Lanfeng County and didn't go out very much, it didn't mean that he didn't know the situation on the front line.

The ferocity of the devils on the front line is notorious. SD Provincial Chairman Han Fuqu's [-] troops were all in the confrontation with the Japanese invaders, and suffered heavy losses, and then abandoned Jinan.

Zhang Chenggong is not that kind of stupid person. If he was really stupid, it would be impossible for him to become the county magistrate. It is not that he has never seen Han Fuqu's third army guard group. When Han Fuqu was going to Kaifeng for a meeting, he passed by Lan sealed it overnight.

Zhang Chenggong, the county magistrate of Lanfeng County, naturally wants to meet Han Fuqu, the deputy commander of the Fifth War Zone. After all, such a big officer has come to Lanfeng. to see.

Moreover, Sun Tongxuan's No. 20 division, the No. [-] division of Han Fuqu's Third Army, had also been stationed in Lanfeng.

It is impossible for Zhang Chenggong not to know what happened to the main force of the Third Army. Even these troops could not stand up to the Japanese troops. One can imagine how ferocious the Japanese invaders were.

So when Xu Sangou was bragging, Zhang Chenggong took a high look at the troops directly under the First Regiment in the Third War Zone. The news of LY's victory had already spread throughout the country. How could there be so much room for deceit?

Besides, Zhang Tianhai's group came here, didn't they mean to take a rest?In other words, their regiment was once disabled.

Not long after, Zhang Chenggong walked to Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters led by Xu Sangou.

After seeing Zhang Chenggong, Zhang Tianhai immediately took the lead and applauded: "Everyone, welcome, Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County, came to our third theater and directly under the first regiment to guide the work."

Zhang Tianhai took the lead in applauding. How could the other officers and cadres not applaud? For a moment, the applause was very enthusiastic, creating a lively atmosphere.

Seeing such a lively scene, Zhang Chenggong was at a loss for a while, so he could only say hello with a smile: "Misters, hello, it must be Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County. Commander Zhang's request, come here to explain our Lanfeng's topography, geographical location, etc."

At this time, the seat usually occupied by Guo Qiliang and Chief of Staff Guo was vacant, and it was obvious that this seat was reserved for Zhang Chenggong.

"Major Zhang, please sit down! We have been waiting for you for a long time, and we are waiting for you to explain to us the current situation and various aspects of Lanfeng County. This will help us stick to Lanfeng in the future. It has played a lot of roles!" Zhang Tianhai got straight to the point, and didn't beat around the bush.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai said so, Zhang Chenggong was not polite, and directly sat on the chair next to Zhang Tianhai.

After sitting down, Zhang Chenggong began to speak directly: "Teacher Zhang, then I will be in charge of the class now. If there is something wrong, you can just point it out. I have little knowledge. , I will try my best to introduce the situation of our Lanfeng, so as to help your army as much as possible!"

"Major Zhang, but it's okay to say, I'll just wait and listen." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Okay, that's it, let me introduce the situation around Lanfeng first!" Zhang Chenggong helped his gold-rimmed glasses, and at this moment an orderly had already made a cup of tea for him.

After Zhang Chenggong sorted out his thoughts, he began to formally introduce Lanfeng's situation: "The first thing I want to tell you is the location where our Lanfeng belongs. Our Lanfeng is backed by the Longhai Railway. It can be said to be the last gate of Kaifeng, if Lanfeng is lost, not only will the Longhai Railway be in danger of being shut down, but it is even more likely that it will go directly to Kaifeng and threaten Zhengzhou and other places."

After finishing this sentence, Zhang Chenggong glanced around with his slightly wretched eyes. After finding that the officers around him were listening to his speech seriously, his uneasy heart relaxed a little. Son.

"Thanks to the proximity to the big city of Kaifeng, our economic conditions in Lanfeng are actually pretty good, and we have relatively sufficient supplies and other aspects. I just don't know that when the war is approaching, there will still be leftovers in our city." How many people are there?" When Zhang Chenggong said this, a trace of irritability and helplessness inevitably flashed across Zhang Chenggong's face.

Even if he is the magistrate of Lanfeng County, it is impossible to avoid such a situation where people's hearts are scattered due to the war.

War kills people, and human life is worse than dogs. The current situation in Lanfeng County looks good, but the calm water is full of crises. Who knows what will happen when the war comes?
Zhang Chenggong needs to think and consider these things, and now this turning point is in front of him, and he needs to seize this turning point!


PS: The first update is here!

The second update will be delivered before twelve o'clock!
Thanks to the starting point book friend 20190622140825057, nostalgic? ?And a monthly pass for QQ reading book friend Silence!
(End of this chapter)

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