War of Resistance

Chapter 565: Lanfeng Crisis

Chapter 565: Lanfeng Crisis

"Sirs, it's up to you whether you can keep Lanfeng. The officials of our Lanfeng county government will do everything possible to support the officers and soldiers fighting on the front line. I don't really understand many things about the military. If you have Just ask whatever you want!" Zhang Chenggong said bluntly.

"That County Magistrate, before we arrived, the staff gave us a military map of Lanfeng and Kaifeng. I want to ask County Magistrate Zhang some key questions about the key places marked on this map." Zhang Tianhai was the first to ask questions.

"Leader Zhang, but it's okay, I will do my best to answer." Zhang Chenggong promised with a serious face, and even his slightly wretched temperament suddenly became taller.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Tianhai said, "Well... that is the four places of Kaocheng, Hongmiao, Yifeng and Neihuangji. These four places are distributed in the northeast, east and southeast of Lanfeng County. In several directions, especially Neihuangji and Yifeng, these two places are close to the Longhai Railway. From the direction of Xuzhou, after passing Neihuangji, Yifeng, and Maoguzhai, you will arrive at Lanfeng County Yes. So these three places may be the key points, and the location of Hongmiao and Kaocheng is in the northeast direction of Lanfeng. The enemy is very likely to invade from Jinan all the way to the southwest. So in combination, these five places They are all the focus areas of the first regiment directly under my third theater."

Facing Zhang Tianhai's question, after Zhang Chenggong sorted out his thoughts, he said: "Kaocheng is a place far from Lanfeng County, about thirty or forty miles away. If the Japanese army overwhelms the city, I think You can set up a warning point here in Kaocheng, but you have the final say on how to do it! Neihuangji is located in the southeast of Lanfeng County, and it is also about [-] to [-] miles away. It is a town backed by the Longhai Railway. And Yifeng is the last line of defense of Lanfeng County. If Yifeng falls, the Japanese army will definitely come to Lanfeng County. The Red Temple is about ten miles away from the county, and it is located in the northeast of the county. It is the northeast barrier of the county seat. A larger place probably has so much content.”

After hearing Zhang Chenggong's words, Zhang Tianhai frowned tightly: Lanfeng is a small place, but its location is too dangerous, and the villages backed by the Longhai Railway have to guard against it. When they all kept their words, the strength of the troops was tight again.What's more, if Lanfeng falls, Kaifeng will also fall, and the Japanese army can directly use the Longhai Railway to hoard supplies from Kaifeng reinforcements, and then attack Wuhan with all their strength.

Once Wuhan falls, the erosion of the war situation can be imagined.

Although it has long been doomed in history that the Battle of Lanfeng will be a great laughingstock through the ages, Zhang Tianhai still wants to work hard to see if there is any way to assist the national army to defend Lanfeng. Chiang Kai-shek would not be forced to dig the Yellow River embankment at Huayuankou in order to prevent the main force of the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army Kenji Doihara from advancing westward!
No matter how you say it, he wants to save these innocent civilians. There are tens of millions of people. How can he not try his best?
If Zhang Tianhai wasn't a time traveler, maybe he wouldn't feel so much guilt, but it was precisely because he was a time traveler and was familiar with history that he was afraid of this kind of result and the occurrence of this thing.

The location of this place in Lanfeng County is too dangerous, so he can't help but ignore it!

If this place is not so wanted, then why did Cheng Qian in the first war zone launch this Battle of Eastern Henan (Battle of Lanfeng)?

What these historical figures want to do must have the unique historical background of this era, and there must be a reason for him to do these things-they will not be so boring as to do something completely meaningless, what they want to do is Want to save China, or to satisfy their own private pockets, or to seek their own political interests or political capital from these historical changes.

Of course, the vast majority of Chinese people want to save their country and their nation, but there are also many ethnic scum. For example, aren’t these traitors headed by Wang Jingwei a typical example?

What Zhang Tianhai wanted to do was to save the Chinese nation. He wanted to do everything he could to make this damn war of aggression end sooner.

However, some things are easy to say, but quite difficult to do. For example, the crisis Zhang Tianhai is facing now is like this-there are more than 300 people in the first regiment directly under the third theater. There are not many, but no matter how you say it, they can at best count as the strength of a brigade.

Maybe even if it is a brigade's defense force, the force stationed at this place is still too small.

Once the Japanese army is dispatched, it will be the Doihara Division plus two heavy artillery regiments and two tank squadrons. That is a total of more than 4 troops, and they will come out in full force!
The Japanese army of more than 4 people is well-equipped and extremely combat-effective, and it has not suffered any decent losses in Taierzhuang.

Such an enemy, once they come, cannot be resisted by the 4000-plus troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater, and more than half of them are recruits!
Perhaps it is to guard the county seat, and it may be possible to defend it, but if they are to divide their troops to garrison these five places, it is almost like the birthday man hanged himself-an operation that is too long!

For Zhang Tianhai and others, the crisis facing Lanfeng County is like an unsolvable math problem-they tried their best to solve it, but found that this crisis is like a problem. There is no way to start.

Zhang Tianhai's mind was spinning rapidly. He wanted to solve this crisis. Even if he couldn't solve it, he still had to make some thorough preparations so that he could cooperate with the friendly forces to fight and avoid a big defeat!

However, how difficult it is to change something in the face of this rolling historical torrent...

However, there are some people who don't believe in fate and want to do things that are impossible to succeed, such as Zhang Tianhai.

"Well, County Magistrate Zhang, can you tell us more about the specific situation of these places? If you provide more detailed content, we will arrange a battle plan today." Zhang Tianhai To put it bluntly, I am not afraid to say that Zhang Chenggong will leak secrets and the like. After all, the specific combat plan must be formulated by Guo Qiliang's staff before it is dispatched and issued. When the combat direction is not even clear, How to talk about the plan?
It is precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai is not afraid that Zhang Chenggong will leak the secret: even if you want to leak the secret, you must know what the secret is.

"Yes, I am very glad to be able to help you. Which village or market town do you want to start to understand the situation? I have been to these villages and market towns, and I can tell you in detail the specific conditions, locations, etc. of these places. Commander Zhang, just say it." Zhang Chenggong said confidently.


PS: The second update is here!

Unexpectedly, it was a full ten minutes later than expected!The old man is guilty...

The last chapter owes an update, try to pay it back in the next few days!

(End of this chapter)

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