War of Resistance

Chapter 566 Analysis of the Battle Situation

Chapter 566 Analysis of the Battle Situation
Regarding Zhang Chenggong's response, Zhang Tianhai thought for a while. , and then solemnly said: "Major Zhang, I don't think it's better than this! After a while, you and my adjutant will go to my office to have a cup of tea. I will come over after the meeting in a while." Go to the office, and then I will make a detailed plan, what do you think?"

Faced with this kind of result, Zhang Chenggong was not in a hurry or panic, just smiled, and then said calmly: "It's okay, it's not a big problem. I'm just going to wait for a while, gentlemen, you should hold a meeting first Bar!"

"Major Zhang, please wait a moment." At this moment, Li Chunfei, the commander of the first battalion, said.

After Li Chunfei finished saying this to Zhang Chenggong, he immediately said to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting to the delegation, I still have some questions to ask County Magistrate Zhang."

"Okay, just ask if you have anything! Also, if other people have questions, they can just ask County Magistrate Zhang." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" After Li Chunfei paid a military salute to Zhang Tianhai, he turned to Zhang Chenggong and said, "Mayor Zhang, in addition to the Kaocheng, Yifeng, and Neizhou that our Tuan Zuo learned about you just now, In addition to the five places of Huangji, Maoguzhai, and Hongmiao, I would also like to ask you about Yangguji in the south of Lanfeng, and Shuangtaji in the east of Yangguji.”

After hearing these words, Zhang Tianhai's eyes really brightened. After all, what he said was the first time that among the officers he brought out, someone raised questions and questioned them at the meeting.

Someone questioned him, probably because he had forgotten the two important villages in Lanfeng County, which is definitely a good thing.

If someone sees a problem and doesn't talk about it, then there's a big problem.

A person's energy is always limited, and sometimes some mistakes will inevitably occur. What is needed is someone to raise it at a critical moment.

Indeed, he didn't ask about the situation of Shuangtaji and Yang Guji, which Zhang Tianhai ignored for the next time.

He remembered that during the Battle of Lanfeng, Gui Yongqing's No. 20 Seventh Army was responsible for stationing these two places. If the historical process does not change, the No. 20 Seventh Army will definitely continue to garrison those two places. The funk that appeared in history will definitely reappear again.

Because of this, he subconsciously ignored the garrison situation of these two villages.

Now that Li Chunfei has raised this question, it is a good thing after all, so that some troops can be sent to check the situation there.

Of course, it was only for inspection, it was impossible for Zhang Tianhai to put his main force there, he knew that he might not have anything to do there, at most he was stationed in Lanfeng County, that's all.

Faced with Li Chunfei's question, Zhang Chenggong sat down slowly, and then said: "Actually, Yangguji is not far from Shuangtaji, only about seven or eight miles away. Neihuangji is directly opposite. The two places are only separated by a railway, and the distance between them is only about seven or eight miles, which can be said to be very close. The distance between Yangguji and Lanfeng County It's quite far away, it's about thirty or forty miles away, sir, do you have any more detailed questions?"

With that said, Zhang Chenggong looked at Li Chunfei.

"I don't have anything to ask, so that's about it. Let's see what other people want to ask!" After speaking, Li Chunfei sat down.

All the officers present looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say or what to ask, Li Chunfei and Zhang Tianhai had already finished their questions.

After seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Tianhai also knew that they probably really had nothing to add.

"Major Zhang, please go to my office and wait for a while! Let's discuss it again and see if there is anything we need to add. I'll talk to you then!" Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Zhang Chenggong responded.

"Wang Liang, take county magistrate Zhang to my office for a while, and remember to greet the guests!" Zhang Tianhai directly ordered Wang Liang who was next to him.

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Liang stood at attention and saluted.

It was also this move that made Zhang Chenggong think that Zhang Tianhai's army was different from other troops, with more rules and etiquette.In other words, there are distinct classes and strict military discipline.

When Zhang successfully left the meeting room, the place immediately became silent.

"Is there anything else you want to add? Now is our internal meeting time, everyone can speak freely." Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Tuan Zuo, I don't understand why the group has to send troops to occupy other places first. After learning about the situation in other villages, we will send out missions. After all, with the strength of our regiment, we may be stationed in a Lanfeng County, maybe just now. Appropriate." Fourth Battalion Commander Han Xingle raised a question.

Zhang Tianhai put his elbows on the table, clasped his hands together, and said, "Let me explain this to you! The war situation is ever-changing now, and it is very likely that the Japanese army will be here in the next month or two." We will be attacked in Lanfeng, and all we have to do is prepare for all battles. In case the Japanese army approaches the city, our mission will change from defending Lanfeng County to fighting the enemy in the wild. If this happens, how do we deal with it?"

"However, I think that we have to go out into the wild, and the possibility of a decisive battle with the enemy is unlikely, so I still think that we should focus on defending the city. If our army, which is mostly recruits, goes out into the wild to fight the Japanese army, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning?" Han Xingle said.

"You don't need to worry too much about this issue. Once the Japanese army hits us, they will never send one or two companies or a brigade over here. It is very likely that they will come here. The main force, or even several divisions came together. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the commander-in-chief to allow our remaining troops, which are mostly recruits, to defend. At least one division must be stationed in Lanzhou. Seal." Zhang Tianhai said firmly, very sure.

This is the advantage of the traversers. During the Battle of Lanfeng, the 20th Division of Gui Yongqing's No.70 Seventh Army was in charge of guarding Lanfeng. After Gui Yongqing escaped, there was the No.80 First Army. The No.[-] Eighth Division of Long Muhan was stationed.

It wasn't until Long Muhan abandoned the city and fled that Lanfeng County fell into the hands of the enemy without a fight.

"Does Yituanzuo mean that we should still focus on places outside the city?" Han Xingle asked in confusion.

I saw Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said noncommittally: "In theory, this is the case. After all, our regiment's current strength and positioning, the most suitable combat direction may be field combat plus support for friendly troops. So I just asked County Magistrate Zhang Most of what I know is the villages nearby, because our combat targets will most likely be these villages."

Seeing what Zhang Tianhai said, Han Xingle couldn't refute too much, so he could only sit down and listen to Zhang Tianhai's next analysis.


PS: The first update is here, and the second update should be completed before two o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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