War of Resistance

Chapter 567 Cavalry Battalion, Go!

Chapter 567 Cavalry Battalion, Go!

"Just these villages? But the regiment, if our army really wants to hold these villages, it will not be easy. Our whole regiment has more than 200 people, nearly 300 people. If we stick to it, it is very likely that we will consume all the combat power we have." The second battalion commander Lu Shaojie also began to speak and put forward his opinions.

"But no matter how you say it, we must be familiar with our battlefield, right? This is the only advantage we have over the Japanese army. If we don't seize these only advantages, I'm afraid we will lose It's even worse." Zhang Tianhai said seriously, the smile on his face had long since disappeared.

Seeing the head of the regiment had made up their minds, and the officers could not put forward any other opinions, they just waited for Zhang Tianhai's final decision.

"The general direction of the battle is set like this for the time being, right? With the familiar city as the center, some troops left behind will be stationed in Lanfeng County, and the other troops will be familiarized with the defense areas of each village in a five-day rotation. The specific battle plan will be announced within today. It will be distributed to all troops, everyone, do you have any objections?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, the basic tone of the battle direction has been basically set.

"Reporting to the regiment, I have some comments that I would like to raise." Third Battalion Commander Wang Ziqing stood up, stood at attention and saluted.

"But it's okay to say." Zhang Tianhai didn't want to interrupt the atmosphere where he was brave enough to put forward his opinions on the battle, so even if there might be something in his heart that wasn't so straightforward, he didn't say anything else.

"Regiment, the third battalion of the humble rank is the unit with the most veterans in the whole regiment, and it should be responsible for the most important combat missions. Therefore, if you want to ask the regiment for instructions, please place the third battalion of the cup to go to the examination City, or Neihuangji which is the closest to the front line!" Wang Zi said in a clear voice, full of confidence.

"Reporting, the first battalion of the humble rank, although it is said that it suffered heavy losses in the Tangtou battle, but it has gone through a period of hard training, and it is still capable of fighting. Please assign my battalion to the front line of the battle !" Seeing what Wang Ziqing said, Li Chunfei stood up and asked for instructions not to be outdone.

"Reporting to the regiment, my cavalry battalion has not participated in several battles since it became an army, and its organizational system is relatively complete, and it has undergone long-term training. Please assign the regiment commander to me the most difficult combat mission of the cavalry battalion, and the humble officer will lead the troops to fight to the end!" Wang Yongcheng also stood up and promised, feeling like he was issuing a military order.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xingle and Lu Shaojie also got up and asked for a fight.

For a while, the meeting room of the regiment headquarters directly under the first regiment in the third theater was full of fighting spirit!

These officers were all killed from the front line, and they were full of hatred for the little devils. It can be said that each of the officers in the Zhiyi Regiment is a main combat faction, and they fight No one will be cowardly in a battle.

"I have received everyone's determination. Now I will first announce the combat missions of the cavalry battalion, and the missions of the other battalions will be issued after the deployment of the regiment's staff." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai stood directly up.

Hearing that a combat order was issued, all the officers immediately stood up, and the scene was very serious.

"Now I announce that the cavalry battalion will send out a combat radio station and station it in Kaocheng, which is the farthest from Lanfeng. After entering Kaocheng, the cavalry battalion will be mainly responsible for local defense, and will send cavalry to the northeast for reconnaissance. Report the enemy's tracks to the regiment headquarters immediately!" Zhang Tianhai announced loudly.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! The Cavalry Battalion Headquarters will definitely live up to the Tuan Zuo's high expectations and promise to complete the task!" Wang Yongcheng promised very seriously.

"Okay, Wang Yongcheng. After you led your troops to Kaocheng, you, as the supreme commander, are in an area far from the main force of the regiment, so you must flexibly use the existing conditions to fight. For the overall situation, you can deal with it first by military law, and then report to me!" Zhang Tianhai's words can be regarded as giving Wang Yongcheng a precious sword.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo, the subordinates will definitely stick to Kaocheng. Before receiving the order to retreat from the regiment headquarters, no one will retreat!" Wang Yongcheng assured again. Very murderous.

"By the way, after the meeting is over, you can go to the communication office to ask someone to ask for a radio station!" Zhang Tianhai did not forget to remind Wang Yongcheng.

The cavalry battalion was originally a highly mobile unit. Zhang Tianhai did not let them go to Kaocheng to let the cavalry battalion fight to the death.

The cavalry battalion was built by Zhang Tianhai with a lot of effort. If there is another opportunity, try to form another cavalry battalion?That's impossible, let's not talk about the horses and personnel, let's talk about the guns and ammunition. The guns and ammunition in stock are all gone, so what should we use to arm the troops?

In addition, to recruit soldiers, a large sum of money is needed, and there are even fewer qualified officers. These are the most critical reasons that affect combat effectiveness.

Last time, the reason why the cavalry battalion was able to be established so smoothly was that the right time, place and people were indispensable.

The weather is due to the fact that they seized a lot of Japanese weapons when they were in Nanjing, so they are not worried about the weapons; the favorable location and harmonious people are due to the fact that Lanling County is close to the front line. They are all willing to contribute money.

It is precisely because of these three factors that the troops of the Zhiyi Regiment can not only form a city defense and security regiment in Lanling, but also form their cavalry battalion.

If the cavalry battalion is lost in this battle, Zhang Tianhai will definitely feel distressed for a long time. Therefore, he sent the cavalry battalion to Kaocheng, exactly as Zhang Chenggong said, sending a troop to be in charge of security.

As the so-called vigilance and vigilance, to put it bluntly, isn't it just to go out and watch the wind, and then

Are you on guard by the way?

In other words, if something went wrong, Zhang Tianhai would directly order them to withdraw. Anyway, they were a cavalry battalion and they moved fast. It would be impossible for the little devils to catch up with them if they didn't send cavalry.

If the infantry battalion went there, it would be different. It moved slowly, and it was very likely that it would be bitten by the Japanese army, and it would be impossible to run away!

But no matter what, Zhang Tianhai's little calculation is still cracking, and it is really not easy for ordinary people to take advantage of him.

In Zhang Tianhai's expectation, the battalions directly under the first regiment in the third theater must conduct flexible operations while ensuring their own safety.

A medium-sized army like them has not too many troops, but it is not too small. Only when all the forces are concentrated and punched out like fists can they have a deterrent effect.

If all the troops were scattered and fought one battalion after another, then the outcome would be obvious, and there would be no other greater effect than sending heads.

An elite unit with such a high military quality like the Yunnan Army can't hold a village with the strength of a battalion, let alone a unit with a large number of recruits.


PS: The second update is here!good night everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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