War of Resistance

Chapter 568 Planning the Defense Zone

Chapter 568 Planning the Defense Zone

"Except for the cavalry battalion that can prepare for departure now, the military officers of the other units should stay here and wait for orders! Everyone can move around freely, and I will go to the staff to formulate the next action plan now." Zhang Tianhai directly declared.

"Yes!" All the officers responded.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai left directly.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai leave, Lu Shaojie took Li Chunfei's shoulders and said, "Hey, let me say Ruiwen, let's make a bet, your battalion must stay in the county seat, believe it or not?"

Li Chunfei thought for a while, and said: "I think it might be in the city! But even if it is, it should be in the first week. Who makes our battalion have the most recruits and the worst combat effectiveness?"

When it came to the end, Li Chunfei already had a wry smile on his face, but there was nothing he could do about it. The combat effectiveness of the first battalion was indeed the bottom among the four main battalions.

"There is no way around this. Your battalion suffered too much loss during the Tangtou battle. If you were in the past, your battalion would be the number one in our regiment." Lu Shaojie patted Li Chunfei on the shoulder and said, these battalions Among the directors, the two of them are the most affectionate. After all, they came out of the same army and were classmates in the same period.

"Who said it wasn't? In the past, our first battalion had the largest proportion of veterans, and the regiment specially selected some high-quality veterans to supplement our battalion first. Isn't it just to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the first battalion? At that time, our regiment had just been established and there were no strong troops. We can only use the first battalion as a model to build a fist force." Li Chunfei said with a wry smile, it is really quite difficult for the first battalion to return to its former peak state.

It is impossible for a unit with strong combat effectiveness and high quality to complete integration in a short period of time, and it is still in a war situation, there is no way to stabilize and train at all.

If you don't believe me, you can refer to the training class for officers and cadres that Zhang Tianhai painstakingly established.

In less than a week, it is impossible for these military officers to learn a lot of knowledge and improve greatly.

Originally, if they were stationed here, they could continue to carry out the training class, but time does not wait for me. Zhang Tianhai simply does not have enough time to continue to carry out the training class for officers and cadres. The Battle of Lanfeng is less than a month away. unfolded.

If Zhang Tianhai didn't take advantage of this time to familiarize himself with the specific battlefield, Zhang Tianhai would have no chance of keeping Lan Feng from losing!
If a person wants to defeat the established destiny, then the price to be paid must be very huge. Even if he is a commander who controls thousands of troops, there is no way, because the enemy he faces is also the same. It is also very powerful.

How easy is it to defeat an enemy ten times larger than oneself?There is no better shortcut than being prepared.

In Zhang Tianhai's head office, Wang Liang had already brewed a pot of hot tea for Zhang Chenggong.

"Thank you, Adjutant Wang." Zhang Chenggong thanked him very politely, and then asked again: "Hey, by the way, Adjutant Wang, is your regiment leader always this serious? The commanding tone is going on, and when he speaks, all the people below are listening carefully, and no one dares to be distracted."

"This is the difference between our army and your place. There must be one person who has the final say, otherwise it will be easy to lose people's hearts and carry out orders. This person is in our regiment. Who else can have it except our regiment leader?" This qualification?" Wang Liang said with a smile.

"Oh, then I understand. Indeed, there are always some differences between your army and our place." Zhang Chenggong smiled and said with a very natural expression, that is, those eyes have been staring around all the time.

I saw that Zhang Tianhai's office was about twenty square meters, and the structure was extremely simple. Apart from a row of bookshelves, there were only a few wooden sofas, a desk and office chairs, and the decoration was extremely simple.

It is worth mentioning that behind Zhang Tianhai's desk hangs a portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the father of the nation, and two flags with blue sky and white sun, which look very serious.

After a while, Zhang Tianhai walked in, wearing a military uniform, with a very polite smile on his face.

"County Zhang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting here." After entering the door, Zhang Tianhai said directly, and then sat opposite Zhang Chenggong.

"You're welcome, Commander Zhang, you have a lot of people, and it's an important task such as arranging a battle plan. I, Zhang Chenggong, can't delay such an important matter. It doesn't matter if you wait. I don't have any urgent matters right now. Things. Besides, what else is more important than defending my Dalanfeng?" Zhang Chenggong smiled and said, but no matter how you look at it, his face with gold-rimmed glasses still has a slight tinge. A trace of obscenity.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, since everyone can understand each other, that's the best. Let's stop gossip. I have a few questions that I want to ask County Magistrate Zhang in depth."

"Leader Zhang, let's just say it's okay, there's no need to be too polite. Now our common goal is the same." Zhang Chenggong said seriously.

"I would like to know what are the highlands near Lanfeng County? And I want to know how far are these highlands from the two villages and market towns I asked just now and the first battalion commander of our regiment? Also, if we need to send troops to blow up the bridge, where is the railway bridge of the Longhai Railway?" Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, obviously these things were already in his plan.

Once the war starts, you have to use all means to drag the enemy back, cut off their backup, slow down their fastest increase in troops, buy time for the frontline troops, and so on.

"Head Zhang, if you say that, maybe I said it, and you may not be able to remember so many things for a while, why not? Is it convenient for you to take your map? I will do it with a pencil. Good relevant marks, and then you can send troops to check these places to see if they are really suitable for achieving your strategic goals." Zhang Chenggong is also very cautious when speaking, and every word is thought out spoken.

"It's best if you can do this, and it will make it easier for us to formulate specific combat plans." Zhang Tianhai nodded, then turned to Wang Liang and said, "Adjutant Wang, go to the staff immediately and take Come over to the military map given to us by Staff Officer Yang, the Commander-in-Chief of the theater. Immediately!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Wang Liang responded.

After a while, Wang Liang came over with the military map of the first regiment directly under the third theater given to them by the commander of the theater, Staff Officer Yang, and a pencil at the same time.


PS: The first update will be sent, and the second update will be completed before two o'clock.

Thanks to the starting point book friend ThePastorShy for the three monthly tickets!
Thanks to starting point book friends Ji Zhongxing, FinalFire, and Hope Tomorrow 01 monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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