War of Resistance

Chapter 569 Planning the Defense Zone

Chapter 569 Planning the Defense Zone

After Wang Liang took the military map, he laid it on the table in front of Zhang Tianhai and Zhang Chenggong.

Later, Zhang Chenggong began to write and draw with a pencil on the map.

Regarding this scene, Zhang Tianhai did not block it. There is no reason why the county magistrate Zhang Chenggong can't even understand these most basic maps. Since he can become the county magistrate, he must have a certain cultural foundation.

After a while, Zhang Chenggong filled out the drawing.

After filling it out, Zhang Chenggong picked up the map and sat next to Zhang Tianhai.

"Head Zhang, look here is Neihuangji. Opposite Neihuangji, there is a village and a market town. The village is called Renhe Village, and the market town is Shuangtaji." Zhang Chenggong pointed to the map with his finger. The two market towns separated by the Longhai Railway and this village called Renhe Village.

"About ten miles along the Longhai Railway, there is a village called Yegang. There is a place between Yegang and Neihuangzhong called Chaiyegou. This place is not marked on the map because it is a small village. The place is too small to be recorded on the map!" Zhang Chenggong marked a point on the map, with the three traditional characters of Chaiyegou written on it.

"Is there anything special about this chaiyegou?" Zhang Tianhai frowned and asked, this result was definitely not an ideal result for him.

Once the battle of Lanfeng starts, the place of Chaiyegou will inevitably be occupied by the main force of the Japanese invaders, and it will be really difficult to infiltrate it.

"Chaiyegou, this place is where the Longhai Railway passes, and this place is relatively complex in terrain. At that time, the government spent a lot of brains on this place in Chaiyegou in order to repair the railway. You sent people to investigate it specifically. That's enough, once this place is blown up, it needs to be repaired, not in a day or two, but in a week." Zhang Chenggong said confidently.

"Okay, I'll send troops to investigate this place later. What about the railway between Lanfeng, Qixian County, and Kaifeng? Is there any good place to start here?" Zhang Tianhai frowned and asked, he couldn't Don't make some preparations for Lanfeng's fall.

Whether he can save the defeat in the Battle of Lanfeng is another matter, and he must be fully prepared-take one step and watch five, six or even eight steps, which are Zhang Tianhai's normal operations today.

Zhang Tianhai is a traveler, and he has already made preparations for the places he can see, but it is up to people to plan and accomplish things, and there are still some variables, so it depends on God.

Anyway, he can prepare well, everything has been done.

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chenggong hesitated a little. He didn't know whether he should say this sentence or not.

Seeing Zhang Chenggong's hesitation, Zhang Tianhai still can't understand why?

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai smiled, and said: "Major Zhang, you don't need to worry, we will never give up on Lan Feng. But, we have to anticipate all possible things that may happen, for example, Lan Feng has It may be temporarily lost under the front of the Japanese army. But in order to prepare for our army's counterattack in the later stage, it is impossible for us to let the Japanese armored train increase troops to attack Kaifeng from this road. Therefore, in case Lanfeng falls , This section of the railway must have a point that needs to be blown up directly."

Zhang Tianhai's words were naturally half-truths and half-false, and he also knew Zhang Chenggong's worries: If the national army really wanted to give up Lanfeng, what should we do?
Whether the national army can regain Lanfeng in the later counterattack is another matter, but if the Japanese army directly marches westward after occupying Lanfeng, it is still quite dangerous. Therefore, if he cannot change history, This section of the railway must be blown up by all means!Never stay!

"Regimental Commander Zhang's words are serious? The national army really won't give up our Lanfeng County, right?" Zhang Chenggong said hesitantly.

"I'm lying to you that you have no food to eat, right? Besides, if the Japanese army is really allowed to march westward, and even Kaifeng is lost, then Lanfeng will really not be able to take it back." Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, There was nothing deceitful on his face.

Zhang Chenggong thought about it, and felt that Zhang Tianhai's words were indeed reasonable. There was still a lot of fighting in Xuzhou, and the hundreds of thousands of national troops were crowded there to fight the Japanese army. What Zhang said was true. There is no reason to lie to him.

Therefore, Zhang Chenggong nodded, adjusted his glasses and said, "Actually, about ten miles west of Lanfeng, there is a more suitable detonation point. Our place is a plain. If we don't find a suitable place to blast , it must be quite difficult. This place is called Sanyi Village. To the south of Sanyi Village, there is a place called Gegoupo. This place also has a small bridge. If it is blasted from here, it will also cause certain damage to the Japanese army. trouble."

Zhang Tianhai felt very satisfied after listening to it. After all, what Zhang Chenggong said was true. On this kind of great plain, it is not impossible to blow up a section of railway, but the Japanese army can repair it soon. Once Zhang Tianhai's side was bombed, after the Japanese army came, it took less than a day to repair it, so what's the use of bombing?
For example, Chaiyegou is the place with the most military value. Think about it. After the Japanese army came, it would take a week to repair Chaiyegou. This precious time is enough for the national army to do a lot. Here comes the matter.

Listening to Zhang Chenggong's words, Zhang Tianhai probably had the general direction of the defense zone planning of each battalion in his mind.

"By the way, what are the highlands in Lanfeng?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"To be honest, there is a plain near Lanfeng. How can there be any high ground?" Zhang Chenggong said with a wry smile.

After hearing Zhang Chenggong's words, Zhang Tianhai also confirmed that he had probably grasped the general situation of Lanfeng County.

So, Zhang Tianhai said: "Major Zhang, I am really grateful for your trouble to provide us with so much information this time. Well, we still have a series of military meetings to be held here. If there is any problem, I will go to your government station to find you!"

Zhang Chenggong also knew that Zhang Tianhai was indeed very busy now, so he readily hugged Zhang Tianhai with a quack-style fist, and said very heartily: "Then Commander Zhang, I will retire first, but everyone If there is anything, you can just send someone over."

"Okay, then I'll bother County Magistrate Zhang, and we'll talk later!" Zhang Tianhai also responded with a clasped fist, with some sense of loyalty in it.

After Zhang Chenggong left, Zhang Tianhai went directly to the staff department. He was going to issue a garrison order directly. The staff department just wanted to cooperate with his order and make a more detailed document for distribution. To each battalion and regiment headquarters directly under the organization!
And this garrison plan is also very simple and clear——

The cavalry battalion will be directly stationed in Kaocheng, and a radio station will be distributed, and if there is any situation, it will directly call the regiment headquarters for instructions;
The spy company and engineering company directly under the regiment headquarters formed a survey force, which was directly under the personal command of Zhang Tianhai;

As for the main battalion of the infantry, the first battalion, together with the agencies directly under the regiment headquarters, was stationed in Lanfeng County, responsible for the defense of the county seat and Sanyi Village; the second battalion was stationed in Yifeng, responsible for the defense of Hongmiao, Yifeng, and Maogu Village; the third battalion was stationed in Neihuangji is also responsible for the defense of Shuangtaji and Renhe village; the fourth battalion is stationed in Yangguji and is responsible for the defense of Yangguji and Maji, and has the important task of supporting the direction of Shuangtaji at any time;
In addition, in this battle, each battalion has issued a combat radio station, so that the regiment headquarters can command and enter the battle at any time!
This defense area planning can almost cover the whole territory of Lanfeng, but the consequences are relatively serious, for example, the strength of the troops is stretched.


PS: The second update has finally caught up, it's not easy, good night, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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