War of Resistance

Chapter 570 Backhand

Chapter 570 Backhand
If the situation in the defense zone is implemented, according to the situation of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, it can be said that in the event of an emergency, in addition to mobilizing the gendarmerie, special service company, engineer company, or supply battalion, they have already mobilized There is no more troops.

Ever since, when he saw the deployment of troops, Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang directly raised a question: "I said Zhang Yulin, is it not good to allocate troops in this way? If there is an emergency, where can we send troops?"

"Don't worry! Didn't Gu Shi'an bring back a group of backbones from the First Regiment of Xuzhou City Defense? I plan to use these hundred people to form a teaching platoon, temporarily merged into the battle sequence of the secret service company, and draw out some combat staff Train the platoon." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"But, this is only one platoon of troops, and it doesn't seem to have much to do with the garrison distribution?" Guo Qiliang frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with this picture.

"Old Guo, you don't have to worry too much. In my opinion, Lao Zhang predicted that the war might not happen so soon, so he made such an arrangement?" Zhou Fangjie stepped forward and patted Guo Qiliang on the shoulder.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangjie took the garrison distribution map, glanced at it, and said: "In fact, if there is an emergency, the first battalion garrisoned in the county and Sanyi Village can be sent forward to support, the military police company, plus It is enough to go to the spy company and guard a county, and besides, it depends on which direction the war is taking place."

I saw that Zhou Fangjie paused for a moment, and then continued: "If there is a war on the front line of Neihuangji and Shuangtaji, they can be transferred back to the cavalry battalion from Kaocheng urgently. The second battalion stationed in Yifeng and the fourth battalion stationed in Yangguji The battalion can also mobilize troops to support the front. Three battalions can be assembled in a hurry, plus the cavalry battalion withdrawn from Kaocheng, it is enough for four battalions. There is enough time to fight a battle and wait for support. .”

"Yes, Brother Fang Jie's words are very suitable for me. That's why I distribute combat radio stations to each battalion." The corners of Zhang Tianhai's mouth curled up slightly.

"But in this case, isn't there only one radio station left in the communication department? If there is any problem with the radio station, we will have no replacement radio station." Guo Qiliang's brows are still furrowed. Obviously, he is very concerned about Zhang Tianhai this time. The arrangement is not very satisfactory.

"Didn't we intercept two combat radio stations last time? Just use them directly." Zhang Tianhai wrote lightly.

"Old Zhang, isn't this plan too crazy? When it was established, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs only allocated four radio stations to us, but now we have a full eight radio stations. Isn't this interception too obvious? How long will it take?" Wouldn't it be good for the government to pursue it?" Guo Qiliang hesitated.

"No, as long as the main officers and cadres of our Zhiyi Regiment are students from our Whampoa Department, no one will come to check us." Zhang Tianhai said very confidently. Regarding this point, history has already summed it up completely. Yes, he believed in history.

Chairman Jiang himself relied on the support of the students of the Whampoa Department to secure his current position, and the Whampoa Department is nothing without Chairman Jiang, so whether it is a student of the Whampoa Department or Chairman Jiang , between each other, that is full support.

Even Minister He is no exception. Minister He was the head of education during the Whampoa period. There are still many Whampoa students who support him overtly and secretly. He will not do these actions to chill the hearts of these Whampoa students.

Besides, it's not just that Generalissimo Jiang is dissatisfied with him, but the Whampoa students also treat him differently. How could he do such thankless things?

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Guo Qiliang nodded helplessly: "That's it! What you said is also reasonable. Besides, you are the head of the team. It is right for you to check the general direction."

"Okay! Now that we have reached an agreement, you will issue this battle plan!" Zhang Tianhai directly put the prepared garrison map in Guo Qiliang's hands, "Don't worry! Mr. Guo, if there is any problem with this plan, I will bear all the responsibilities."

"Since you have said so, okay, let me issue this plan. By the way, the teaching platoon you made is not too exaggerated. There are only a few people in our regiment. And set up a teaching platoon, if it spreads out, I'm afraid people will laugh to death?" Guo Qiliang's face suddenly became very serious.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head, put his hands behind his waist, and said very solemnly: "The next big battle is likely to be even more brutal than the one in Tangtou Town. We must be fully prepared. Once the troops are gone, That's right, this teaching platoon is our officer platoon, and it is the backbone force for reorganizing our Zhiyi regiment."

"Are you really so pessimistic about the next battle?" Zhou Fangjie frowned, as if he didn't believe it.

"You two, follow me." Zhang Tianhai said, and walked towards the big map.

Standing in front of the big map, Zhang Tianhai pointed to the location of Xuzhou with his right hand wearing a white command glove, and then said: "Start from Xuzhou, go west along the Longhai Railway, the next big station is Dangshan ;The next big station is Guide (that is, Shangqiu); and the next big station after Guide is Kaifeng. Lanfeng, where we are stationed, is the last line of defense for Kaifeng City."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai turned his head, looked at Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang, and continued, "If the Japanese army wants to occupy Xuzhou, they will definitely win a big victory and continue to advance westward. Dangshan will bear the brunt of it. There will definitely be the main force of the national army stationed here, if Dangshan and Guide fall into the hands of the enemy one after another, then the enemy we are facing will definitely be a strong main force of the enemy!"

After Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang really went to the map again and began to study it again.

"How dare you be sure that after occupying Xuzhou, the Japanese army will continue to advance westward with the prestige of a great victory? Isn't the front line in Xuzhou now fighting fiercely? The well-equipped and well-trained Dian army has established a lot of troops on the front line Great work, now that the Central Army troops are heading towards Xuzhou one after another, it might not be so easy for the Japanese army to win the battle, right?" Zhou Fangjie said sternly.

"Not necessarily. Now the North China Front Army of the Japanese invaders is going south, and the Central China Front Army is going north again. It is true that they want to get through Xuzhou to join forces, but have you ever thought that their combat goal is to destroy the main force of the national army in my fifth theater?" What about the troops? The attack on Xuzhou is just to nail the main force of our army's hundreds of thousands of troops near Xuzhou, that's all." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"If you think this way, Chief Li and Chief Xu may be in serious trouble," Zhou Fangjie said.

"Don't worry! I've already mentioned this matter to Chief Xu once, and he should know it in his heart. It's not good for us to talk too much rashly!" Zhang Tianhai sighed Said, he also knows the embarrassment of Chief Xu and the others.

When the Japanese army did not show this strategic tendency, the troops in the fifth theater would not abandon Xuzhou anyway, unless the Japanese army's army was already approaching the city.

The Japanese army wanted to eat the main force of the national army, but why didn't the national army want to rely on these big battles to consume the spirit of the Japanese army and consume the main force of the Japanese army?
Some things are just like this. They know what the other party wants to do, but they can't do anything about it.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai must make good preparations for the second move, and this preparation will be the foundation for him to turn around in the future.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie, Zhang Tianhai probably knew that they were already convinced by him.

So, Zhang Tianhai said, "Let's do it like this! Lao Guo, you go and issue the garrison mission, and I'll refine the training plan for the teaching platoon, as well as the use of the survey force composed of the secret service company and the engineering company."

"Yes, I'll do it now!" Guo Qiliang gave Zhang Tianhai a military salute.

This military salute is what Guo Qiliang sincerely wants to respect. Since he joined the Zhiyi Regiment, Zhang Tianhai has taught him a lot. When they were staff officers in the regiment headquarters, they learned a lot, but they were all specific tasks, and they didn't teach them strategic content.

But what Zhang Tianhai taught was different. What Zhang Tianhai taught was all about grand strategy and big thinking. From the grand strategy to deliberate the possibility of small battles, in this respect, there is a lot to learn .

Anyway, from Guo Qiliang's point of view, Zhang Tianhai is a very mysterious guy. Previously, he showed an ordinary appearance, even a little bookish, but after arriving at the Shanghai battlefield, he acted like he was worse than the instructors in Whampoa. Professional, and the angle of analysis is extremely appropriate, extremely tricky.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be delivered before two o'clock!
Thanks to Qidian book friend 16040611434742 for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend ThePastorShy, nostalgic? ? .
(End of this chapter)

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