War of Resistance

Chapter 571 Luoyang Conflict

Chapter 571 Luoyang Conflict

Ever since, under the order of Zhang Tianhai's garrison plan, several battalions directly under the first regiment in the third war zone immediately moved out at the fastest speed.

Especially Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion, after going to the communication office to receive the combat radio, rushed to Kaocheng to arrange defense at the fastest speed.

This efficiency and attitude of obeying orders made Zhang Tianhai very comfortable.

Well, not bad, the kind that is more comfortable than others flattering him.

After the battalions set off for the defense zone, Zhang Tianhai immediately began to prepare for the teaching platoon. At the same time, he ordered Li Chunfei's first battalion to strengthen training and make the troops form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. Come to check the training results of one battalion at a time.

This sentence made Li Chunfei's face wrinkled like a bitter gourd immediately, but there was no way to do it, who told them that the first battalion was stationed in the county.


The defense and training of Zhang Tianhai's third theater, which is directly under the first regiment, has gradually entered the right track.

On the night of April 27th in the 25th year of the Republic of China, Wang Jingjiu, who was already full of alcohol, returned to the military headquarters in embarrassment.

During this period of time, Wang Jingjiu was really in a bad mood. Almost all of his No.80 seventh divisions were buried in Nanjing, and they were the ace divisions of German weapons brought out by him.

The original No.80 Seventh Division is well-equipped, and it is such an elite unit mainly composed of veterans. Among other things, the establishment of the three brigades and six regiments is better than the other two German divisions. , that is already quite a large establishment. Apart from the teaching corps of the Central Military Academy, his troops are already firmly in the top spot of the national combat troops in division-level units.

At that time, the No.80 Seventh Division, let alone dared to touch other division-level troops, only the army-level troops dared to hug.

But what about after the Battle of Nanjing?Wang Jingjiu escaped from Nanjing with a narrow escape, but the German weapon division unit he relied on was gone, and it had been wiped out.

After the defeat in Nanjing, Wang Jingjiu received an order from the Military Commission to go to Luoyang to reorganize the No. 70 First Army. At the same time, the No. 80 Eighth Division was also assigned to the No. 70 First Army .

These days, Wang Jingjiu is indeed working very actively, aiming to restore the glory of the No. 70 First Army's former German weapon masters, but the sulking in his heart is not so easy to vent.

No, Wang Jingjiu was drunk again, and he sat in the office reeking of alcohol, feeling uncomfortable all over.

After thinking about it, the drunk Wang Jingjiu stood up, staggered towards the door, and said to the adjutant standing at the door: "Go, go out for a massage, and go find the two girls to massage your feet!"

As for the gendarmes, Wang Jingjiu never paid much attention to them.

Who is he, Wang Jingjiu?However, he is a student of the first phase of Whampoa, a disciple of the Son of Heaven with a serious root and Miaohong. He has five brigades and ten regiments under his command, which is the most powerful combat force in Luoyang City.

Luoyang policeman Zhu Shaozhou said that he was Wang Jingjiu's senior, but he really didn't pay attention to him. This young man is easy to lose his temper once he gains power, especially if he is a high-ranking real power, can he not be careless?

Luoyang's security guard Zhu Shaozhou is an old revolutionary—in 1911, that is, at the time of the Xinhai Revolution, he was a member of the Tongmenghui; since 1929, he has been an instructor in Huangpu; let alone in 1932 During the Songhu Anti-Japanese War in [-], he was the chief of staff of the Fifth Army, and assisted Zhang Zhizhong in fighting a proud battle in Shanghai; after the first Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Zhu Shaozhou was appointed as the director of the Luoyang branch of the Central Military Academy ( Note: The principal can only be Jiang Zhongzheng alone) and Luoyang guard; during the Xi'an Incident, Zhu Shaozhou commanded the air force to control Xi'an's air supremacy, and led his troops to occupy Tongguan, forming a threat to Xi'an.

To sum up, looking at his resume, Zhu Shaozhou has a very high status in the Kuomintang, even in the National Military Commission.

However, even such an awesome character, there are times when some people don't give him face. For example, Wang Jingjiu, a drunken disciple of the emperor and the military chief of the most powerful armed force in Luoyang City.

Zhu Shao made five orders on Wednesday, ordering the garrison troops in Luoyang City not to disturb the people, and the officers are not allowed to enter or leave the Fengyue place and so on.

However, Wang Jingjiu, who was already drunk today, couldn't take care of that much anymore—he was too depressed due to the long-term pressure, and he had to relax himself reasonably.

Well, yes, for him, going in and out of the Fengyue place is definitely something that can make him feel relaxed.

So, driven by alcohol, Wang Jingjiu came to this romantic place called Yanyinglou, um, to put it bluntly, it was a brothel.

As a dignified one, Wang Jingjiu is naturally very particular about ostentation. For example, he came out this time with a company of guards.

Of course, he wasn't as unreliable as Sun Yuanliang, and when he went out to drink in Nanjing, he directly pulled the entire guard battalion out.


With the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the military jeep off-road vehicle with the license plate No. 70 of the First Army stopped directly downstairs of Yanying Building.

It's no wonder that Wang Jingjiu is so flustered at this time. As the military commander of the largest armed force in the city, who would dare to trouble him so blindly?Do you really think he is a soft shrimp?
As a result, many of Wang Jingjiu's behaviors in Luoyang City were relatively high-profile, even this visit to the Fengyue place was no exception.

He is already drunk, but he can't control Zhu Shaozhou's repeated orders, why don't he just come out and pinch his feet?What's the big deal?
However, this scene was still seen by the patrolling gendarmes. The gendarmes had to carry out Zhu Shaozhou's order to guard Luoyang to the end. Military discipline is very strictly controlled.

Therefore, the military police in Luoyang City are not afraid of anything. When they learned that there were senior officers in and out of the Yanying Tower, the company commander of the military police company immediately ordered the troops to go to the Yanying Tower to arrest the leader who violated military discipline. senior military officer.

But don't forget, these gendarmes are backed by Zhu Shaozhou, the Luoyang policeman. Their backs are quite tough. For arresting a division commander or brigade commander, it is a piece of cake.

Normally, division commanders and brigade commanders are arrested, and these officers who violate military discipline are also arrested, and these division commanders and brigade commanders who have been arrested are very sincere in their attitude of admitting their mistakes, so these military policemen are greatly encouraged, and even more so. I am not afraid to catch these officers who have made mistakes and violated military discipline.

Don't forget, Zhu Shaozhou still wears the hat of the director of the Luoyang branch of the Central Military Academy on his head. Most of the captured division commanders and brigade commanders are officers of the Central Army from Huangpu, and they will more or less give some face, so This also created these gendarmes, who are fearless. Except for Zhu Shaozhou, they are not afraid of other people in Luoyang City.

Among the ranks of those who are not afraid, yes, but you have to obey military discipline too, don't you?Even if we don't give face to our military police, at least we have to give Zhu Shaozhou Zhuguan face, his face is very good.

Ever since, a company commander of the gendarmerie led a company of gendarmerie and rushed in the direction of Yanyinglou.


PS: The second update is delivered, although it is a bit late, but there is no way.Let's all understand!
(End of this chapter)

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