War of Resistance

Chapter 572 Luoyang Conflict

Chapter 572 Luoyang Conflict

When the military police company commander led his troops to the outside of Yanying Tower, he saw that the gate of Yanying Tower had already been surrounded by about a company of soldiers standing guard.

The well-informed gendarmerie company commander knew right away: These soldiers are definitely the guards of the senior officer who violated military discipline!
The military police company commander frowned slightly, stepped forward and asked loudly, "Which unit are you from?!"

No.70 First Army Guard Battalion Commander Wang Jingzhi frowned, but few people dared to yell at him like that. He saw that this was not the gendarmerie in Luoyang City?Just look at their white cuffs.

However, what is the seriousness of a few military policemen to Wang Jingzhi?During the battle of Songhu and the defense of Nanjing, he was never afraid of thousands of Japanese troops, let alone a few gendarmes?

Well, yes, there is not much difference between a company of military police and a platoon of military police. Anyway, if they fight, their guard company can definitely resolve the battle in the fastest time.

"What the hell are you guys?! Just a bunch of sand sculptures that haven't even been on the battlefield, who dare to point fingers at me, what the hell are you?!" Wang Jing roared angrily. In this era when a gun is a grass head king, it is obvious that their No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion is a very powerful existence.

To be honest, since Chief Zhu Shaozhou Zhu took office as the commander of the Luoyang garrison, the commander of the gendarmerie company has never met such an arrogant person.

The gendarmerie has always been valued by Chief Zhu Shaozhou Zhu, and suddenly someone is so crazy here, the gendarmerie company commander frowned, waved his hand lightly, and signaled his subordinates to work.

These gendarmes have followed the company commander for so long, so it is impossible for them not to understand the meaning of the company commander's gesture.

Ever since, there was a "click" sound and the sound of a bullet being loaded, and the officers and soldiers of the gendarmerie directly pointed their guns at the officers and soldiers of the No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion.

The gendarmes are fierce. The veterans of the No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion who followed Wang Jingjiu and survived the Songhu and Nanjing battlefields are quite fierce. They immediately raised their guns and pointed at these gendarmes.

"What do you want to do? Do you really want to fight in Luoyang City?" Wang Jingzhi frowned slightly. This was not the ending he expected - it was obvious that he had encountered a tough problem.

If you encounter a hard stubble, then you have to be cautious about this matter. Obviously, others are not afraid of trouble, and there should be the support of Luoyang Police Commander Zhu Shaozhou and Zhu Zhu.

However, Chief Zhu is not easy to mess with, so is Chief Wang Jingjiu easy to mess with?But don't forget, Commander Wang now has [-] troops under his command, the strength of an entire army. Is this someone easy to mess with?
Thinking of this, Wang Jingzhi suddenly became cheerful.

The corner of Wang Jingzhi's mouth curved slightly. At this time, he was indeed a bit crazy. Since the 87th Division became an army, no one dared to step on his head.

Don’t forget, the predecessor of the No.80 Seventh Division was the First Division of the National Guard Army, which can be said to be Chiang Kai-shek’s Royal Forest Army. As for such troops, it’s good if they don’t sit on other people’s necks and shit. Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head?
Therefore, Wang Jingzhi decided to let them, a group of "bumpkin" military police who have never seen the world, let alone go to the battlefield, see what is a real field force and what is a real trump card of the national army!
"I'd like to see which unit dares to go against the gendarmerie so boldly! If we don't get out of the way, our gendarmerie will be dealt with by military law!" Wang Jingzhi has a tough temper, but the gendarmerie company commander is not a good one. , a warning is issued directly.

At this moment, the door of Yanying Tower opened, and Wang Jingjiu, who was already covered in lipstick marks, disheveled and drunk, came out.

"What happened? What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!" At this time, Wang Jingjiu was still a little rational. After all, if something happened, it would not be good for his reputation if it was spread out.

It's a pity that Wang Jingjiu's luck seems to be not so good today, he met a stunned young man.

To be more precise, he is a very responsible military police company commander—let me ask, if every senior officer in Luoyang City relied on his official position and power to do whatever he wanted, what kind of chaos would Luoyang City become? ?

Therefore, this very responsible gendarmerie company commander said loudly: "Come here, take this officer who stayed overnight in the brothel back to the security headquarters and wait for disposal!"

"Yes, company commander!!"

The officers were stunned, and the big soldiers were even more stunned. After hearing the company commander's order, they rushed towards Wang Jingjiu, but unfortunately, they were stopped before they rushed in front of Wang Jingjiu. up.

This move by the commander of the military police company completely angered Wang Jingjiu. He is the commander of the No. 70 First Army, and the two divisions under his command are the two divisions that were once separated from the National Guard. Just like that, he was taken away by the military police. What's the face of him?What face is there to hang around in Luoyang City, what face is there to face the officers and soldiers of the No. 70 army?

Wang Jingjiu had already drank some wine, and his head was a little muddled and ignorant. Under the excitement of the alcohol, he made a move: "Gendarmerie? What are the gendarmerie?! I was fighting on the front line At that time, you didn’t know where to play! Wang Jingzhi, immediately gather the guard battalion and hand over the weapons of these birdmen!”

"Yes! Sir! Immediately implement the lowly position!" Wang Jingzhi was originally the type of person who feared that the world would not be chaotic. Now that he has the order of the military seat, he is even less afraid of causing trouble: anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall roof. This order was given by the military seat, even if it was to bear the responsibility, it would be the military seat to carry it, and it was not their turn to play.

Besides, with the honorable status of the military seat as a disciple of today's son, what responsibility can he have?

Ever since, Wang Jingzhi really sent people to assemble the troops of the guard battalion.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the gendarmerie company commander Limara passed a soldier beside him, and said softly: "I'm afraid we have encountered a hard problem this time, hurry up, let the gendarmerie brothers gather immediately, otherwise our brothers here may be It's a bit troublesome, and I need to report the situation to Commander Zhu Shaozhou immediately!"

"Yes! Company Commander!" The soldier looked very clever, and he also knew that what the company commander said was true, so he ran back quickly to gather a large force of the gendarmerie and report to Commander Zhu Shaozhou immediately Condition.

The current situation is no longer a situation that can be resolved with just a few words, and the military police company commander can see clearly that the opponent is a lieutenant general with two gold stars, which means at least he must be a division commander. Wang Jingjiu, the commander of No.70 First Army.

Listening to their tone, they want to assemble the guard battalion. The guard battalion seems to be the same organization in Luoyang City, except for Wang Jingjiu's No.70 First Army, Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army, and Huang Jie's Eighth Army. Is there no army?But no matter which army's guard battalion wants to disarm them, this is not a good thing.

Thus, this conflict became so dramatic.


"Ring bell, bell bell..."

Before falling asleep, Zhu Shaozhou, who was still reading a book in the office, heard the phone ring.

Zhu Shaozhou picked up the phone without even thinking about it, because it was already midnight at this time, and there must be something urgent to call, and it might be the call from the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone , or a long-distance call from Generalissimo Chiang.

"Hello, I'm Luoyang Police Commander Zhu Shaozhou, who are you?" Zhu Shaozhou directly picked up the phone and said.

"Hello, is this Commander Zhu? The humble post is Li Fangxu, the staff officer on duty at the first division of the garrison headquarters. Now something big is happening in the city. No. 70 First Army Commander Wang Jingjiu has mobilized the guard battalion and is ready to disarm our military police." On the other end of the phone, Staff Li's voice was very calm, without any signs of panic.

"Are you sure it's Wang Jingjiu's No.70 Army?" Zhu Shaozhou asked in a deep voice.

"Sir, I dare to use Xiang Shang's head to assure you that it is definitely Wang Jingjiu's No. 70 First Army. Three minutes ago, I received a call from the military police stationed near No. 3 First Army, saying No. The guard battalion of the 70th First Army has assembled and moved towards the direction of the incident." Staff Officer Li said seriously, his tone very serious.

After hearing the news, Zhu Shaozhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Order the military police mobile unit to act immediately! Immediately support the military police at the scene of the incident! Remember, don't cause fire and friction, everything will wait for me to arrive at the scene Make a decision later!"

"Yes! Sir!" On the other end of the phone, Staff Officer Li responded very seriously.

After hearing this sentence, Zhu Shaozhou immediately hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Shaozhou murmured: "Wang Jingjiu, Wang Jingjiu, do you really want to give me the face of the old chief of staff? How to put it, it must be half of your officer, right?"


PS: The first update is here!The second one was delivered before two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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