War of Resistance

Chapter 573 Luoyang Conflict

Chapter 573 Luoyang Conflict

In front of the Yanying Tower, there was a chorus of voices.

To be more precise, it was full of gunpowder. The guard battalion of the No. 70 First Army had already assembled, and the military police of the Luoyang Garrison Command had also assembled a battalion of troops.

These two troops seem to be facing each other tit for tat. They look at each other and want to fight, but both sides seem to be unprepared to fight. If someone fires the first shot at this time, then, this There will be battles.

As for Wang Jingjiu, after he ordered the No.70 first army guard battalion to assemble immediately, he went to sleep in Yanying. After all, as the big boss at the center of the storm, he must have a good sleep. It's not enough to let him deal with it. As long as these gendarmes are disarmed, isn't that the end of the matter?Totally a trifle.

The commotion has become so loud that the senior officials of the garrison headquarters can't pretend to be deaf to what's going on outside the window. No, Colonel Pang He, director of the military police department of the Luoyang garrison headquarters, has been alarmed. The front line at Yinglou understands the situation.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Director Pang's face immediately turned black like the bottom of a pot—it was in the middle of the night, and he caused such a big trouble, or the kind that he couldn't leave for a while. No one will be happy.

"Director, what should we do now?" A staff officer approached Pang He's ear softly and asked.

"What are you going to do? Let's take care of things of such a nasty nature. I'm afraid it won't work, right? Besides, the three army commanders currently stationed in Luoyang are all big names in front of Generalissimo Jiang. Let's not mess with them." It’s a matter. We’d better wait for Officer Zhu to come and deal with it!” Director Pang said after taking a deep breath, having been in the rivers and lakes for decades, his intuition told Pang He that he could not afford to intervene in this matter.

The commander of the military police didn't want to cause trouble, and the No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion also didn't want to cause trouble. Wang Jingzhi's reckless personality is good, but it doesn't mean that he is a fool who doesn't understand anything.

Seeing this battle, if a fight really broke out, Wang Jing knew that his head would definitely be cut off to correct the military law, even if he was a military seat, he might not be able to protect himself.
On this point, Wang Jingzhi can see very clearly—he has served as the company commander of the guard since he followed Wang Jingjiu. Cheng Jingzhi has been with Wang Jingjiu for so long, it is impossible that he does not even have this bit of vision.

Ever since, when the commanders of both sides did not want to continue to make matters worse, the two sides quietly formed a confrontation.

Confrontation is confrontation, but it will never be so easy to give up. No matter which side is the first to give in, this conflict will be lost.

If the security battalion of the No. 70 First Army surrenders, it will face the end of being disarmed. If the military police battalion surrenders, the prestige of the Luoyang Garrison Command will be wiped out.

Under the building of the Luoyang Garrison Command, a car was already waiting, waiting for the commander of the Luoyang Garrison, Lieutenant General Zhu Shaozhou, to come down.

Not long after, Zhu Shaozhou, who was already dressed in military uniform, strode towards the car from the gate of the headquarters with two entourages.

This year Zhu Shaozhou is 45 years old, but his figure is still so strong, not even out of shape at all. His short hair makes him look very energetic, and he still looks 37 or [-] years old.

"Hurry up, drive to Yanying Tower right away! We can't make the situation worse." After getting into the car, Zhu Shaozhou directly gave instructions to the driver.

"Yes, sir." After the driver responded, he immediately started the car and started heading to Yanying Tower.

When Zhu Shaozhou arrived at Yanying Tower, it was already 10 minutes later.

Following the car all the way in, Zhu Shaozhou's face became more and more serious. Since he took office as the commander-in-chief of Luoyang garrison, nothing of such a bad nature has happened.

This is not another situation, this is a direct conflict with the Luoyang Security Command with weapons, and such a powerful armed force has been assembled——Wang Jingjiu, what exactly does he want to do?It's the birthday boy who hanged himself. Do you think his life is too long? !

Thinking of this, Zhu Shaozhou was so angry that his teeth itched.

However, he still took a deep breath, trying to stop the fire that was about to burst out of his throat!

The entourage next to him could see the look on Zhu Shaozhou's face clearly, so he didn't dare to speak out immediately, for fear that the officer Zhu would be used as a punching bag.

After the car came to a complete stop, Zhu Shaozhou got out of the car, immediately let out a cold snort, and strode forward, not even bothering to respond to the greetings along the way.

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"


Zhu Shaozhou walked all the way, and the military police under the Luoyang Garrison Command stood at attention and saluted, which shows his high prestige.

When Zhu Shaozhou came to the front, his lungs almost exploded!
Groups of gendarmes in light yellow military uniforms and white cuffs are confronting those field troops without white cuffs, and the officer opposite is a lieutenant colonel!
How could a small lieutenant colonel be so bold?Obviously it was Wang Jingjiu, the officer in charge, who instigated it!

After seeing Zhu Shaozhou, Wang Jingzhi probably knew that the situation was not good. He was a lieutenant general, and his military position was also the rank of lieutenant general, and the only lieutenant general in the gendarmerie was Zhu Shaozhou, Chief Zhu?
For Chief Zhu Shao and Zhou Zhu, Wang Jingzhi naturally knew him. During the first Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jingjiu was the commander of the No.80 Seventh Division, and Wang Jingzhi was the No.80 Seventh Division's guard battalion commander. Zhu Shaozhou, chief of staff of the Fifth Army, was no stranger to him.

"Quickly, wake up the military seat. The big thing is not good. It's the Commander Zhu who is here!" Wang Jingzhi directly pulled a soldier over, and said very seriously.

Zhu Shaozhou went directly to the front of the confrontation between the two sides, and with a gloomy face, he directly asked Wang Jingzhi: "Which unit do you belong to?"

Faced with Zhu Shaozhou's questioning, Wang Jingzhi was slightly taken aback, not knowing whether to answer or not.

"What? Didn't answer the officer's question? What? Is your No. 70 Army trying to rebel?!" Zhu Shaozhou yelled at the last sentence of the question.

Facing Zhu Shaozhou's loud questioning, Wang Jingzhi instantly made the most correct decision. He immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Report sir, we are from the No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion!"

Wang Jingzhi knew very well that if he didn't look at the current situation, he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die when Chief Zhu's big hat came down!

"The 71st Army Guard Battalion?" Zhu Shaozhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and he sneered, "Is your No. 70 [-]st Army Guard Battalion going to leave the battle order of the national army?"

The cold sweat dripped from Wang Jingzhi's face, and he said tremblingly, "Report...report to the officer, no...no..."

"Then since you haven't left the battle sequence of the national army, why are you pointing guns at your own officers and your comrades?!" Zhu Shaozhou yelled directly.

After hearing this sentence, Wang Jingzhi hesitated for a moment. After all, if he was disarmed before the military seat came out, after returning to the military headquarters, the military seat did not know what to do with Wang Jingzhi.

Zhu Shaozhou saw the hesitation on Wang Jingzhi's face, and immediately shouted again: "I ask you to put down your weapons immediately, or you will be dealt with as rebels immediately!"

After Zhu Shaozhou yelled at Wang Jing, the gendarmerie behind Zhu Shaozhou was immediately ready for battle, waiting for the commander's order at any time, and then launched the most violent attack on this group of officers and soldiers of the No. 70 First Army Guard Battalion attack.

Just when Wang Jingzhi was about to order his troops to lay down their weapons, the gate of Yanying Tower opened, and Wang Jingjiu, who had already sobered up from some wine, came out from inside...


PS: Make up for the second update last night, and the second update tonight must be completed on time!
(End of this chapter)

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