War of Resistance

Chapter 574 The new army commander Song Xilian!

Chapter 574 The new army commander Song Xilian!
"What are you doing?! Why don't you let people sleep?!" Wang Jingjiu roared dissatisfied.

Looking at the lipstick marks on Wang Jingjiu's face and that most smoky look, Zhu Shaozhou still can't understand what's going on?It was Wang Jingjiu who got drunk and made this mess.

"Wang Jingjiu, what do you look like now?! Do you still have the virtue of a soldier?!" Zhu Shaozhou yelled loudly. He was originally a senior officer and Wang Jingjiu's old officer. , naturally there is no scruples.

Wang Jingjiu, who was already half drunk, was quite dissatisfied when he heard this sentence, so he opened his sleepy drunk eyes, pointed at Zhu Shaozhou and cursed: "What the hell are you?"

Hearing that Wang Jingjiu cursed in this way, and pointed his nose in front of so many people, wouldn't that be contradicting the Shangguan?No, to be precise, insulting the officer.

No matter how well-mannered Zhu Shaozhou is, he must be so angry.

No, just look at the exposed veins on his forehead.

"All military police listen to the order! Immediately detain No.70 No. [-] Army Commander Wang Jingjiu! If there is any obstruction, the Fa will be executed on the spot!" Zhu Shaozhou shouted in a deep voice. Looking at his appearance, he knew that he was really angry.

"Mr. Zhu, isn't this very good?" Wang Jing straightly tried to persuade him.

"What? Do you want your army commander to emulate Han Fuqu of the Third Army?" When Zhu Shaozhou said this, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

And the murderous intent that flashed in Zhu Shaozhou's eyes was just caught by Wang Jingzhi. To be honest, he was scared at this moment.

Wang Jing has never been afraid of death, what he is afraid of is such an unworthy death, and he will die at the hands of his own people, and he will have to bear a bad name when he dies, and his parents will not be able to hold their heads up.

What was the final fate of Han Fuqu, commander-in-chief of the Third Army?Everyone knows very well that if this conflict is not handled properly, not only will Wang Jingzhi lose his head, but even the military seat will be sent to a military court and be judged, so this is completely unnecessary .

After all, Generalissimo Jiang even shot the commander-in-chief of the group army and the deputy commander-in-chief of the fifth theater. Couldn't he still kill a student from Whampoa?
Ever since, Wang Jingzhi silently stepped aside, while the military police from the Luoyang Garrison Headquarters rushed forward. The scene was very fierce.

After watching his military police take down Wang Jingjiu, commander of the No.70 First Army, Zhu Shaozhou took a deep look at Wang Jingzhi, and said, "You're still a little perceptive, let's do it! I won’t hold you accountable, you immediately take the troops back to the camp to station, or you will be taken down and questioned together!”

Now that the matter has come to an end, what room does Wang Jingzhi have to resist?He could only stand at attention to Zhu Shaozhou, then saluted, and said: "Yes! Sir! The humble post will be executed immediately!"

After saying this, Wang Jing turned his head and said to the officers and soldiers of the No.70 First Army Guard Battalion: "All the guard battalions are there! Target, the guard camp area, run forward!"

"Battalion Commander, are we really going back like this now?" A company commander who was not very discerning asked.

"Do you want to be shot? If you don't want to be shot, go back to the camp immediately!" Wang Jingzhi yelled, if you don't leave at this time, you really can't leave - if that happens, both he and the military seat will be in trouble!This is definitely not what he hoped for!
"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The company commander responded loudly.

So just like that, a conflict that might break out into a battle was resolved under the action of Chief Zhu Shao Zhou Zhu.

Of course, this conflict that has alarmed the entire city of Luoyang cannot end in such an anticlimactic manner.

After detaining Wang Jingjiu, Zhu Shaozhou immediately wrote a situation report and sent it directly to Chairman Jiang.

Well, yes, this situation report is said to be a report, but it is actually a letter of complaint.

What everyone in Luoyang City did not expect was that this conflict in Luoyang City actually alarmed Generalissimo Jiang who was thousands of miles away!


Wuhan, Chiang Kai-shek's temporary residence.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek had just finished taking a shower, changed into pajamas, and was about to enter the room for bed.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the adjutant of the guard came in to report: "Reporting Committee, Luoyang urgent telegram!"

"Oh? A telegram from Luoyang? Is it urgent?" To be honest, Chiang Kai-shek was really surprised. If the Xuzhou front line sent a telegram at this time, it would be excusable. After all, Xuzhou is fighting fiercely at this time. If it weren't for the Yunnan Army troops in front, Lian Fangshan would have fallen to the enemy long ago.

"Yes, appointed seat. It's the urgent telegram from Luoyang, and it's the telegram from Zhu Shaozhou, the Commander-in-Chief of Luoyang Garrison!" The adjutant guard reported truthfully.

"Zhu Shaozhou? Director Zhu has nothing to do. Usually, he would not send a telegram, especially if there is no urgent matter." After speaking, Chiang Kai-shek took the urgent telegram from Luoyang in the hands of the adjutant of the guard, and then detailed looked up.

But when he saw the end, Chiang Kai-shek's face turned green—who is Zhu Shaozhou?Zhu Shaozhou is not only the commander-in-chief of the Luoyang garrison, but also the director of the Luoyang branch of the Central Military Academy.

If it weren't for the great trust, how could Chiang Kai-shek appoint him as the branch director of the Whampoa Military Academy (that is, the Central Military Academy)?
If it hadn't happened for real, Chiang Kai-shek also believed that Zhu Shaozhou would not be so boring. He came to make such jokes on him in the middle of the night to slander a commander of the Central Army with considerable military exploits, and this commander was Jiang Zhongzheng. s student.

"Mother Xipi, this Wang Jingjiu has really stayed in a high position for a long time, and he is a little flustered. Find out where Song Xilian is right away, and then you come to my study and get an order for Minister He. The order will be issued immediately after I issue it. It will take effect immediately." Chiang Kai-shek said with a bit of hatred for iron.

"Yes! Appointed seat! I remember, Chief Song Xilian is currently in Hunan, serving as the commander of the First Honorary Division!" The adjutant of the guard responded loudly.

"Okay! Then you come to the study with me now!" Chiang Kai-shek nodded very seriously.

Wang Jingjiu was a student in the first batch of Whampoa. Among the students in the first batch, he was the only one who could become an army commander, except for Hu Zongnan, Gui Yongqing, and Huang Jie.

For Wang Jingjiu, Chiang Kai-shek has always regarded him as a confidant and beloved general, otherwise, how could it be possible for him to be one of the two division commanders of the National Guard?But don't forget, when Wang Jingjiu became a division commander, Song Xilian was still a brigade commander.

But this time, Chiang Kai-shek was really disappointed in Wang Jingjiu.

I wish Shaozhou neither embellished nor fabricated anything in this urgent telegram, but just explained the facts and process.

Ever since, after Chiang Kai-shek returned to his study, he immediately picked up a pen and wrote a sentence on the paper: It is hereby ordered that Wang Jingjiu, the commander of the No. 70 First Army, be dismissed from his post and locked up at the Luoyang Garrison Headquarters for a week, waiting to be dealt with.Song Xilian, commander of the Honorary First Division, is hereby appointed as the new commander of the No.70 First Army.The order is effective immediately!Chiang Kai-shek, April 27 of the Republic of China...

After writing this order, Chiang Kai-shek picked up his seal and stamped a large seal on top of his signature.

"You immediately submit this order to Minister He. If he falls asleep, wait for him to deal with it tomorrow!" Chiang Kai-shek told his adjutant guard that the military and political department has been working hard during this time, and he knows it, so he also said He Yingqin was not forced to get up immediately to solve this matter.

"Yes! Appointment!" The adjutant guard responded.

"By the way, please send a copy of the results to Zhu Shao and Zhou Zhu! This can be regarded as an explanation for him." Chiang Kai-shek said in a deep voice. It is the Huangpu direct line that will collapse, and even the Central Army will collapse, so this situation must not be allowed to happen!

Wang Jingjiu is one of his confidantes and favorite generals, and taking Wang Jingjiu to operate at this time will undoubtedly serve as an example to kill chickens and monkeys.

"Yes! Appointed seat! The humble officer is going to perform the task now!" The adjutant guard stood at attention and saluted.

After dealing with this matter, Chiang Kai-shek finally dragged his tired body and walked to the bedroom...


PS: Today’s first update will be delivered, and the second one will have to be added tomorrow. The work is really tiring. I have been working since the second day of the Lunar New Year. I haven’t had a day off. I hope this epidemic go quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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