War of Resistance

Chapter 575 Unexpected

Chapter 575 Unexpected
It didn't take long for Chiang Kai-shek's new appointment order to reach Zhu Shaozhou's hands.

Zhu Shaozhou really did not expect that Generalissimo Jiang would be so angry that he would immediately remove Wang Jingjiu from his post as army commander and arrest him for a week of confinement!

At the same time, news about the arrest of Wang Jingjiu, commander of the No. 70 First Army, and Zhu Shaozhou, commander of the Luoyang garrison commander, was also circulating in Luoyang City.


The next morning.

The water of Liuyang River flows quietly, and the nine bends and eighteen bends of Liuyang River have already smoothed out the ferocious momentum of the river.

At this time, it is the April day when the grass grows and the warblers fly, surrounded by overgrown weeds, dotted with flowers and colors like the brushes of nature on this piece of green land, and birds are flying in the sky, sending out There was a chirping sound.

A scene full of life.

Song Xilian, the commander of the Honorary First Division, was walking by the river in a slightly worn-out white shirt. His lower body was wearing goose green officer trousers. Symbolic military boots.

The breeze by the Liuyang River gently blew Song Xilian's face full of confidence and vigor, and also blew his wife Leng Lanqin's hair.

Leng Lanqin, this is the first wife of General Song Xilian in his life. As her name suggests, she is also a very famous pianist. She teaches at the Music Department of Central University and Jinling Women's College. I went to class, but where is there still room to go to class now?The school was lost, and Jinling was also lost.

So when Nanjing was lost, Leng Lanqin followed the information ahead and found Liuyang.

Song Xilian took Madam's hand, his eyes were full of love, and he said, "Madam, it's great to be able to walk along the riverside and enjoy the scenery like this with you. People are more beautiful than flowers. This sentence is not true." Just talking."

As he said that, a very happy smile appeared on Song Xilian's face——his wife has all the perfect factors, so how could he not fall in love with her?I love him, and he is beautiful, has temperament, is well-bred, and is generous in his dealings with others.

"You know how to play tricks on me to make me happy. The scenery around here is very beautiful. If you can accompany me every day, strolling leisurely by the river like this, that would be great!" Leng Lanqin said with a light smile .

"When the Japanese devils are beaten away, maybe I don't have to be as busy as I am now. Now that Xuzhou is fighting lively, the little devils don't have much energy for the time being except for sending a sixth division to fight against Wuhan. Continue to open up a new front, so I can take a leisurely stroll along the Liuyang River with my wife like today. Look at the natural scenery, look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and look at the river and the sky. There are also the most perfect things around." After speaking, a flash of hope flashed across Song Xilian's face.

"Don't worry! This day is not far away. It is because of your surrender that we will win in the end." Leng Lanqin gently held Song Xilian's big hand.

However, the next second, the situation is different.

In the distance, a soldier was riding a horse, quickly heading towards Song Xilian and Mrs. Song's place. It turned out that the speed was not ordinary.

Seeing the flustered appearance of the soldiers, Song Xilian had a bad feeling: it was very likely that it was about the military report on the front line.

The military reports on the front line are in full swing. Once the First Honor Division is transferred to the battlefield, what he and his wife just said will become a very desirable and extravagant thing.

Well, in modern language, to sum it up more accurately, that is to set up a flag...

"Report...report to the division seat, the committee...the chairman urgently sent an urgent call, Deputy Chief Lin asked me to ask you to go back to the division headquarters immediately, saying that there is an urgent military matter."

The Deputy Commander Lin mentioned by the messenger naturally refers to Lin Ying, the deputy commander of the First Honor Division. Both of them are students of the first phase of Whampoa, and they are also the first officers of the Honor First Division since it became an army.

However, Song Xilian was transferred from the position of division commander, and Lin Ying was also promoted from the position of brigade commander.

It can be seen that Song Xilian ranks relatively high among his classmates in the same period in terms of official promotion.

"Okay, I'll go back now, you tell Deputy Chief Lin, and I'll be back after a while." Song Xilian said seriously.

"Yes! Master seat!" The soldier stood at attention and saluted.

After the soldiers left, Song Xilian turned his face, sighed, and said to Leng Lanqin: "Madam, it seems that our wish will come true after some time."

"I understand you, let's go! Let's go back to the division now! We'll come out to relax after you're done." Leng Lanqin smiled, and then helped Song Xilian straighten his collar.

Not long after, there was a roar of an off-road vehicle, and the driver drove Song Xilian and his wife back to the division headquarters of the Honorary First Division.

For Song Xilian, the honorary first division is more like a new starting point. When the No.30 Sixth Division was trained, the troops were formed by the veterans of the No.80 Seventh Division and No.80 Eighth Division.And now?These soldiers are formed after returning from wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Except that the equipment cannot keep up with the No. 30 Sixth Division, the rest are basically the same. In particular, this unit is all veterans!

If Zhang Tianhai were here, he would have complained to Song Xilian with a mournful face: "Master, look at my regiment. There are almost no veterans, and I can't survive this day. Very bad, if the front line collapses, you will definitely save my life, Master..."

Of course, the purpose of complaining is not to complain, but to ask Song Xilian to have more people, more veterans and qualified cadres to go back to their own troops. Even if it is an exchange of personnel, it is definitely worth it.

However, it is impossible for Zhang Tianhai to know about Song Xilian's situation.

After entering the hall of the division headquarters, all the officers of the First Honor Division immediately gave a military salute to Song Xilian: "Hello, division! Welcome to return to the army!"

To be honest, Song Xilian really felt a little baffled, what did these officers want to do?He usually comes back like this, so why is it so grand this time?
"What's the matter with you? One by one, why is it so strange?" When Song Xilian said, his brows were already frowned unnaturally. After all, this is not any other special day.

As soon as Song Xilian's words fell, there was a very loud applause in the division, but it was extremely lively.

In this way, Song Xilian was even more confused.

"What are you doing? Is today a special day?" Song Xilian asked with a frown.

Unexpectedly, the deputy division commander Lin Ying strode out, stood at attention and saluted Song Xilian with a smile on his face: "Master, congratulations on your promotion to the rank of army commander!"

"What?? I've been promoted to be an army commander. What's the situation?!" Song Xilian had thought about everything about this urgent call, but he just didn't expect that this time the urgent call came, it was a promotion!

Lin Ying said with a smile, "An hour ago, the principal sent an urgent message, appointing you to the No.70 First Army as lieutenant general!"

"Isn't that Wang Jingjiu, the commander of the No. 70 First Army? What's the situation now?" Song Xilian asked with a frown. He had to analyze what was going on. After all, Wang Jingjiu was also his classmate at the same time, and Lin Ying was the same.

"It's like this. Last night in Luoyang, after Wang Jingjiu got drunk, he led his troops into a conflict with the gendarmerie under Chief Zhu of the Luoyang Garrison Command, and insulted Chief Zhu Shaozhou face to face. Now Wang Jingjiu has been dismissed from the military. , and now it is still in confinement in the gendarmerie of the security command headquarters in Luoyang. This is an explanation made after your document came down." Lin Ying explained.

After hearing the words, Song Xilian sighed for a long time: "Hey, Brother Youping (Youping, Wang Jingjiu's name) has really lost his hair these days. Isn't his brother Wang Zhonglian still leading troops to fight in the front line? He He was dismissed from his post. Sure enough, being in a high position at a young age is not necessarily a good thing... it's like walking on eggshells..."

Lin Ying understood Song Xilian's implication. He was telling him not to gloat too much. It is not a good thing that Wang Jingjiu was dismissed. After all, they were all classmates at the same time. share...

Of course, Song Xilian looks down on people like Sun Yuanliang from the bottom of his heart, otherwise he would not have fought the Liberation War in history. After hearing that Sun Yuanliang was going to be the commander-in-chief of the corps, Song Xilian was unwilling to be the deputy Commander-in-Chief.

Except for some conflicts in Nanjing City, they were more disdainful.

At that time, General Song Xilian's original words were "I disdain to be with such people!"


PS: Make up for the second update last night!

(End of this chapter)

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