War of Resistance

Chapter 576 Changes

Chapter 576 Changes
"Yin Guo, I understand all of this. However, Wang Jingjiu is indeed to blame now. You can rest assured that you will take up the post when the time comes. Just don't have too much psychological pressure." Lin Ying pulled Song Xilian past him, and in his ear He lowered his voice and said.

"Then I'm going to be the commander of the No.70 First Army, who will succeed the commander of the Honorary First Division?" Song Xilian asked in a deep voice.

"It's me." Lin Ying said in a deep voice. In fact, when he said this, there was a bit of embarrassment in his words.

After hearing this sentence, Song Xilian finally understood why Lin Ying felt so happy: It turned out that it was not only Wang Jingjiu who had an accident, but indirectly, he was also promoted.

But no matter what, Song Xilian still wished this old classmate and comrade-in-arms, and finally became the teacher. He patted Lin Ying on the shoulder: "Now the honorary first division will be handed over to you, remember to help me take this Troops. The Honorary First Division is all veterans, we can’t let them go to waste.”

Lin Ying also patted Song Xilian on the shoulder solemnly, and a man's hug had formed between the two of them. Lin Ying said solemnly, "Yin Guo, don't worry! The Honor First Division is the It will never collapse, you just wait, our Honor First Division will definitely spread a banner on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War."

"That's good." Song Xilian also said.

"Remember to take care along the way, you are now a military commander. Finally, you have risen to the same level as Hu Zongnan, Huang Jie, Wang Zhonglian, and Gui Yongqing. Just wait! Sooner or later, you will reach the place of our first class in Huangpu Those in the forefront, I bless your old classmate and comrade-in-arms!" Lin Ying said solemnly, he had always known what kind of person Song Xilian was, so he also sincerely hoped that Song Xilian would have more room for advancement and be able to go further!

So, just like that, Song Xilian began to come to the first theater and took up the post of commander of the No.70 First Army.


Looking at Wang Jingjiu again, is his career really over like this?

No, it's impossible, relying on Wang Jingjiu's ability, it's impossible to end like this.

If Wang Jingjiu really only had such a little ability, it would be impossible for him to become the first batch of division commanders and the first batch of army commanders in the Whampoa Military Academy.

No, two days after the incident, a phone call was made from the commander-in-chief of the third theater to the office of Chairman Jiang.

"Hello, who is it?" Chiang Kai-shek picked up the phone and asked.

"Commissioner, I'm Gu Mosan. If I make this call now, I may disturb the commissioner's office. If I disturb you, I hope the commissioner will forgive me. Hehe, hehe." Gu Zhutong was on the phone , with an awkward smile, Mo San is his nickname
After hearing Gu Zhutong's words, can Chiang Kai-shek not know what Gu Zhutong's idea is?Nine times out of ten, there is something to ask him for.

"Mo San, you're still playing sloppy with me. If you have anything to say, just talk about it." Chiang Kai-shek was quite enthusiastic about Gu Zhutong's cronies.

"That committee member, to be honest, I just called you, and I actually wanted to ask you for someone." Gu Zhutong said hesitantly.

"Oh, this is rare. You can take the initiative to call me to ask for someone. Tell me, who is it? I want to see which young man can fall into the eyes of our Chief Gu." Chiang Kai-shek said with a smile .

Gu Zhutong gritted his teeth and said, "To tell you the truth, it was Commander Wang Jingjiu who had an accident in Luoyang two days ago. I want to transfer him to the third war zone as a commander."

"What do you want this bastard for? This guy is so rebellious that even the chief dares to stand up to him. If he is not punished, he still doesn't know what it means to have no chief." Chiang Kai-shek said very dissatisfied. Still in a state of lingering anger, some dissatisfaction with Wang Jingjiu, that's normal.

Things like this kind of commanding the troops to be right with the superiors cannot be started. Once someone starts, others will follow suit. This consequence is very serious for the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War. , so serious that even Chairman Jiang couldn't bear it.

Wasn't the chaos of the big retreat in Songhu not enough?So Generalissimo Jiang made up his mind to kill a chicken of Huangpu's direct line, to scare the monkeys of these other troops.

However, Gu Zhutong came to ask for someone at this time, so Generalissimo Jiang couldn't help hesitating: Should this person be given or not?

Listening to the silence on the phone, Gu Zhutong knew that Generalissimo Jiang was hesitating.

Therefore, Gu Zhutong hurriedly said: "Committee, this Wang Jingjiu is locked up in military education, so there is no need, and there is no need to waste talents. Anyway, Wang Jingjiu is finally a talented person, right? Why don't you transfer him to the military education department?" Come to our third war zone, at least we can make some contributions on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, so as to atone for our crimes.”

Gu Zhutong's words were right, and Generalissimo Jiang was a little moved all of a sudden.

Ever since, Chiang Kai-shek asked again: "Are you sure you can control him? He has not experienced too many setbacks in the Central Army, so he may be a bit rebellious in his behavior."

With Gu Zhutong's experience with Chairman Jiang for so many years, how can he not know that Chairman Jiang is a little bit moved?
"Commissioner, don't worry! This Wang Jingjiu fought against me during the Northern Expedition. I will definitely find a way to take care of him. If not, please punish me, Gu Mosan! " Gu Zhutong immediately patted his chest and assured him, obviously he was already full of confidence.

During the Northern Expedition, when Gu Zhutong was the commander of the Third Division, Wang Jingjiu was the commander of the Ninth Regiment under his command. Because he fought effectively, took the lead and won many battles, he was praised by Gu Zhutong. The chief's attention.

It was just because of Wang Jingjiu's effective combat that he not only received the attention of Chief Gu, but also opened up a bright future for himself. After the victory of the Northern Expedition, he was trained by Chiang Kai-shek and served as the commander of the First Division of the National Guard .

Since then, Gu Zhutong and Wang Jingjiu have had no contact with each other again, so when Gu Zhutong knew that Wang Jingjiu had an accident, he immediately wanted to transfer Wang Jingjiu, a fierce general, to his third theater.

However, when Wang Jingjiu first got into trouble, the commissioner was full of righteousness. Naturally, it was impossible to promise him this person, but if it was too late, he might be asked to leave by other theaters.

Ever since, Gu Zhutong was very shrewd in picking the time to come to this time. At this time, not moving forward and not backward, it is the time when the chairman's anger is about to dissipate, and other theaters may not have time so soon, and they will need people To come before Chairman Jiang.

"Okay, then I'll leave this person to you. Which army you transfer him to as the commander, remember to make a report!" Generalissimo Jiang agreed to Gu Zhutong's request.

"Thank you for your seat, I will order someone to make a report!" Gu Zhutong promised.


PS: Today's first update will be delivered, and the second update may not be so fast. It may have to be delivered tomorrow, so everyone should go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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