War of Resistance

Chapter 577 Delegating the camp?

Chapter 577 Delegating the camp?

So, in this way, Wang Jingjiu's establishment was transferred from the first war zone to the third war zone.

The news of Wang Jingjiu's dismissal must be set as a model in the first war zone, and it must be reported with emphasis.

As a result, the first regiment directly under Zhang Tianhai's third theater, which was the order of battle in the first theater, naturally also received this notification.

However, Zhang Tianhai was not the first to receive this notification.

When Chief Gu Zhutong asked Generalissimo Jiang for Wang Jingjiu, Zhang Tianhai came back from patrolling the defense area.

It is true that Zhang Tianhai's troops are basically stationed in Lanfeng, and the combat troops can basically radiate the whole territory of Lanfeng, but after all, they are not familiar enough with the defense zone, and they are afraid that many unnecessary troubles will occur when a war breaks out. casualties.

Well, the more important reason is that Zhang Tianhai still doesn't trust the main troops in the regiment now...

Ever since, the chief of staff Guo Qiliang stayed at the regiment headquarters, the deputy regiment commander Zhou Fangjie kept on teaching the platoon's training mission, and Zhang Tianhai, the main military officer in the regiment, led a guard platoon out to patrol the defense area.

As for why Zhang Tianhai didn't bring his favorite special agent company, the reason is that the special agent company has already been incorporated into the temporary establishment of the survey team, with Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineering company, as the captain of the survey team. Famous battalion staff officers participated in the work of the survey team.

Why did the artillery battalion also send people to join the survey team?

This question is actually very easy to explain-it is to participate in the survey of the landforms near Lanfeng, so as to prepare for the need to set up artillery positions at any time during wartime.

In any case, even if the artillery battalion is not the main force in front-line operations, it must have the right to know, otherwise it may not be easy to cooperate when fighting.

"Hey, Captain Zhang, why did you come back so soon?" Guo Qiliang joked about Zhang Tianhai.

"Then why not? How long will you stay in the camps of other troops?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"How is it? Is this also a reward for going to the army?" Guo Qiliang also asked with a smile.

"It's okay. After all, the backbone of the army is basically our group of veterans." Zhang Tianhai took off his military cap, "How is it? What's going on with the regiment headquarters these days?"

"There is nothing wrong with our regiment headquarters, but something big happened in Luoyang." Guo Qiliang said with a mysterious face.

"Oh? Luoyang?" Zhang Tianhai frowned and asked, he couldn't figure out why Guo Qiliang was smiling at this time, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yes." Guo Qiliang nodded, "Wang Jingjiu, commander of the No.70 First Army, clashed with Zhu Shaozhou, commander of the Luoyang Garrison Command after drinking, and mobilized troops. He has now been dismissed."

"Wang Jingjiu, Commander Wang, that's our old senior from Whampoa. You're still smiling when you've been dismissed, really..." Zhang Tianhai stopped short of what he was saying, and he suddenly remembered something that Song Xilian wanted Come to the No.70 first army to be the commander of the army.

Zhang Tianhai remembered very clearly that Song Xilian was in charge of the No.70 First Army in the Battle of Lanfeng, and even sent his old classmate Long Muhan to the military court, and Long Muhan was shot to death afterwards!

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai was very impressed.

Now Song Xilian is not just the old chief. Who knows if Chief Cheng will have a sudden whim, and then organize the battle order of their troops into the No. 70 army.

This kind of situation is still very possible. After all, in the first war zone, the person who is most familiar with Zhang Tianhai, apart from the Zhiyituan group, is undoubtedly Chief Song Xilian.

If Wang Jingjiu was the commander of the No. 70 First Army, perhaps Zhang Tianhai and his regiment would not be included in the No. 70 First Army's battle order.

Still the same sentence, everything depends on people and things. The commander-in-chief of the first theater must hope that the first regiment directly under the third theater can exert the strongest combat effectiveness, so it depends on the first regiment directly under the third theater In whose hand is this sword?

Everything proves that Song Xilian is likely to take over the first regiment directly under their third theater.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai suddenly lost his mind.

"Zhang Yulin, what are you thinking about? You're stunned." Guo Qiliang called out to Zhang Tianhai, who had already lost his mind.

"Oh...it's okay, I'm wondering who is the successor commander of the No.70 First Army? Could it be our division seat? If he is, that would be great." Zhang Tianhai half-truthfully Said.

"Hey, you boy, you have a really flexible brain. I don't know what your brain is made of. You can think of the most important thing when you think about it. Let me tell you that the good news is that the successor to the No.70 First Army The position of army commander is the division seat." Guo Qiliang said with a grin, he was so happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh? Teacher seat? Does our regiment...have a teacher leader?" At this moment, Zhou Fangjie came back, and he asked inexplicably after entering the door.

"No, no, it's not the teacher of our regiment, it's Song Xilian, the teacher Zhang Yulin and I used to be in the No.30 Sixth Division." Guo Qiliang explained.

"Oh, so that's the case." Zhou Fangjie responded casually, and then went to get his own things.

"It seems that we are in a group, and we may be included in the battle order of the No. 70 army someday. Old Guo, do you believe it?" Zhang Tianhai said to Guo Qiliang with a smile.

"Can't it? How can we say that it is also a unit directly under the theater, and it is included in the battle order of the No. 70 army. Isn't that messed up?" Guo Qiliang said not very convinced.

"Just wait and see, everything is possible." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Yes, I went to the army to inspect for a few days this time, and I feel that our civil engineering is not very good. The training should pay attention to this point. Now the survey team composed of the engineering company and the special agent company has basically completed the survey of the two places. I would like to hear what you think about the use of this survey team. "

Guo Qiliang thought for a while, but still couldn't think of anything else, and then he recommended: "By the way, how about calling Gu Shi'an, the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters! This guy is very thoughtful, and he has also served as a For a while, the head of the Lanling City Defense and Security Team should have considered this aspect quite comprehensively."

"Then it's up to you!" Zhang Tianhai gave an answer after thinking about it.

After a while, Gu Shi'an, the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters, was called to Zhang Tianhai.

"Tuan Zuo, are you looking for me?" Gu Shi'an asked.

"Yes, I want to hear what you think about the use of the teaching platoon and survey team?" Zhang Tianhai asked casually.

"I don't have any opinions, but I have some ideas." Gu Shi'an said.

"Director Gu, but it's okay." Zhang Tianhai said, he didn't want to dismantle the survey team, if it were disbanded, it might not be so easy to get familiar with the whole territory of Lanfeng.

Gu Shi'an organized the language, and then said: "Can we send the survey team to each camp to stay for two days? The main task of the survey team during this period is to give these company commanders, The platoon leader gave a vivid lesson. Two days is enough for them to teach a lot of things. At least they can pass the civil engineering work on the defense first, so as not to rush to create some less qualified ones under the strong pressure of the enemy in the future. fortification."

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's do it like this!"


PS: I asked for a day off yesterday. I was too tired, so I wanted to take a day off. This is an update from the day before yesterday.

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(End of this chapter)

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