War of Resistance

Chapter 578 Battle situation!

Chapter 578 Battle situation!

After Zhang Tianhai nodded in agreement, the survey team directly under the First Regiment Headquarters of the Third War Zone began to be distributed to the battalions to guide the battalions to build standardized positions.

This day is April 27, 27th year of the Republic of China.

However, in the past few days, the fighting between the national army and the Japanese army has not stopped.

On April 23, the enemy in southern Shandong was divided into three groups to commit crimes in the south. One of the enemy troops captured Tancheng County, and a battalion of the defenders died in the city!

To the north of Taierzhuang, the headquarters of Sun Lianzhong's Second Army held a stalemate with the enemy in Nigou.

Therefore, you can only hold a stalemate with the enemy, and you cannot attack each other.

On April 24, the enemy of Tancheng County invaded westward. So far, the area from Taierzhuang to Pi County has been fiercely fought across the board.

Chen Zhongshu, the commander of the Luhan Division of the No.60 Army of the Dian Army, died heroically in the fierce battle with the enemy in Xinglou, Taierzhuang. The commander of the battalion, all died in battle and martyred for the country. Only a dozen or so soldiers persisted until the reinforcements sent by the division commander An Enpu did not die in battle.

After the reinforcements took over the battlefield, they discovered that this unit was the designation of the [-]th Division of Rensuke Isotani!

Although the main force of the [-]th Division was hit hard in Taierzhuang and Yixian County, they were not defeated. What's more, the division commander Rensuke Isoya, the brigade commander, and the commanders of the regiments were basically still there. The captain and squadron leader suffered heavy casualties.

As for the Japanese army, the most indispensable thing is qualified middle and lower-level officers and well-trained grassroots soldiers.

On the same day, the enemy reinforcements from the Taiwei Highway and the Jinpu Railway gathered from the southeast of Yi County and the southwest of LY to Lanling County, and headed south through Hongshan to threaten Pi County.

The garrison of Pi County is a brigade under Wang Zhonglian of the No.80 Fifth Army of the Tang Enbo Army. The commander Wang Zhonglian personally led the army to supervise the battle.

"Military seat, the enemy advancing in the direction of Hongshan has already exchanged fire with our army's outpost troops. The enemy's offensive is very fast. Commander Zhu called to report that the enemy's offensive is very fast and the outpost troops are almost unable to withstand it. .” A combat staff officer ran to Wang Zhonglian’s side and reported.

"What about the troops of the Yunnan Army? Aren't they in charge of defending Lianfang Mountain? Why did they disappear so quickly?" Wang Zhonglian asked three times, showing his nervousness.

"The troops of the Yunnan Army fought repeatedly with the Japanese troops in the north of Lianfang Mountain a few days ago. The casualties were very heavy. No fewer than three regiment commanders had been sacrificed, and a brigade commander had already been sacrificed the day before yesterday." The combat staff returned truthfully.

After hearing the news, Wang Zhonglian frowned slightly. He already knew that the actual situation was more serious than he imagined. The intensity of the battle was comparable to that of the Zaozhuang Battle. He could only order Said: "Let him try his best to resist, if he can't stand it, then retreat into the city!"

The Dian Army troops are well-equipped and have been trained for a long time, so their combat effectiveness should be very strong. Even they suffered such heavy casualties. It seems that Lian Fangshan will soon fall.Wang Zhonglian thought to himself.

However, Wang Zhonglian still ordered the troops to continue to stand firm, and to stick to it to the end.

Otherwise, Wang Zhonglian could still order the retreat to fail, and the fifth war zone would not be afraid to kill another general who retreated without a fight.

However, things are independent of human will.

On April 25th, Pi County was in an emergency. The No.80 Fifth Army dispatched a regiment of reinforcements. The defenders still resisted the enemy in the southeast of Taierzhuang and north of Pi County, and the reinforcements had already split their way.

On April 26, the national army and the enemy to the west of Tancheng had been fighting for three days. The Japanese army repeatedly surrounded the left flank of the national army in an attempt to break through the national defense stronghold, but both attacks were repelled by the national army.

Until late at night on the 26th, the national army and the Japanese army were still engaged in a bloody battle, and the battle was very fierce!

It was also on this day that Lian Fangshan declared its fall, while the national army was still organizing a counterattack!
On April 27th, after several days of fierce blocking battles in Puwang, Xinzhuang, Houbao, Yuwangshan and Huoshibu, at around 60:60 this morning, the No. Order from the headquarters: The main force of the enemy army has risen to the front of the No. 27 Army and entered our army's pocket position.It is decided that all armies will start a full-scale attack at [-]:[-] am today ([-]th) and wipe out the enemy in the area north of Yuwang Mountain!

Along with the combat order, there is also a combat plan.

This combat plan reads that the attack targets of each division are: the [-]nd Division is Puwang and Houbao; the [-]rd Division is Lizhuang and Wushengtang; the [-]th Division is Taogou Bridge.

Once the order was issued, An Enpu immediately organized a division meeting.

After discussion at the division headquarters meeting, according to the actual situation, the main purpose is to preserve the existing positions, and dispatch the strike team to implement the will of the former enemy command headquarters.

Soon, An Enpu, the commander of the [-]nd Division, will come up with a battle plan with the chief of staff, and the [-]nd Division will directly act according to this battle plan.

On the right wing, the [-]th Regiment is in charge. Dong Wenying, the head of the regiment, is the officer with the strongest patriotism and killing the enemy among the leaders present. Wenying immediately wrote down the will, and came up with the determination to succeed or be benevolent.

On the left wing, the [-]th Regiment was in charge, and the head of the regiment, Yu Jianxun, was in charge of the command.

The battle that took place near Yuwang Mountain that day was extremely fierce, especially the offensive of Dong Wenying's [-]th Regiment. The Ministry attacked to restore Puwang.

Despite persuasion, Dong Wenying personally led a company of machine guns and a platoon of mortars, and marched towards Powang in two lines. Meter equals one meter) and then follow up.

At [-] o'clock, the troops of the [-]th regiment began to approach Puwang.

Dong Wenying personally commanded the front-line assault team to rush towards Puwang's right flank, and the enemy's infantry and cavalry cooperated to counterattack from its left flank, encircling the front-line assault team of the Yunnan Army.

Dong Wenying led his troops to rush from left to right, and the sound of killing resounded for miles.

Fortunately, the second-line assault force led by Chen Haoru arrived and counterattacked the Japanese army's flanks, which prevented Dong Wenying's first-line assault force from being directly annihilated in the encirclement of the enemy.

Dong Wenying led his troops to break through immediately, and joined Chen Haoru's second-line assault troops. After a charge, they retreated to the rear fort and the parallel line.

When Dong Wenying's troops retreated to the parallel line of the Houbao, fortunately, the attack team of the [-]th Regiment on the left echoed from a distance, and the heavy weapons from West Huangshi Mountain and Daizhuang on the right supported the troops. Fight with enemy troops.

Not long after, about twenty minutes later, Gao Zhenhong, the commander of the 539th Brigade, discovered that the number of enemy tanks had moved south from Puwang in Hushan. He immediately informed Dong Wenying of the situation and ordered them to quickly withdraw to the original position and stick to it.

Due to negligence, the retreat was exposed, and the enemy immediately organized superior troops to follow them. Among these tracking troops, the infantry, cavalry, and tank troops were coordinated, and their combat effectiveness was quite strong.

By the time of sunset on the western mountain, the troops of the [-]th Regiment had already retreated to Daizhuang. Unfortunately, even if the main force of the [-]th Regiment had withdrawn, together with the guarding troops of the original position, they were still resisting. Without the overwhelmingly superior enemy troops, the troops suffered heavy casualties.

Dong Wenying made a decisive decision and ordered the troops to withdraw to Hushan to guard against the enemy's further advance!
Dong Wenying's unit fought fiercely, but Yu Jianxun's [-]th Regiment also suffered heavy casualties.

On April 28, a regiment of the [-]th Division of the Dian Army and a regiment of Tang Enbo's Army Wang Zhonglian passed through the northern part of Pixian County. After two days and two nights of bloody battles, the national army finally regained Lianfangshan.

At the same time, the frontal battle of the main force of the Yunnan Army is still going on!


PS: The first update will be sent, and the second update will be added tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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