War of Resistance

Chapter 579 A generous gift to Commander Song!

Chapter 579 A generous gift to Commander Song!
Also on April 28, more than [-] enemies who went out to the southwest of Tancheng County to threaten the national army's Pi County were annihilated by the Yunnan Army.

On this day, 32 Japanese planes attacked Xuzhou, dropping more than [-] bombs, killing and injuring hundreds of residents.

After this battle, the front line north of Taierzhuang basically remained stable for half a month!

On April [-], Kaifeng, the Commander's Department of the First Theater Command.

On this day, a strong, middle-aged soldier with two gold stars on his collar insignia strode into the gate of the commander's department of the first theater.

Unlike the officers who went to meet Zhang Tianhai last time, this time the adjutant office sent an adjutant with the rank of colonel to meet him.

With different levels, the level of the adjutants dispatched is naturally different.

But this time, Cheng Qian also took a special time to welcome the new officer who was about to take office.

I saw this burly and middle-aged officer striding to the door of Cheng Qian's office, then stood at attention and saluted: "Report to Chief Cheng, Song Xilian, the former commander of the Honorary First Division, has been ordered to report to you!"

Cheng Qian, who was working in the office, immediately stood up and walked out quickly after hearing the report.

"Mr. Song, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Come in!" Cheng Qian greeted him with a smile on his face.

Song Xilian never expected that after he came to the first war zone, the commander Cheng Qian would pay so much attention to him, so he said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Cheng, you don't get rewarded for your humble position, but you can be honored here." It's really ashamed that Chief Cheng attaches so much importance to it..."

"Mr. Song led the No.30 Sixth Division and fought in Songhu for three full months. He made great contributions. Your army is also known as one of China's three trump card troops. You have such courage , Naturally, it is worthy of my Cheng Qian's attention, and other people may not necessarily have this treatment." Cheng Qian said while calling Song Xilian into the office to sit down.

"This is already a thing of the past. What's more, isn't it the duty of a rank-and-file soldier to lead a war?" Song Xilian said with some embarrassment.

"Well, if this is the case, then I will not be polite to you. This time the Military Commission transferred you to the first theater, not to let you brag, nor to ask you to pay for idle work, but to let you I can take over the No.70 Army." Chief Cheng is a very direct person, he will speak directly to his face if he has anything to say, and he will never hide it.

Song Xilian also began to sit down under Cheng Qian's greeting. He frowned and said, "Mr. Cheng, to be honest, I'm just here for a newcomer, and I don't know much about the situation of the No. 70 Army. After all, the current No. 70 Army The Army is no longer the No.70 Army."

Cheng Qian naturally understood Song Xilian's implication: it's no problem to take over, but some help from the minister's department may be needed.

Moreover, Cheng Qian is also very clear about the reason why Song Xilian has concerns: the original No. 70 Army basically did not break out during the defense of Nanjing. The number of people who broke out from this army may be less than 800, and all of them The veterans of the original No.80 Seventh Division, as for the original No.80 Eighth Division, except for the division commander Sun Yuanliang, almost no one left Nanjing alive. There are only two divisions in the No. 70 Army, one of which is full of recruits, plus all new officers;
In order to let Song Xilian take over the army with peace of mind, Cheng Qian said: "Mr. Song, if you need help, you can just ask the commander of the theater. I will try my best to meet your request. But the prerequisite is You must train the No.70 Army into a powerful force as soon as possible. If the battle in Xuzhou changes, we will be the first to bear the brunt. At that time, it may not be necessary to organize a battle in Eastern Henan."

"Dare to ask, how bad is the battle on the front line in Xuzhou?" Song Xilian asked.

Cheng Qian sighed: "To be honest, the battle situation in Xuzhou has gradually fallen into a disadvantage. Although the elite troops of the No. 60 Army of the Yunnan Army have joined the battle, they still cannot withstand the decline in the general situation. The army has conquered Tancheng, but the northern part of Pixian County is still fighting fiercely. The first army, Yu Xuezhong, fought in Tancheng for nine days. There are thousands of officers and soldiers below, and the casualties are very heavy. Although it is a heavy injury to the enemy, it is still difficult to stop the enemy's soldiers..."

After hearing the words, Song Xilian immediately fell into silence: he knew that if things went on like this, the enemy army would soon break through Xuzhou and then attack Kaifeng.

"Commander Song, don't put too much pressure on you. The current No. 70 First Army Headquarters, the main officers are still graduates from Whampoa, and the combat effectiveness is also guaranteed, but compared to the No. 30 you were in charge of before. There may be a certain difference between the [-]th Sixth Division, which is a German weapon division, and the Honorary First Division, which is a veteran division, but after all, this is also a unit of the same army. I still hope that you can take it well." Cheng Qian said very seriously.

Song Xilian nodded, and said very seriously: "Mr. Cheng, the No. 70 First Army, I have the confidence to lead them well, but I want to make a request to Mr. Cheng. I wonder if Mr. Cheng will agree?"

"Just say it, if it's within the scope of my authority, it's fine." Cheng Qian agreed very generously. If you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse graze. He understands this truth very well.

"Okay, then you're welcome with a lowly position." Song Xilian said politely, and then directly turned to the topic: "That's right, Mr. Cheng, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater who fought in the fifth theater before , is my old subordinate when I was in the No.30 Sixth Division. This person has a similar temper to my old subordinate Hu Jiaji, and I know him better. So I want to apply to Chief Cheng. Can the Fifth War Zone be released? Personally, transfer Zhang Tianhai to my No.70 army?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Qian laughed dumbfounded, and said, "Mr. Song, what you mentioned is too timely. As early as a week ago, the third war zone was directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and the whole regiment was ordered to be transferred to my first war zone. The order of battle is now. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you to want Zhang Tianhai now, he is now leading the First Regiment of the Third War Zone and is stationed in Lanfeng County, the east gate of Kaifeng."

Just when Song Xilian thought that Chief Cheng didn't intend to release him, how could he think so, Chief Cheng laughed and said: "Haha, if Zhang Tianhai is only transferred from the position of the head of the reinforced regiment directly under the First Regiment in the third war zone, , maybe he is not too willing? How about this, I will directly assign the battle order of the first regiment directly under the third theater to your No.70 first army!"

Getting this answer from Chief Cheng was really beyond Song Xilian's expectations. He never expected that Chief Cheng would agree so happily. This is a whole reinforced regiment, close to the strength of a brigade. , so directly allocated to the No.70 army, it must be said that it is a generous gift!

PS: The second update is here!

Thank you Qidian book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, Xihe33, Liuming Fengyan, Cly903, QQ reading book friends, workers and health students, two monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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