Chapter 580
"Thank you, Officer Cheng, for the humble post!" Song Xilian stood up with a face full of surprise and gave a military salute to Cheng Qian.

"Yin Guo, you don't have to be polite. The third theater is directly under the first regiment. I also know that it was separated from your No.30 Sixth Division, and it is the only remaining German weapon unit in the national army. You are the original The commander of the German Armor Division has been fighting on the Songhu battlefield for more than three months. He should also belong to the relatively proficient category in the use of German Armor troops. The third theater is directly under the first regiment. This unit is in your hands. Song Yinguo's management is really perfect." Cheng Qian casually greeted Song Xilian to sit down and said.

"Mr. Cheng, I would like to ask a question, how far is the third theater directly under the garrison of the first regiment from Feng?" Song Xilian asked directly.

"It's about a hundred miles away. It will take about three hours for someone to drive you there." Cheng Qian thought for a while and said, "What? Yin Guo wants to inspect the troops?"

"Yes, I have to meet Zhang Tianhai, an old subordinate, and see what Zhang Tianhai has led this army into." Song Xilian still had a smile on his face when he spoke, obviously out of his mood very nice.

"Don't worry about this. Now Zhang Tianhai's regiment is complete with cavalry, artillery, engineers, and infantry. You can go and have a look, so you have a solid foundation in your heart, but I have one request, that is, you Before March 70rd, you must return to the No.70 First Army to perform your duties." Cheng Qian said very generously, after all, although the front line in Xuzhou is currently fighting tight, it can still be carried. Cheng Qian had to drive Song Xilian back to the No.[-] First Army to perform his duties.

"Yes, thank you, sir." Song Xilian thanked him again. There are not many officers who can take care of him like Chief Cheng Qian, which is quite a face.

"Okay, that's it! Now the situation is urgent, you can go to Lanfeng County now, if you need support from the minister's department in the future, you can just call directly. I still say that, within the scope of authority , try to be satisfied." Cheng Qian said seriously.

"Thank you for your care, sir! When the beacon fires, I will definitely lead the soldiers under my command to kill the Japanese invaders with blood flowing into rivers. I don't dare to say a big victory, but I must do my best, and the only way to fight to the end!" Song Xilian stood up again , solemnly saluted Cheng Qian with a very standard military salute!

A scholar dies for his confidant, and the king treats me as a national scholar, and I will repay the king with a national scholar!

With Cheng Qian's decision, the fate of Zhang Tianhai and the first regiment directly under the third theater changed again.

After Song Xilian set off for Lanfeng, Cheng Qian immediately dialed the internal number and asked the adjutant director to immediately issue an order from the first theater to the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater. The content of the order was probably to let them fight. Sequence was temporarily assigned to Song Xilian's No. 70 Army, and at the same time told them that Army Commander Song Xilian was already on his way to inspect, and they must be ready for reception.

So, under an order from Cheng Qian, the commander-in-chief of the first war zone, the regiment headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third war zone was almost about to explode—no way, this news was too surprising.

Time, twelve o'clock noon on April [-]th; location, the former Lanfeng County City Defense Command, the third war zone directly under the first regiment headquarters.

"Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Commander of the Theater Command, Chief Cheng Qian, urgent call!" A communication staff officer rushed to Guo Qiliang and reported.

"Just be so flustered about something, be more cautious, even if there is going to be a war tomorrow, don't be like this..." Guo Qiliang took the telegram while talking, but before he finished speaking, he said Seeing the above content, I was immediately speechless in surprise.

Of course, what surprised him was not the fact that the first regiment directly under the third war zone was going to be included in the No. 70 first army battle sequence. ?

"Counselor... Chief of Staff?" The communication staff called Guo Qiliang hesitantly. After all, the law of true fragrance does not exist in this era, so he didn't know. Should I remind the chief of staff at this time? Remind the chief of staff that you seem to be Some distracted...

"Oh... oh, it's okay, you go back and continue to be on duty! I'll go out now." Guo Qiliang, who came back to his senses, said with some embarrassment. After all, this law of true fragrance did happen to him. It's embarrassing.

"Yes, sir!" The communications staff officer responded casually, and then went back with a depressed face.

After dismissing the communications staff, Guo Qiliang hurried to Zhang Tianhai's office.

"Zhang Yulin, Zhang Yulin, your fucking crow's mouth really works..." This was the first sentence Guo Qiliang said after entering Zhang Tianhai's office.

I saw that Zhang Tianhai's head was full of black lines, and he was almost about to say the sentence "Get out, get out of here". If he hadn't seen in time that it was Guo Qiliang, a heartless and shameless person, he would have guessed that the one in his hand The bottle of ink is about to fly out.

Well, no one would like to suddenly come in with a swear word when they are working quietly, and they all scold their own birdmen.

"Hey, Zhang Yulin, why is your mother's face so dark? Who provoked you? Come on, tell me, I'll fuck him." After seeing Zhang Tianhai's black face, Guo Qiliang not only did not have the slightest fear , but proud of it.

Fortunately, before Zhang Tianhai got mad, Guo Qiliang stopped the topic in time: "By the way, I want to tell you a piece of good news. Our regiment is going to be incorporated into the battle order of the No. 70 First Army. The new commander is our division seat." Song Xilian...this world is so fucking small..."

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai himself was slightly taken aback by it: he never expected that his conjecture was so close to reality, and that the first regiment directly under the third war zone was actually incorporated as he thought. The No.70 army!
"By the way, Zhang Yulin, I have one more thing to tell you. Why don't you... guess?" Guo Qiliang said mysteriously.

Hearing Guo Qiliang's words, Zhang Tianhai's already not so dark face suddenly darkened again: Guo Qiliang, are you fucking treating me like a magic stick?Who did you learn the ability to speak only half of it?
"You can just tell me straight up, I can't guess." Zhang Tianhai spread his hands helplessly. He didn't know what kind of wind Guo Qiliang was having today, or... the mental hospital to find out?
"Let me tell you, the teacher's seat... ah bah, it's the military seat. It's already on our way to Lanfeng County. The commander of the war zone told us to prepare for the reception." Guo Qiliang said quite proudly.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Tianhai heard the news, his expression changed, and he jumped up all of a sudden: "Then what the hell are you still doing?! Hurry up and get the troops ready, order the survey team, There is also the cavalry battalion, withdraw immediately! Immediately!"

This time, Zhang Tianhai was really in a hurry. When is this?The army commander is coming to inspect the troops soon, and this old Guo is still joking with him with great interest? !

PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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