War of Resistance

Chapter 581 Goodbye Song Xilian

Chapter 581 Goodbye Song Xilian
"The military seat is here, why do you want to withdraw the front-line combat troops? Isn't this different from the big idea we developed in Lanling? Besides, there are artillery battalions, first battalions, and small artillery in Lanfeng City now." Companies and mortar companies? If it’s not possible, there is still a supply battalion, so there’s no need to mobilize the crowd, just withdraw the cavalry battalion in Kaocheng and the survey team stationed in the third battalion, right?” Guo Qiliang really doesn't understand. Is it really so important to perform in front of the military seat?This is not flattering what is it?
The [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd theater is a capable and well-equipped unit. There is no doubt about it. If it is sent to fight and rush to the front line, there is nothing to doubt about it.

It's just that Guo Qiliang really couldn't figure it out. Is it really so important to show the army the combat effectiveness of the first regiment directly under the third theater?Is it as important as knowing Lan Feng directly and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the troops?What's more, the battle hasn't started yet.

In fact, it was precisely because Zhang Tianhai knew that Song Xilian's No.70 First Army and Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army would be the main forces in the Battle of Lanfeng, so he wanted to show Song Xilian the combat effectiveness of the troops. Grab the combat mission in front of the military seat!

This is the difference between a traverser and a non-traveler. What Zhang Tianhai can see and know is exactly what Guo Qiliang is limited to.

It’s not that Guo Qiliang has bad strategic vision, or something else, but because he doesn’t know the direction of history. In his opinion, enhancing the first combat effectiveness of the troops is the most important element, even if they are sent out to fight after being sent by the military seat , can also come in handy at any time.

"No, it's not the same. If we fight in the south in the future, the No.70 First Army and No.70 Fourth Army will definitely be the main force! If our regiment can't show a strong enough combat power, then when it's time to fight , the military seat will definitely not let us play the front line. It will be used as a reserve team!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, and his tone was very sure.

Now that it has been included in the No.70 First Army's battle sequence, it is absolutely possible to replace Long Muhan's Lanfeng County in the future. Even if he defends it for one night, it can restore a great initiative for the Chinese army on the battlefield. right!
If Zhang Tianhai wanted to save Lanfeng from defeat, it was absolutely impossible to rely on the first regiment directly under the third theater, which had only 5000 troops, to complete it—the battle of Lanfeng was a battle of 10,000+ people. If he is not careful, all his people will be wiped out.

The most important thing is that even if all these four thousand people were thrown in, they would not be able to make a few waves, and most importantly, if the sacrifice was worthless, that would be the biggest waste!

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai felt that it was necessary to tie up the No. 70 First Army as a large group and pull the No. 70 First Army into the water to be sure of victory!

"No, as long as the military seat sees our combat effectiveness, then it will be possible for the military seat to let us take the main offensive mission. At least it won't put us in the reserve team position?" Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, I revealed my thoughts.

"Okay, since you are the head of the regiment, you can decide these matters. Is the entire cavalry battalion withdrawn?" Guo Qiliang could only reluctantly obey Zhang Tianhai's opinion. The first point is of course because it is Zhang Tianhai. It's the team leader, but the second point, of course, is because Zhang Tianhai usually makes less wrong judgments.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Well, let's just transfer their two companies back. There is no need for a battalion. Remember, tell Wang Yongcheng to transfer back the two companies with the strongest combat effectiveness."

Zhang Tianhai thought about it seriously: It seems that the entire cavalry battalion has been withdrawn, and it may be more troublesome to resend the cavalry battalion to enter Kaocheng again after the military seat is gone.

"Understood." Guo Qiliang responded, and then hurried to convey Zhang Tianhai's order.

"By the way, it needs to be in the form of an urgent call, otherwise the military seat will come and see nothing, it's really a big deal." Zhang Tianhai reminded again.

"Understood." Guo Qiliang nodded and left.

So, just like that, the two companies of the survey team and the cavalry battalion directly under the regiment headquarters quickly went back to Fanglanfeng County. Although they didn't know what was going on, it was right to go back to support.


Three hours later, a military off-road jeep quickly drove into Lanfeng County, and the guards guarding the city gate quickly reported the situation to Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters.


With the sound of a sharp whistle, mixed with many calls of "assembly", the officers and soldiers of the regiment headquarters guard platoon, led by the platoon leader Xu Sangou, have basically assembled on the large playground of the regiment headquarters.

Of course, the guards in charge of the guard post were not among them.

Zhang Tianhai strode out. At this time, he had already put on his whole body, um, except for the woolen coat.

Deputy head Zhou Fangjie, chief of staff Guo Qiliang, and adjutant Wang Liang followed closely behind. The combination of these four people seemed to be very energetic.

As for the First Battalion, the Artillery Battalion, and the troops directly under the regiment in Lanfeng City, they have all been assembled. Just such a formation, Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County, was very scared, thinking that a war was about to start.

So, Zhang Chenggong immediately called Zhiyi regiment headquarters to ask what was going on.

In this regard, Xu Xun, who stayed in the duty room of the regiment headquarters, gave a direct answer: It has nothing to do with the war, please feel at ease to work in the county government.


The camera turned to Song Xilian again.

When he first entered the small county town of Lanfeng County, Song Xilian was still observing the equipment of the Zhiyi Regiment, but he still found that the equipment of these troops seemed to be similar to the equipment of the No.30 Sixth Division before the Battle of Songhu.

After observing for a while, Song Xilian stopped observing. The so-called layman watched the excitement, and the expert watched the way. He had seen almost everything that should be seen, and there was nothing special to watch.

When the vehicle entered the street leading to the city defense headquarters, Song Xilian noticed that there were guards standing neatly on both sides of the road with live ammunition.

And when these soldiers saw Song Xilian's vehicle, they immediately stood at attention and saluted, and shouted loudly, "Hello, sir!"

The sound of "Hello, sir" made Song Xilian feel a little emotional for a while: the Battle of Songhu has only been less than a year, and this kid Zhang Yulin has pulled up such an army. In terms of, it is absolutely qualified.

But apart from feeling this emotion, Song Xilian also felt that Zhang Yulin, a ghostly kid, has done quite well on the surface, but in terms of fighting, I don't know if he has improved more.

Soon, Song Xilian's vehicle stopped at the gate of the City Defense Command, and the two soldiers sitting in the back row got out of the car and opened the door for Song Xilian.

At this time, the three chief military officers of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone were already waiting at the door, and after Song Xilian got off the car, Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Guo Qiliang stood at attention and saluted at the same time: "Hi, sir!! "

Looking at the two familiar faces in front of him, Song Xilian nodded slightly, and then casually returned a military salute.

"Reporting to the military seat, humble Zhang Tianhai, together with Deputy Commander Zhou Fangjie, Chief of Staff Guo Qiliang, and all the officers and soldiers of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, report to you!!" Zhang Tianhai reported loudly, full of energy, There was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously in a good mood.

The long drought meets the rain, and the old acquaintance meets in a foreign land. When the gold list is inscribed, the bridal chamber is full of festive nights.

Meeting the old chief this time, it can't be regarded as an old acquaintance in a foreign country, and it's thanks to Song Xilian that he got to know Zheng Man. If the old chief didn't think highly of him, why would Zheng Man come to interview him?


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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