War of Resistance

Chapter 582 Goodbye Song Xilian

Chapter 582 Goodbye Song Xilian
Seeing Zhang Tianhai again, Song Xilian was also very emotional: When he first saw Zhang Tianhai, it was still during the Battle of Songhu. The last retreat of the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai.Zhang Tianhai, the acting company commander, was temporarily arrested by Hu Jiaji.

But now, a full ten months have passed, and Zhang Tianhai is no longer the one who holds a Mauser pistol in his hand and leads the only hundred or so people under his command. The small company commander of the Japanese army launched a suicide charge; now Zhang Tianhai is the head of a reinforced regiment with more than 4000 people in his hands, and his strength is comparable to a brigade.

Song Xilian stepped forward and patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder, and said, "Zhang Yulin, you are not bad, you are no longer the old brat who doesn't know how to adapt to everything."

"If it weren't for the training of the military seat and the head of Hu Tuan at the time, I, Zhang Yulin, would not be able to be where I am today." Zhang Tianhai is telling the truth about this matter. Maxima is important, but it still needs Bole, and Hu Tuan Mr. Song Xilian and Mr. Song Xilian at the time of Changhe was undoubtedly this Bole.

"You've been very good these days. You led the troops and won several battles, right? I've heard about it from behind. The LY victory was a good one, which expanded the results of the troops." Song Xilian once again boasted.

"Master, you also know my level. If it weren't for the No.40 Army and the Ninth Army in the front, I'm afraid our third theater is directly under the first regiment, and we would have been unable to withstand it. We can win that battle. The victory of the battle is mostly due to luck." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, "The division seat, oh no, it's the military seat. Now it's outside, and it's not a problem to stand up like this. Why don't you go inside the regiment headquarters. I will report to you again!"

"Okay, this is your territory, just do as you say!" Song Xilian smiled and made a joke with Zhang Tianhai.

After entering the regiment headquarters, the tea and conference tables had been set up inside, and they were waiting for Song Xilian to come to the meeting and give instructions anyway.

"It seems that you are all well prepared, and you are waiting for me to come to the meeting. It seems that if I don't hold this meeting, I will be sorry for your careful preparation. Haha." Song Xilian laughed.

"The military seat is joking. Now we are going to report to you the current situation of the first regiment directly under our third theater. After all, the battalions of our army have covered the entire defense area of ​​Lanfeng County. Wait until everyone in the army I'm afraid the time is not allowed for the military chief to return to Lanfeng County to make a report." Zhang Tianhai smiled and reported directly.

"Okay, let's do it like this. You should prepare a list of reports first, and I will listen to your reports in a while and make records on it!" Song Xilian ordered directly.

"Yes, military seat, I'll send someone to sort it out." Zhang Tianhai responded, and then winked at the adjutant Wang Liang.

"That's how it is. I'll wait here for a while. By the way, do you have anything to eat in your regiment? I haven't eaten anything during my hard work." For Zhang Tianhai, an old subordinate, Song Xilian felt that he didn't need anything. It's worth being polite, anyway, if there is something to do, just order it directly.

"It must be there, and it has been prepared for the military seat a long time ago. The military seat came all the way from Kaifeng, and it must have been a long journey, so I sent someone to prepare it long ago. The military seat can eat while eating. Wait, after eating, the preparatory work will probably be finished." Zhang Tianhai smiled, after all, these preparatory work must be done well, and the commander of the theater has already issued a notice, so if you don't do it well These preparations are a bit unreasonable.

Zhang Tianhai ordered the cook to prepare this meal shortly after he received the notification from the commander of the war zone. Anyway, he prepared it early, and he can eat it immediately after Chief Song arrives.

This work meal is also relatively simple, only two meat and one vegetarian, but this is already considered very good during the war.

Song Xilian was not polite, and ate directly. It didn't take long to eat, it only took about seven or eight minutes to complete, and the catalog of the situation report was also completed at the same time.

Soon, the military meeting to report to Army Commander Song Xilian was formally held.

Song Xilian was sitting right in the middle of the conference table, with a serious expression on his face, and he was holding a report form in his hand, which was about to be reported by Zhang Tianhai and others.

After Song Xilian was seated, Zhang Tianhai began reporting directly: "Reporting to the military seat, our regiment now has five combat battalions, four of which are the main infantry battalion and one is the cavalry battalion;
There are two battalions for non-direct combat battalions, one is the supply battalion and the other is the artillery battalion; the troops directly under the regiment headquarters include small artillery companies, mortar companies, special service companies, communications companies, engineering companies, gendarmerie, guard platoons, medical team.Basically, all arms of our regiment are relatively complete. The number of combat soldiers in a main infantry battalion is 610 five, the number of combat soldiers in a cavalry battalion is 370 five, and the number of combat soldiers in five combat battalions is 830 five;
The total number of artillery battalions is 410 people, of which twelve artillery pieces;

The total number of people in the baggage battalion is 470 people, 290 mules and horses, and [-] military trucks, with sufficient transportation capacity;

The current strength of the secret service company is 210 five people, plus the current teaching platoon 310 people, a total of [-] seven people, all of which are combat soldiers;
The gendarmerie is a company-level unit, with a total of 150 five soldiers, who can be temporarily used as combat soldiers;
The small artillery company and the mortar company have 120 people each, and the total number is 240. There are six Soloton machine guns and six mortars each;
The guard platoon has a total of 110 seven officers and men, who can be included in the ranks of combat soldiers;
There are a total of 530 six people in the communication company, engineering company, and medical team.

There are more than [-] people in the regiment, of which more than [-] can fight. However, our regiment is after the war, and most of them are recruits. In terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid that it is still far behind the existing soldiers. It is difficult, but as long as the military seat gives us a certain amount of time, we will be able to hand in a satisfactory answer. "

"Then what's the situation with your main infantry battalion now? Is it the same as the standard of the previous German weapon division?" Song Xilian asked.

"Now our infantry main battalion, except that the standard of weapons and equipment is the same as that of our No.30 Sixth Division before, on the basis of company-level troops, we also set up a short-range firepower reinforcement squad. This short-range firepower reinforcement squad It is mainly based on three grenadiers and a Japanese-made large official light machine gun. In addition to the machine gun company directly under the battalion headquarters, it is a more direct fire support unit." Zhang Tianhai continued to report.

After Song Xilian heard Zhang Tianhai's report, his eyes narrowed slightly: As an old military veteran, he knew very well what this meant.This means that the equipment of the first regiment directly under the third theater is not ordinary, it is quite excellent!

Regarding the application of the first regiment directly under the third theater, he already had a preliminary idea in his heart!


PS: Today's first update is sent, and it's Kawen today, so it's a bit late, I hope everyone will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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