War of Resistance

Chapter 583 Goodbye Song Xilian

Chapter 583 Goodbye Song Xilian
"Zhang Yulin, you can do it, kid. You have grown the army of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone into such a large force. I remember that you took away only three hundred soldiers from the First Battalion of the [-]th Regiment. Come?" Song Xilian squinted slightly at Zhang Tianhai, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"No way, our regiment is a unit directly under the theater. If it is in battle, once it is disabled, it will be in a very troublesome situation of supply. Moreover, if we do not expand, it is very likely that we will be trapped by the enemy. The army besieged without support. Moreover, our regiment has a small organization and few soldiers, and there are not as many personnel as brigade-level units. Not to mention that today's wars are carried out at the division level or even at the corps level. It will be very troublesome if we don’t expand under such circumstances.” Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

Of course, being forced to expand is only one aspect. The more important thing is that Zhang Tianhai wants to have more troops and more soldiers in his hands. To go into battle without being easily wiped out by the enemy, but this point cannot be said directly to Song Xilian.

"Well, you are promising now, kid, and the army has begun to expand. If you continue to expand, I'm afraid you will have to expand into a division?" Song Xilian looked at Zhang Tianhai with a smile.

Before Zhang Tianhai and the others could speak, Song Xilian then changed the subject: "No matter what, in the battle, I hope that you will not be lucky or want to retreat at any time. You must fight the Japanese army to the death. In the end. There are basically no German weapon masters now, and your army can be said to be the essence of the national army, so I don’t need to say too much about the next thing, right?”

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said, "I understand. Don't worry, Commander, our First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone has never flinched since it became an army."

It's fine if Zhang Tianhai didn't say this, but when he said this, Song Xilian's face changed and became very serious, he pointed to the former and said, "Zhang Yulin, do you still remember disobedience when you retreated in Nanjing? After your kid becomes the head of the regiment, don't you think about my face as a teacher?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhang Tianhai never expected that Army Commander Song would of course say this in front of everyone at this time, and he was so embarrassed that he choked and coughed dryly.

Zhang Tianhai's dry cough finally stopped, and he said with embarrassment: "That, military seat, I didn't do it on purpose at that time...At that time, Nanjing was about to fall, and I just wanted to do my part for Nanjing."

After all, Song Xilian is considered an old officer, right?It was indeed embarrassing for the old officer to bring this up.

"Okay, let's not mention these past events! Then you talk about it, what do you think of the current battle situation? I want to think about it, should I transfer your regiment back to Luoyang. Together with No.70 The main force of the army will be stationed at the same place." Song Xilian said seriously, he had thought about this idea seriously on the way here, whether it is better to transfer this small army to Luoyang for unified training, and it would be better for unified management.

"Military seat, this is something I have always wanted to tell you. The third theater is directly under the first regiment, and it cannot be transferred to Luoyang for unified garrison training. Instead of conducting garrison training together, it is better to stay in Lanfeng County. , to wait for changes in the current situation." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Tell me, what's your reason? I can apply to Chief Cheng, otherwise your regiment has already been included in the battle order of my No. 70 first army, and it's not a problem to stay in Lanfeng all the time. "Song Xilian said bluntly, whether it is Zhang Tianhai or Guo Qiliang, they are all his old subordinates, and there is nothing to go around.

"The current situation in Xuzhou is not optimistic. Although Xuzhou's troops are still able to hold on, the Japanese invaders' iron hooves are not so easy to resist. The situation in Xuzhou's battle is probably not optimistic. Once Xuzhou falls, the next place will be Kaifeng , when the time comes, the next battle will definitely be around the defense of Kaifeng. Therefore, keeping our regiment in Lanfeng can also play a role in getting familiar with the battle situation in advance. It is better than being transferred to Luoyang. We will help you with everything. If not, it would be a waste of training time for troops to move back and forth." Zhang Tianhai expressed his thoughts again.

"Indeed, you are right. You also have a long-term perspective. A few days ago, Yu Xuezhong's army was on the front line, and three brigade commanders were killed or injured, plus seven regiment commanders. The troops were almost wiped out. As a new force , the situation of the No.60 Army under the Dian Army that was transferred to the front line is not optimistic, and the casualties are very heavy. In my opinion, Xuzhou really can't last long." When Song Xilian said this, there was no trace of emotion on his face. With a relaxed look, it is obvious that he is not optimistic about the front line of Xuzhou.

"The military seat, what do you mean, don't you transfer us back to the headquarters of the No. 70 First Army in Luoyang?" Zhang Tianhai asked tentatively.

Song Xilian nodded and said, "That's the initial idea, but I still have to inspect your troops before I can make a decision. Although you have already reported to me in writing, this equipment data is indeed one of the best among the combat troops of the national army." An elite team, but the key still depends on the quality of the officers and soldiers of the troops, after all, talents are the key to using weapons.”

Zhang Tianhai glanced at the watch on his hand and said, "Look, military seat, it's almost five o'clock now. By the time the troops are assembled, it may already be dark, why don't you watch it tomorrow?"

In fact, at this time, it was dark, and after 06:30, Zhang Tianhai wanted to wait for the secret service company to withdraw and let the special service company accept Song Xilian's review. There is no company in it that can match the combat effectiveness of the spy company.

"It's too early to get dark now, and there is still an hour. If you want to inspect the cavalry and infantry units, I'm afraid it's too late. Why don't you inspect the artillery battalion first! Your artillery battalion has twelve mountain cannons, just this artillery The establishment of the battalion is not too much for an army, so let's go and see this artillery battalion!" Song Xilian said directly.

To be honest, when Zhang Tianhai heard Song Xilian's words, he wished he could slap himself a few times--what are you doing with your mouth?Do you have to tell the commander the real data of the artillery battalion?Listening to the meaning of Commander Song, there is also some meaning of wanting to borrow the artillery battalion? !

To tell the truth, for Zhang Tianhai, the Artillery Battalion is an absolute treasure. If there is nothing else to be afraid of, he is afraid that the commander of the army, Song Xilian, wants a tiger to borrow a pig...

What if I don't pay it back?
However, since Zhang Tianhai has already put the data in front of him, he can't refuse the military seat's inspection, can he?
As a result, Zhang Tianhai, head of Zhang Da, could only accept Song Xilian's proposal with a slander: "Okay, military seat, this matter is absolutely fine! I will take you to the station of our artillery battalion to inspect the situation!"

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go now!" Song Xilian stood up and put on his military cap and said.

"Yes! Military seat!" The three military chiefs of Zhiyi Regiment also stood up immediately.

What no one noticed was that the adjutant Wang Liang slipped out at once—he wanted to send someone to inform the artillery battalion!

PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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