War of Resistance

Chapter 585 Artillery Storm

Chapter 585 Artillery Storm
"Look at how scared you are, do you still look like a soldier?" Song Xilian joked to Zhang Tianhai, "Okay, I was joking with you, do you really take it seriously?"

As he said that, Song Xilian's usually serious face showed a rare smile for the nth time today, it seems that he is really in a good mood today.

The first is to harvest the elite unit of the first regiment directly under the third theater, and this unit does have the glory of the German armor division he led back then—even in some respects, a member of the No.30 Sixth Division The brigade is not as good as Zhang Tianhai's reinforced regiment.

Well, especially mobility and the artillery battalion. The brigade-level units of the No. 30 Sixth Division are all infantry, that is, there are more infantry. up.

The artillery of the first regiment has twelve cannons. If you let go of the bombardment, you can completely suppress the momentum of one of the regiments, and then send another battalion to defend the regiment whose offensive momentum is suppressed, and the other troops can take it easy. To go against another regiment, plus the mobility of the cavalry battalion to assist.

If the fight started, it could basically be said that they were evenly matched. Of course, in comparison, Zhang Tianhai's troops might suffer a bit. After all, there is a shortage of infantry troops, which is also a big problem.

It was precisely because of the contrast in his heart that Song Xilian was in an exceptionally good mood.

First of all, the promotion, the number of troops in this hand is increasing, and with the addition of Zhang Tianhai's troops, the overall strength of the No.70 army can be said to be quite strong, no wonder Song Xilian's The mood will be so beautiful.

Of course, the strength of the current No.70 army is based on paper data, but Song Xilian is confident that this army will become a strong army!
It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

After entering the artillery battalion's station, Song Xilian's good mood suddenly felt like a fire in his heart, and was mercilessly watered by ice water. Not only did the heat drop, but... it was so cold...

This is how it happened?
I saw that in this infinitely beautiful sunset time, what came into view was this group of artillerymen who formed a team to repair the artillery inside, as if there was no artillery that was good-could this be what Officer Cheng said? , elite troops? ?

Song Xilian's beautiful mood was completely destroyed at this moment.

And Zhang Tianhai, who was carefully observing the face of the army commander, after seeing Song Xilian's ugly face, his hanging heart was slightly relieved: Hmm...it's terrible, almost the artillery battalion will be killed The army commander borrowed it, and looking at the expression on Song Dajun's face, there is no possibility of borrowing artillery, right?
"Zhang Yulin, can you explain to me what's going on?" Song Xilian turned to Zhang Tianhai with a livid face.

"Well, military seat, we don't want to do this either... When the fifth war zone distributed our artillery battalion, most of these artillery pieces had problems. No, we have to repair them after every battle. Repair, otherwise it will be useless in the next battle. In the battle to defend LY, we only fought two rounds, and we directly damaged five artillery pieces, but it was useless and a pity to discard them. I can use it like this..." Zhang Tianhai complained bitterly, what he said was true, and tears were about to fall.

If Zhang Tianhai could enter the film and television industry in this era, he would probably be able to win an award related to the faction of strength.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai who was about to snot and tear, Song Xilian couldn't help but think of Zhang Tianhai's performance in the Songhu battlefield. Such a brave and good fighter should not cheat Him?

However, Song Xilian still underestimated the brazenness of people's hearts, so he chose to believe in Zhang Tianhai: "Okay, I will trust you. Now the front line is tight, and there is a shortage of artillery everywhere. I can give you one. That's it." The artillery battalion is not bad, having artillery is better than having no artillery, learn to accept the reality!"

While talking, Song Xilian patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder lightly, signaling him not to be wronged.

However, before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Song Xilian went on to say, "I'll tell you first, if your infantry unit or cavalry unit, like the artillery battalion, I'm the only one to ask you! "

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianhai is too confident: it is not for nothing that he has walked straight forward for so long and stood in the military posture for so long; Isn't the purpose of ideological work just for these officers and soldiers to exude a spirit from the inside out?
The artillery battalion wanted to do this purely because of Zhang Tianhai's personal selfishness, but the infantry unit and the cavalry unit are different. These two units are fist troops of the same regiment. It's all gone wrong, what will the military seat think of their regiment?
Just such an army, not to mention Song Xilian, even Zhang Tianhai, it is impossible to let such an army go to the battlefield-is it to send such a force to the battlefield?

"Humble position to the military seat, my third theater is directly under the first regiment, whether it is infantry or cavalry, they are all first-class fist troops, but the cavalry battalion has just returned, and now the infantry is also scattered in Lanzhou. Various places in Fengxian County have now ordered the secret service company, the cavalry battalion, and the first battalion of the infantry main force to undergo military seat inspection tomorrow!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted Song Xilian, with a very serious expression, as if he had issued a military order .

"Well, anyway, it's about the same one day later. I don't believe you can make some other moths in one night." Although Song Xilian agreed to Zhang Tianhai's request, his words were still full of doubts. .

However, for a "money" slave like Zhang Tianhai, as long as his artillery battalion is not transferred, then anything is easy to discuss.

What's more, the training of the First Battalion, the Cavalry Battalion, and the Secret Service Company are already quite complete. He is not afraid of Song Xilian's spot checks at all, and he even wants to show some limelight so that Commander Song will be in the future. When fighting, use their first regiment directly under the third theater as a main force, not as a reserve team!

"Military seat, shall we now visit the camp of the special agent company directly under the regiment headquarters? That is the demonstration unit of our regiment, both in terms of equipment and soldiers, they are quite elite, except for heavy firepower, there is no other Apart from the strength of the main infantry battalion, other aspects are definitely not bad." Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

"Okay, then according to what you said, go and see your regiment's special agent company! I want to see what the so-called demonstration troops of your regiment look like." Song Xilian relaxed his tone, which can be regarded as letting go The artillery battalion of the first regiment stopped.

When the red sunlight of the setting sun filled the city wall outside Lanfeng, Song Xilian finally followed Zhang Tianhai, a big flicker, and set off to inspect the spy company again, but he never uttered the doubts in his heart——Zhang Tianhai What kind of medicine is sold in Yulin's gourd?


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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