War of Resistance

Chapter 586 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company

Chapter 586 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company
Regarding the standards of the spy company, Zhang Tianhai has always been very strict - who made the spy company a sharp knife?And it is also a sharp knife that Zhang Datuan attaches special importance to.

But as soon as he got in the car, Zhang Tianhai realized that it was getting dark.

The darkness of this era is not as simple as that of the later generations in the 21st century. In China in the 21st century, if it is dark, it is a big deal to turn on the lights; but this era is different. Due to backward productivity, this era People in China can only light weak candles after dark.

Of course, a small number of wealthy families in big cities and county towns like Xuzhou can still afford advanced foreign gadgets like electric lights, but there are only a few of them.

"Mr. Zuo, I'm afraid it's going to be dark...how about we wait until tomorrow to inspect?" Zhang Tianhai said looking at the sky that was about to turn dark.

After hearing this sentence, Song Xilian also stopped to get into the car. He turned around and asked Zhang Tianhai: "By the way, Zhang Yulin, what is the special meaning of this demonstration army you mentioned? I'll explain it carefully, and then I'll make a decision."

Song Xilian knew that the demonstration troops that Zhang Tianhai mentioned were definitely not as simple as he imagined. If it was an ordinary demonstration troops, Zhang Tianhai was fully capable of developing the first regiment directly under the third theater into a team with exemplary discipline and combat effectiveness. There is no need to specifically emphasize this exemplary combat unit that also has an exemplary role in the world.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai's heart skipped a beat: Those who can leave a strong mark in history really have real skills. I had dinner early and recovered my energy. I will wait until tomorrow to make overall arrangements , it seems that it is not working now.

I sighed and sighed in my heart, but the work had to be done well, especially at this stage of war, and there should be no negligence.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath, and then reported: "Reporting to the military seat, this low-ranking unit is used as an irregular unit. In addition to training harder than other ordinary combat units, the special agent company also specially adds The training subject of night combat. The purpose is to focus on the fact that the Japanese army is weaker than night combat, especially equipped with a large number of grenades, so as to enhance the company's short-distance penetration ability, so as to achieve the goal of winning by surprise at critical moments."

"Oh? Night combat ability?" Hearing this, Song Xilian became interested. He really wanted to see what medicine was still in Zhang Tianhai's gourd that hadn't been shaken out.

"Yes, it is the ability to fight at night. We are in this company. Each squad has a light machine gun and is assigned two grenade grenades. Moreover, each squad is formed with 15 people. There are four A platoon to enhance the field combat capabilities and close-range penetration capabilities of the special agent company. Since the company is positioned as a fast-moving force, the company is not equipped with heavy machine guns, mortars, etc. to carry bulky weapons and equipment." Zhang Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully.

"Oh? Your idea is very good. If you can really train it out, it will have an extremely significant effect when you go into battle at a critical moment." Song Xilian didn't want to praise Zhang Tianhai when he said this. It's because he really thinks the idea is good.

Song Xilian has been in the army for more than ten years and has commanded the troops to fight many battles. He naturally knows what it means if the troops can be trained according to the established plan. That moment.

If according to Zhang Tianhai's established prediction, there is such a force that secretly breaks through the Japanese defense line and even attacks the enemy's headquarters, then the chances of winning this battle are quite high.

"The military seat is absurd. In fact, the firepower of the special service company is still not strong enough, and the mobility is still subject to certain objective restrictions. If conditions permit, I would like to equip the class units of the special service company with German-made mp18 submachine guns." , if it can be armed, it will definitely not be a problem to break through the Japanese defense line. At that time, with a mobile radio, it will definitely be able to achieve a quick strike against the enemy." Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh as he spoke.

Why are you sighing?The reason is that subject to objective factors, his "great" idea could not be realized.

"Indeed, your idea is very good. If it can be realized, your regiment has a great chance of winning against the Japanese army of the same level. But now our national army has no ability to achieve this goal, so everything is in vain. It can only be down-to-earth." Song Xilian nodded and said, "Okay, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I want to see what your meticulously built army looks like."

"Yes! Military seat!" Zhang Tianhai responded, then hurriedly started the vehicle, and then drove to the station of the special agent company.

The spy company is located in another direction of Lanfeng City - near the east gate.

The garrison of the secret service company is not as grand as the garrison of the artillery battalion. This is a standard small barracks, which happens to be the kind of barracks that can accommodate 500 people.

Except for a large playground in the middle for emergency assembly, the rest are rows of dormitory rooms that are arranged in an orderly manner. Well, a class can fit into one room, and a row can fit into a row.

Of course, it’s impossible for this place to be just the base of the spy company. There is also a company from the first battalion stationed here, and the other three companies, including the machine gun company, are stationed in Sanyi outside the city following the large troops from the first battalion. Fortified.

Zhang Tianhai drove the car directly into the barracks in the east of the city. After all, the guards in charge of guards also recognized that the car was driven in by the head of the regiment himself, so naturally they didn't dare to stop the car, and the road was naturally unimpeded.

After Zhang Tianhai stopped the car, he immediately yelled: "Assemble!! All assemble!!!"

Following the roar of Captain Zhang, a sharp assembly whistle sounded in the camp area immediately.



The whistle was very sharp, and it rang through the entire camp at once, accompanied by shouts and the sound of assembly.

All of a sudden, the entire camp was boiling. The officers and soldiers of the special agent company who had just driven back from the third battalion station, as well as the officers and soldiers of the first battalion and the second company who had been training for a day, assembled immediately.

The gathering speed, of course, is not generally fast.

In less than 2 minutes, the special agent company, which included the teaching platoon, and the officers and soldiers of the first battalion and the second company, had already assembled.

"Zhang Yulin, I can see that you have worked hard on this aspect. As far as gathering together, I have a very good impression." Song Xilian is very fierce when he curses, but when he praises others , which is also quite straightforward.

"Thank you for your praise, Junzuo, I am honored to be humble." As he spoke, Zhang Tianhai turned his face away, and said to the hundreds of officers and soldiers who had assembled: "The teaching platoon, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion and the second company, can be disbanded." Yes. All the officers and soldiers of the former spy company, go back immediately and prepare your weapons and prepare for battle! Gather on time in 5 minutes, and we will set off soon!"


PS: The first update is here!

The second update will be later, and it may be made up tomorrow. As for the one update owed to everyone, I will pay it back later...

(End of this chapter)

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