War of Resistance

Chapter 587 1 Everything is in Silence

Chapter 587 Everything is silent

"Yes!!" The officers and soldiers of the secret service company responded, and immediately went back to get their own equipment. The action was not so fast.

Since the second reorganization of the spy company (that is, following Zhang Tianhai's breakout in Nanjing), it has been receiving relatively high-intensity training.

Today, it has been almost five months, due to strict discipline and built to a very elite standard.

Ever since, it didn't take long, about 5 minutes later, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company had already assembled, and they appeared in a fully armed posture.

Although it has been a long journey, the spy company usually has a huge amount of training, so in terms of mental state, it looks very energetic.

"Military seat, the spy company was specially transferred back from Neihuangji at noon today." Zhang Tianhai deliberately introduced it to Song Xilian.

Well, that's right, Zhang Tianhai is deliberately showing off a company of secret agents...

As long as you don't borrow his artillery battalion, you can discuss everything...

"Well, it looks pretty good. I want to see your army's night combat ability, how will you show it to me, the officer?" Song Xilian looked at Zhang Tianhai with great interest.

"It's not a big problem. It can be solved in a while. It's just that you need to give me some time, military seat. Whether it's ordering the engineers to dig the trenches of the imaginary enemy or preparing the dummy, it will take time." Zhang Tianhai said truthfully. , since you want to play, why not play something more realistic?
"Okay. Then I'll wait and see." Song Xilian smiled, watching with great interest.

"Then please ask the military seat to move to the restaurant to have a meal first, and then take a short rest. Wait until early in the morning before starting the rehearsal. Please rest assured, the military seat, the humble officer will not inform the secret service company of the target to be attacked, engineer The positions to be continuously dug must be dug with the most standard fortifications. In this rehearsal, all live ammunition was used to restore the reality of the battlefield." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Good! Very good!" Song Xilian nodded and said.


The place Zhang Tianhai wanted to take Song Xilian to was naturally the Yueyang Tower Restaurant that Zhang Chenggong brought Zhang Tianhai to.

Today's Yueyang Tower Restaurant had already been cleared by Zhang Tianhai, and the place was already heavily guarded.

Regarding this clearing operation, the owner of the restaurant was naturally reluctant, but after a period of "harmonious negotiation" with Xu Sangou sent by Zhang Tianhai, the boss compromised - if he disagrees, the platoon leader Xu is a bird. , Either lose money for one day, or wait for the dark circles under the eyes, and then it will be the kind of dark circles under one eye today and another dark circle tomorrow.

As for why Xu Sangou, a not-so-honest guy, was sent out, Zhang Tianhai naturally had intentions...

Well, I can’t make this up any more. In fact, Zhang Tianhai just sent his adjutant Wang Liang because he thought it was such a trivial matter. The secret service company and the engineer company are rushing back from Neihuangji.

Ever since, Xu Sangou, a guy with an unreliable way of doing things, has a medium-sized head, so he just happened to be the only one. Anyway, this guy just leads people to stand guard at the door every day, that is quite free.

Accompanying Song Xilian for dinner, besides Zhang Tianhai, were Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang.

After all, Zhang, Zhou, and Guo are also the leadership team of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. Apart from them, there is probably no one else who is qualified to accompany Song Xilian, the chief executive, to dinner.

As for Zhang Chenggong and his like, it is quite wrong to appear in this scene.

"Mr. Zuo, would you like some more wine? We haven't seen each other since the farewell in Nanjing." When preparing for dinner, Zhang Tianhai's brain twitched and he asked suddenly.

Song Xilian frowned, took a deep look at Zhang Tianhai, and then said meaningfully: "I can't, this wine, let's drink it later! If you drink too much, I'm afraid I will waste your team's efforts tonight." Did you prepare for the actual combat rehearsal?"

The implication is, you kid don't want to get Lao Tzu drunk, and then fool Lao Tzu with fishy eyes.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai felt a little embarrassed in an instant: Obviously, the detours or the tricks of repairing the artillery when he took the military seat to see the artillery battalion before have been seen by others...

"Then listen to you, Military Seat!" Zhang Tianhai said with an awkward smile.

After the table was opened, the atmosphere was not as awkward as it is now. Song Xilian chatted quite openly with them, without any airs of being an officer.

While chatting, the topic of why Zhang Tianhai disobeyed and stayed in Nanjing was brought up.

"Army, let's be honest! I don't want to part with so many troops in Nanjing. They obviously still have the strength to fight. After all the officers are withdrawn, these troops will have no leader. They can only be massacred by the Japanese army. It's a pity The teaching team, the No.80 Eighth Division, and our No.30 Sixth Division." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh.

"Indeed, by then, only 30 people from our No.600 Sixth Division had broken through, and the remaining [-] to [-] troops had all fled in the chaos of the war. It's a pity that these good guys didn't get along with them. After a few battles, the Japanese army fell under the butcher knife of the Japanese army." Speaking of this, Song Xilian felt a little depressed.

Song Xilian was the commander of the No.30 Sixth Division at that time, and the troops worked desperately to replenish the troops, and only [-] soldiers were added, but only [-] people broke out of the [-] soldiers. One can imagine.

Zhang Tianhai was also from the No.30 Sixth Division, and he has a strong affection for the old army, so when Song Xilian said these words, Zhang Tianhai was deeply touched.

When talking about the big retreat in Nanjing, the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy. They were all witnesses and participated in the defensive battle against Nanjing, and they also had many brothers and comrades in arms. Fell under the butcher knife of the Japanese army.

Everything was kept silent, Song Xilian saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull, besides, this matter was indeed suppressed in his heart for a long time, he gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Come on! Serve the wine !"

Ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, Song Xilian directly poured himself a glass of wine, and then drank it down.

Those who have not experienced this battle will not understand that it is the depression in the hearts of these witnesses who hold military power, but they are helpless in the face of the powerful historical wheel!
"Come on, drink too, don't wait for me to drink alone." Seeing Zhang Tianhai who was still a little dazed waiting for a few people, Song Xilian drank.

After hearing Song Xilian's somewhat dissatisfied words, Zhang Tianhai and the others hurriedly said as if waking up from a dream: "Hurry up, come here! Serve the wine!"

After drinking for three rounds, Song Xilian spoke to Zhang Tianhai and said, "Zhang Yulin, you are dishonest! It's fine if you deceive others, but you also deceived me, an old officer."

When Song Xilian said that, he pointed at Zhang Tianhai helplessly, obviously very helpless.


PS: This is to make up for the second update last night, and there will be two updates today tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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