War of Resistance

Chapter 588 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company

Chapter 588 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company
"To be honest, old sir. I can't help it..." Zhang Tianhai sighed, "My artillery battalion, it can be said that it took a lot of effort to pull it into such a large scale. Once it's gone, it's gone. My heart aches..."

"I have already seen that you are not a good guy. If you are so honest, I dare say that the first regiment directly under the third war zone will definitely not have the same scale as it is now." Song Xilian pointed to Zhang Tianhai, Said angrily and funny.

"Army seat... oh no, actually, old sir, I'm still used to calling you teacher seat. Although you are promoted now, the humble post will never forget the shot you ordered me to fire in front of Yijiang Gate. Then What a heroic and unrestrained attitude." Zhang Tianhai said with a chuckle.

It's good not to mention it, Song Xilian still can't remember it, but it's good to say it, he remembered everything.

"Are you so fucking embarrassed to say that? If you were a little bit crooked at the time, the No.80 Eighth Division's direct team would have rebelled on the spot!" When talking about this, Song Xilian was really angry, " You kid was born to piss me off, right? Damn it, I and Sun Yuanliang were classmates at first, I thought about it, persuaded him to withdraw, I didn't expect you kid to be good, just come up One shot."

After Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie heard Song Xilian's scolding, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback: This Yulin is a real tiger, how dare a small battalion commander shoot at a division commander?A little lieutenant colonel actually shot the lieutenant general? !

"That... that... Wasn't the situation critical at that time? I hesitated a little longer, afraid that I would not be able to stop the rout of the No.80 Eighth Division at that time? Scared him, and retreated..." Zhang Tianhai insisted I found a reason for myself.

Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang, who were on the side, were even more stunned after hearing this: "It's true that the co-authorship is so bold..."

"You still have the nerve to say, if Sun Yuanliang gains power one day, you have to find ways to kill me?" Taking advantage of the alcohol, Song Xilian scolded directly, but most of them were with a smile.

For Zhang Tianhai, Song Xilian probably regards him as the type of Hu Jiaji. Hu Jiaji belongs to the type of person who can cause trouble but also make meritorious deeds. So in Song Xilian's view, as long as he is used well , that is a very sharp knife.

Just like Hu Jiaji, didn't he also make a lot of contributions?In Song Xilian's opinion, doesn't Zhang Tianhai also belong to Hu Jiaji's type?
Now Hu Jiaji is still serving as the brigade commander of the No. 80 Eighth Division, and there is no place for the No. [-] Eighth Division, so he couldn't bring it over.

But I didn't expect that after arriving in the first war zone, there would be a surprise——under the arrangement of Chief Cheng, Zhang Tianhai's troops entered the battle order of the No. 70 first army, and became his subordinates again.

Song Xilian is courageous and capable, but it doesn't mean that he can take full control of the situation immediately when he goes to No.70. So, his first stop is Lan Feng's place, the purpose is to get to know Zhang Tianhai again The recent situation, understanding and the current situation of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

However, the series of things that happened after coming here made Song Xilian dumbfounded—I don’t know where he learned this kid is treacherous and slippery, if Song Xilian didn’t know that Zhang Tianhai is not afraid of death in war, and He is more patriotic, and even wants to save Nanjing at the expense of his own life, otherwise Song Xilian would never dare to use this person.

While eating and drinking, Song Xilian began to get to know Zhang Tianhai again from the sidelines. Unexpectedly, the answer he finally got was that he came up with these bad ideas because he was afraid that Song Xilian would borrow the artillery battalion and not return it.

Zhang Tianhai has a way of fighting, he is daring to fight, and he is not afraid of death. On this basis, Song Xilian thinks that Zhang Tianhai is very thoughtful and courageous.

Hmm...it belongs to the kind of you who are good or bad, I really like the kind...

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Tianhai is a talented person, and the first regiment directly under the third theater is not bad at all. If it can recover well in terms of combat effectiveness, it is also possible to directly entrust him with important tasks.

The combat effectiveness of the secret service company is a test, a test of Zhang Tianhai's ability to lead troops, and this test will also directly affect the future combat positioning of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

Zhang Tianhai didn't think too much, he only thought that Song Xilian was blaming him for cheating the chief.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai said with a calm expression: "That... the military seat, I'm sorry, I really didn't think so much when I was in the humble position, I just thought about how to force Sun Yuanliang, who is directly under the division headquarters, to take him back to continue fighting Little devil. That's more than 2000 people, what a powerful military force. And the troops of the No.80 Eighth Division, like our No.30 Sixth Division, are German weapon masters. If these 2000 people are released Going back, the little devil must lose at least half of the alliance, right?"

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. In fact, your shooting at Sun Yuanliang is not a particularly serious matter. The focus in the future depends on whether your troops can provoke the leader. You also know that No.70 The troops of the two divisions of the First Army are mostly newly formed on the spot, and their combat effectiveness is poor. Although there are good guys in their hands, I don't know if they can exert their due combat effectiveness." Song Xilian didn't hide it. , he said so directly.

"Please rest assured, the military seat, my third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and I will definitely exert the combat effectiveness that the German weaponry unit should have. However, we still need at least half a month to train. You also know that our regiment is in Xuzhou There were a total of two battles on the front line, and these two battles almost wiped out my hometown. The veterans of the army suffered a lot, and now there is a situation in the army that there are fewer veterans and more recruits." Now that the words are already Speaking of this, Zhang Tianhai felt that he didn't need to be secretive, so he just told Chief Song the real situation of his troops.

"Half a month? Are you sure this time is enough? You have to know that once the front line of Xuzhou loses, Kaifeng will be the first to bear the brunt, and Lanfeng is the east gate of Kaifeng. It can be said to be Kaifeng's last line of defense. If Your regiment is in charge of guarding here, so you will face the front of the Japanese army directly, do you think your army can do it?" Song Xilian narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared directly at Zhang Tianhai, as if the latter was telling a little lie , could not escape his sharp eyes.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded solemnly, then changed the subject, and said, "But one thing must be ensured, that is, our regiment must have reinforcements. If there is no reinforcements, the end of our regiment will It is the same fate as Wang Mingzhang's Department of the [-]st and [-]nd Division of the Sichuan Army who defended Teng County. They can only live and die with Lan Feng. I hope you can understand, Commander, that there will be no deserters in the Department of the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater , and will definitely stick to it to the end! However, after we are all dead, I don’t know if anyone will come to guard the county town of Lanfeng.”

Zhang Tianhai made it very clear that it depends on whether the friendly forces cooperate or not. If the friendly forces do not cooperate, even if the first regiment directly under the third theater can fight, it will be powerless.


PS: Today's first update will be delivered, and the second update will be delivered before two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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