War of Resistance

Chapter 589 The task given by Zhang Tianhai

Chapter 589 The task given by Zhang Tianhai

"Don't worry! I, Song Xilian, am not Tang Enbo and others. How could I die? Especially my subordinates." Song Xilian said very seriously.

Before Zhang Tianhai and the others could speak, Song Xilian changed the subject and said, "By the way, Zhang Yulin, tell me honestly, where are you going to hold the rehearsal tonight?"

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, then said: "Junzuo, there is a small highland near Lanfeng County, called Xiaorong Mountain. It is said to be a highland, but it is actually not high. It is just a very common hill, but this It is a rare hill in the plain, and the rehearsal will be carried out around here."

"Okay, then I'll just wait and see. I'm waiting for you, Zhang Yulin, to direct this drama." Song Xilian smiled with interest.


It's night, Xiaorong Mountain.

Compared with the quiet Lanfeng County, this place is very lively, as lively as a big construction site.

This started with an order from Army Commander Song Xilian.

"Hurry up, hurry up, brothers, work harder, and strive to complete the task as soon as possible!" Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineering company, said loudly. For him, he really did not want to be meritorious, but to be innocent.

Are these normal times?This is the mission of the army commander to inspect!

If one fails, the group leader will be dismissed from his position if he fails to keep it in order.

In addition to the people from the engineering company digging positions and trenches, people from the cavalry battalion were also urgently requisitioned.

There are two cavalry companies, the officers and soldiers of one company help dig trenches, and the officers and soldiers of the other company are mainly responsible for weeding people.

Yes, that's right, it's the grass-throwing man.

No matter what happens in a battle, there will be both the enemy and us, and these grass figures are their imaginary enemies, and the main task is to calculate the degree of casualties.

The two standardized trenches entrenched on Xiaorong Mountain are gradually taking shape under the efforts of the officers and soldiers of the two companies directly under the First Regiment in the third theater.

Two hours later.

The time was eleven o'clock in the middle of the night on April 27, the [-]th year of the Republic of China.

Two military off-road jeeps with the badge of blue sky and white sun drove out from the north gate of Lanfeng County, and went directly to Xiaorong Mountain. Behind them were more than a dozen military trucks full of guards with live ammunition. For a moment, it could be said to be full of murderous intent, and the atmosphere was chilling.

So many troops left the city, but Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County, was alarmed all at once.

I saw that Zhang Chenggong had just fallen asleep at this time, and someone came to report: "It's not good, County Magistrate Zhang, the garrison troops in the city have left the city, but more than a dozen trucks have gone out."

"What is this Zhang Tianhai doing? The Yueyang Tower restaurant was closed today, and now so many garrison troops are out of the city... Could it be that the little devils are coming soon?" Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Chenggong said He was startled, afraid that his own crow's mouth had said this terrible result.

"What are you panicking? What are you panicking! If Commander Zhang's troops want to evacuate, they will definitely tell me. It is impossible to leave in such a hurry." Zhang Chenggong cursed the man who came to report the letter with some guilt son's government officials.


This convoy was naturally escorting Song Xilian, Zhang Tianhai and the others to Xiaorong Mountain.

The two military jeeps in the front were used to transport officers including Song Xilian, Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, etc., while the convoy of more than a dozen trucks in the back was naturally used to transport the officers and soldiers of the secret service company and the guard platoon.

The distance between Lanfeng County and Xiaorong Mountain is not too far, it takes about 10 minutes to arrive.

When there were still two miles away from Xiaorong Mountain, Zhang Tianhai asked the officers and soldiers of the secret service company to get out of the car and asked them to wait for the combat order here.

Song Xilian was quite satisfied that Zhang Tianhai had done this very carefully. At least Zhang Tianhai didn't have the idea of ​​cheating to win his trust in the combat effectiveness of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

In other words... Zhang Tianhai has great confidence in his troops.


Not long after, Song Xilian, Zhang Tianhai and the others arrived at Xiaorongshan's position.

At this time, the Xiaorongshan position is also close to completion, and now many straw figures that have been tied up have been placed in the trenches.

These scarecrows will replace the Japanese army to accept the baptism of live ammunition in this actual combat exercise!

Song Xilian's military boots lightly stepped on the relatively dense grass on Xiaorong Mountain. His eyes were staring at the surroundings, but looking left and right, no matter how he looked at these positions, they were excavated according to a very standard level. Fortifications.

"Military seat, the excavation here is carried out by the engineering company, and it is all carried out according to the standard fortification standards." Zhang Tianhai introduced.

"You guys have done a good job on this point. The actual combat exercise this time is very interesting." Song Xilian didn't hold back his praise, and said it directly.

The observation post for the exercise was set at a distance of 300 meters from Xiaorong Mountain, which is neither too far nor too close. With the addition of a telescope, you can just see all the movements of Xiaorong Mountain clearly.

In order to allow Commander Song to better see the battle above, Zhang Tianhai previously ordered someone to build an observation post.

This observation post can't be said to be big or small, it's only two meters high, just enough for two people to stand on it.

Just when Song Xilian had just finished throwing a cigarette butt, Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineering company, hurried over, stood at attention and saluted and reported: "Reporting to the military seat and the regiment seat, the engineering company's department did not disgrace, and completed it in time. Completed the fortification tasks assigned by the officers!"

"You have done a good job, you lead the troops and retreat now!" Zhang Tianhai ordered directly.

"Yes! Sir!!" Li Chengjie responded loudly.

After Li Chengjie left, Zhang Tianhai immediately said to the messengers around him: "Give me the order, and immediately order the spy company to report to me! Just take my car to report, and remember to report as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!!" The orderly responded.

About 15 minutes later, the truck carrying the officers and soldiers of the secret service company arrived.

Liu Houming trotted all the way to Zhang Tianhai, stood at attention and saluted and reported loudly: "Report to the regiment! The secret service company should have 252 people, and there are 252 people. Please give instructions to the regiment!"

Upon hearing this number, Song Xilian felt that something was wrong. He glared at Zhang Tianhai, sighed a long time, and said, "I knew you were dishonest a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to be so dishonest. You The secret service company of the Communist Party of China obviously has more than 350 people in total, and when it was reported on paper, it said that there were only more than 200 people... How many soldiers do you have now?! If you dare to fool me, I will immediately practice your military law! !"

The more Song Xilian talked, the more angry he became. He had never met such a cunning subordinate as Zhang Tianhai. It didn't count if he was fooled once, but he was fooled again and again.

"Reporting to the military seat... That humble post only concealed the strength of this special agent company... Isn't it because you think we have too many soldiers and want to borrow our troops..." Zhang Tianhai could only bite the bullet and tell the truth. How could this matter be hidden?
"Okay, this time I will forgive you. Next time, do you think I dare to beat you?" Song Xilian glared at Zhang Tianhai and cursed, which officer would like to be so fooled by his subordinates? Method?
"Yes! Military seat!" Zhang Tianhai quickly responded, because he was afraid of being scolded, so he tactfully changed the subject: "Army seat! Let's start our military exercise now!"

"Well, let's get started!" Song Xilian nodded and said, he didn't forget to give Zhang Tianhai another look when he finished speaking. If he hadn't used Zhang Tianhai, he might have learned Hu Jiaji's butt-kicking method a long time ago. Now, I have to kick Zhang Tianhai, a bitch.

"Yes!" After Zhang Tianhai responded, he quickly turned around pretending to be serious and said to Liu Houming next to him, "Liu Houming, now that the exercise has officially started, I only have a rough map of Xiaorong Mountain here. How to do it is up to you. My task for you is that you must take down Xiaorong Mountain within an hour! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming replied loudly, then turned around and shouted loudly: "The Secret Service Company!! Target, Xiao Rongshan, let's go!!!"


PS: It was my second update last night. I thought I could survive it, but when I wrote 01 words at 30:[-], I couldn’t bear it anymore. I don’t feel like I was young Then we can survive.Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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