War of Resistance

Chapter 590 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company

Chapter 590 The Combat Strength of the Special Agent Company
So, at Zhang Tianhai's order, Liu Houming set off with his troops.

In the darkness, everything was silent, only the torches on the mountain were left with a faint light like a candle, which was not too obvious from a distance.

Song Xilian didn't make a sound, his eyes were quietly staring into the distance, he was waiting for the start of this battle.

The wind at night was a little cool, quietly blowing the faces of the military officers of the first regiment directly under the third theater and the soldiers of the guard platoon.

Song Xilian stood at the highest place, so it was naturally windier and cooler than other places.

It's just that Song Xilian was not moved at all, his attention was on Xiaorong Mountain in the distance.

Time passed by, Song Xilian picked up the binoculars hanging around his neck, and was staring at the position on the mountain.

He is an expert, so he naturally knows Xiaorongshan's position, which is quite standard. If this wave of attack can break Xiaorongshan's defense line, that is to say, when this army faces the Japanese defense line in the future , this approach is also effective.

So this time, Song Xilian seriously wanted to see if the well-trained fighting force of the Zhiyi Regiment was really as fierce as Zhang Tianhai said.
Suddenly, a sudden gunshot sounded in the dark night, as dazzling and sudden as a shooting star piercing the night sky.

After the gunshots rang out, a sudden burst of intensive artillery fire covered the first line of defense of the Xiaorongshan position.

The dense explosion sound was like the explosion of firecrackers during the Spring Festival!
In addition to the dense explosions, there are also the dense gunshots. The bullets are like the scene of the Leonid meteor shower, densely covering the first line of defense of the Xiaorongshan position, like Like a comet hitting the earth, it disappeared in an instant.

Although Song Xilian couldn't see the most direct scene here, he saw the officers and soldiers of the secret service company leaning forward and charging quickly through the explosion of the shell through the binoculars.

After a while, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company occupied the first line of defense of Xiaorong Mountain. They immediately relied on the first line of defense and launched a very violent attack like the second line of defense. The density when attacking the first line of defense!
Seeing this scene, Song Xilian finally understood why Zhang Tianhai said it was a sharp knife. This army is indeed very sharp, and it really lives up to the name of a sharp knife. It can knock down the enemy's defense line pierced.

With this kind of offensive firepower, and it was launched in a hurry, there was a tacit understanding. The most important thing was how long did it take them from receiving the mission to reaching the bottom of the mountain?10 minutes is not enough, the key is that they haven't visited the position of Xiaorong Mountain yet!

The so-called, the layman watches the fun, the expert watches the doorway.

Song Xilian could tell at a glance that no matter which soldier in this unit, if he was placed in an ordinary combat unit, he would be at the level of a squad leader.

Why can they cooperate so tacitly?Moreover, can each squad be so familiar with the trench structure, elevation projection, etc.?

This shows that all the officers and soldiers of this company are very familiar with the trench structure, and they specialize in night combat and coordinated combat!
There are two grenadiers in each squad, and there are 24 grenades in a company. If the firing speed is fast enough, each grenadier can fire ten small shells in one minute, and 1 grenades, that is, 24 rounds.

This is not counting the twelve light machine guns. Within a minute, there is such a powerful firepower for close-range coverage. In the hastily launched battles, it is impossible for the Japanese troops in these areas to react so quickly, because the battle started. They will lose the upper hand, and more than half of them will fall under the dense small-scale artillery fire coverage.

If it goes well, this battle will take less than 10 minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle!
These 10 minutes are enough to do many things, for example, the main force of the infantry follows closely behind and immediately occupies the existing position!
Soon, after the special agent company occupied the first line of defense, it almost didn't stop, and immediately launched an attack on the second line of defense.

Intensive artillery fire once again covered the second line of defense!

Looking fixedly at this scene, Song Xilian's eyelids were jumping: Zhang Tianhai's special agent company, if it wasn't because he knew in advance that there would be a military exercise here, otherwise, if he didn't pay attention to observe, he wouldn't even know there was a military exercise. Such a troop has already approached the foot of Xiaorong Mountain!
What if this is the enemy headquarters?This burst of intensive artillery fire can directly allow them to break through the enemy's outer defense line, turn to the enemy's headquarters, and immediately launch the most violent attack!
"Okay, don't waste shells anymore. Let's end here!" Song Xilian put down the binoculars and directly ordered.

Just now, the two intensive artillery fire coverage consumed at least more than 200 small shells. Even Song Xilian, the commander of the army, did not dare to have such courage—this is a special period, a period of war!These small cannonballs are very useful. If they really cover the little devil's head, how many people will the little devil lose...

"Yes! Military seat!" Zhang Tianhai answered, but his answer was in vain.

Because of the "battle", it's over!
"Zhang Yulin, to be honest, your military exercise is very exciting. Your spy company is indeed a sharp knife, but I have a question for you." Song Xilian walked down from the sentry post.

"It doesn't matter if you say it in the military seat, but you must know everything in a lowly position!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly, with a very solemn look on his face, as if the words were true...

Of course, Zhang Tianhai would still answer depending on the question, and he wasn't the kind of person who was honest enough to say everything.

Honest people would seize spoils of war to supplement their own troops without authorization, and there are also various acts of disobedience?
Song Xilian nodded and said, "It's the problem of supplementing the small artillery shells of your regiment. As far as I know, the logistics department under the commander's department of the theater does not have too many small artillery shells for this type of grenade. You guys don't want to buy them here." Make up nonsense and lie to me, if I know that you are fooling me, I will immediately apply to the theater commander's department and the military command department to revoke your position as regimental commander!"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianhai was startled in his heart: Chief Song doesn't look like he's joking, if he fooled him even with this trivial matter, he might really do such a thing.

So, after Zhang Tianhai weighed the pros and cons, he still had to choose to be honest—well, this is the disadvantage of having a bad character. Now Song Xilian, as a superior officer, is questioning Zhang Tianhai's character in various ways.

Alas, it is so difficult.Zhang Tianhai sighed deeply in his heart.

"Report sir, the lowly position is in peacetime, but it is not easy to dispatch the spy company. It is only dispatched when it is sure to win the battle, or when it can be exchanged for a greater military return. If it is dispatched in peacetime Secret agents, even that is a huge waste. Moreover, although the special agent company is well equipped, the loss of combat materials is also great, especially in the supplement of grenadier and small artillery shells." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"You still haven't answered my question directly. You can think it over before you speak." Song Xilian also knew that Zhang Tianhai spoke in a more tactful manner, but he still wanted Zhang Tianhai to say those bold words from his own mouth.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about my lowly position. I can only withhold the loot, or I can ask the chief to help me replenish it." Zhang Tianhai sighed for a long time. It's really a blessing or a curse, and the disaster can't be avoided...

"How dare you do such a thing as embezzling spoils of war? I'm really not afraid that the commander of the war zone will hold you accountable?" Although Song Xilian knew that Zhang Yulin was a bold kid, he was indeed prepared, but the words came from the mouth of Zhang Yulin. When it was said in it, it was inevitable, and I was a little surprised

It's just that Song Xilian is listening, why does the logic feel so inexplicable?Isn't this asshole logic?
Thinking about it, Song Xilian's teeth were itchy for a while - this logic is too fucking beating.

The more Song Xilian thought about it, the more angry he became. In a fit of anger, he kicked his right foot in military boots towards Zhang Tianhai's round buttocks.

"Ah..." A self-righteous head of the regiment was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

But this scene looks like the scene of Hu Jiaji Hu regiment kicking the second battalion commander Wu Tao?

History is always similar, but the people who stage it are not the same.

But in the final analysis, the reason, um...it must be because I deserve too much beating...

It must be like this...


PS: The first update is here!

Alas, it's finally the weekend.I'm starting to have a weekend, and I'm going to pay back all my debts in these two days! ! !
Please wait and see!

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Flower Chief and Empire’s Despicable Government for each of the three chapters!
Thanks to starting point book friends Phantom Ninja 11, Ah Geng, Gui Hu Ge, Ik88881026, reading without other hobbies, rebellious scholar, Yaohen, and QQ reading book friends Zuiruru for two monthly tickets each! !

(End of this chapter)

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