Chapter 591

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, and the fatigue of the journey, that Song Xilian didn't get up until noon the next day.

As for where Song Xilian lives, it is naturally the Lanfeng City Defense Command where Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters is located.

After waking up and having lunch, Song Xilian asked Zhang Tianhai to assemble the spy company. He wanted to inspect the spy company to see what the troops that fought so well last night looked like.

At this time, the trees in the city defense headquarters are full of shade, and wisps of sunlight pass through the leaves full of vitality, like a funnel full of sieve holes, very beautiful.

The big playground has long been emptied. Usually, this should be the training ground of the guard platoon, because the training ground of the special agent company is usually in the wild, and the special agent company can be regarded as a veritable field force.

At this moment, Song Xilian was standing at the front of the line, while Zhang Tianhai was standing beside him.

As the current leader of the first regiment directly under the third theater, Song Xilian's will can naturally run through the entire first regiment directly under the third theater.

"Are you the commander of the spy company?" Song Xilian looked at Liu Houming.

"Reporting to the military seat is a humble job!" Liu Houming strode forward, standing at attention and saluting.

Song Xilian patted Liu Houming on the shoulder and said, "The military exercise last night was very good and successful. Who taught you this set of combat theory?"

"This set of combat theory is taught by our regiment seat, and the humble staff is only responsible for specific training matters, and the general direction is still controlled by the regiment seat." Liu Houming reported.

For Liu Houming's truth-telling, Song Xilian expressed a little surprise. He didn't expect that Zhang Tianhai, who couldn't hear three farts before the Songhu battle, would be so beautiful.

"Very good. Generally speaking, it's very well done." When Song Xilian nodded, he still didn't forget to take a deep look at Zhang Tianhai, but he felt a little nervous when he saw the latter.

In the following time, Song Xilian inspected the first battalion, and then the cavalry battalion. Anyway, he went to see the most important troops.

After inspecting the cavalry unit, Song Xilian stood at the head of Lanfeng County, frowning tightly, as if he was not in a very beautiful mood.

"Junzuo, are you... in a bad mood?" Zhang Tianhai walked over and stood beside Song Xilian.

"Yes, this time I went to the No.70 First Army. In my heart, to be honest, I have no foundation. This army has always followed Wang Jingjiu's lead. Now that Wang Jingjiu has been transferred to the third theater, I I don't have much confidence in these officers, I'm afraid something will go wrong..." Song Xilian said meaningfully.

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but "thump" in his heart: Did the military seat already have a premonition about the Lan Feng battle?
Although he knew the ending, Zhang Tianhai still couldn't just say it so directly. After all, Long Muhan hadn't made a mistake yet. If he said it so bluntly, not only would Song Xilian not believe it, but he would also think that it was very wrong for him to slander Shangguan. it is good.

Anyway, Long Muhan is still the lieutenant general of the No.80 Eighth Division. In terms of qualifications, he is also a student of the first batch of Whampoa, and he is Zhang Tianhai's senior!
Zhang Tianhai was not stupid, he was so stupid that he would stick to this kind of trouble.

"Why did the military seat say that?" Zhang Tianhai asked very tactfully under caution.

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Song Xilian turned his head slightly, looked at Zhang Tianhai with a smile, and said, "Do you really understand or are you pretending to understand? I always feel that you are a crafty old man. Don't say what you need to say, don't say anything." What should be said is still not said. It will avoid the important and take the light."

"Hey, military seat, you just made fun of the lowly position. The lowly position is indeed not very capable, but please rest assured, the military seat. I, Zhang Yulin, no matter how glib, but as long as the military seat gives an order, the lowly position will go through fire and water. !" Zhang Tianhai also knew that Commander Song's words were not that simple, they were just forcing him to express his position and issue a military order.

"With your words, I have a lot of confidence in my heart... This No.70 First Army is not our No.30 Sixth Division before. The No.30 Sixth Division, anyway, is the army I have led for several years .” Song Xilian let out a long sigh.

Zhang Tianhai knew that Song Xilian still had something to say next, so he didn't interrupt, just waiting for the main point of the commander.

Sure enough, Song Xilian went on to say: "The battle on the front line in Xuzhou is tight. Now the Japanese army has almost reached the city of Xuzhou. It won't be long before Xuzhou is about to fall. The time given to me by the Japanese is still too short."

"Military seat, do you also find it difficult to take over the No. 70 army?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

"It can't be said to be difficult! It can only be said that there is not enough time, and the situation does not allow me to slowly integrate the No.70 First Army. I still have half a month at most..." Song Xilian sighed One sound.

"Half a month may not be a very long time, but it is almost enough to get to know the main officers in the army. As long as they are under control, there must be no big problems, right?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. Gently reminding Song Xilian to pay attention to Long Muhan...

"It's easy to say, this person, when he's in a certain position, he can't see things clearly... Zhang Yulin, now in the No. 70 First Army, the only one I can trust is you..." Song Xilian turned around and patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder solemnly.

In fact, thinking about changing the position, Zhang Tianhai can probably understand how much pressure Song Xilian's position is at this time.

The position of commander of the No. 70 First Army seems to be infinitely beautiful, but at present, apart from the fact that the first regiment directly under their third theater is reliable, neither the No. 80 Seventh Division nor the No. 80 Eighth Division may be able to Subdue him Song Yinguo!

Indeed, Song Xilian was born in Whampoa Military Academy, but Shen Fazao, commander of No.80 Seventh Division, and Long Muhan, commander of No.80 Eighth Division, were also from Whampoa?Moreover, Long Muhan was in the same period as Song Xilian, and Shen Fazao was a student of the second phase of Whampoa.

If the battle fails and the command fails, then whose head will be beheaded by President Jiang's sword?He Song Xilian, the army commander, has a big and round head, which fits perfectly.

Therefore, the pressure on Song Xilian can be imagined.

Zhang Tianhai sighed, and said: "Army, please rest assured! The third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and will always be at your command! Point your guns to the east, and we will never go west!"

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's resolute assurance, Song Xilian nodded with some relief.

For Song Xilian, this is only the first stop, and he still has a lot to do. After returning to the No.70 First Army, there are still many things to do.

Just now, a telegram reached Lan Feng, saying that the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone will be relocated to Zhengzhou. If there is any important matter, please report to Zhengzhou.

Whether it is Song Xilian or Zhang Tianhai, they are very clear about what kind of signal this is - this is the commander-in-chief of the first theater is making preparations, and once Xuzhou falls, the commander-in-chief of the first theater will not be in the first place. Inside, he was threatened by the front of the Japanese army.

Perhaps, after relocating to Zhengzhou, the national army still has a little room to resist, and there is still time to fight for the biggest fighter around keeping Zhengzhou and defending the periphery of the north gate of Wuhan!
At least, after the relocation, the national army can still carry out a battle in the east of Henan around Kaifeng and other places!
If the commander-in-chief of the first war zone is taken away, the whole territory of Henan will fall into the hands of the enemy!
"Zhang Yulin, do you have any thoughts on the prospect of your third theater being directly under the first regiment?" Song Xilian asked.

"I don't know, these are what you big men should think about, and it's not something that a little regiment leader like me can imagine." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock. I owe you two updates in total...

(End of this chapter)

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