War of Resistance

Chapter 592 Xue Yue Corps

Chapter 592 Xue Yue Corps
"Then just talk about it! I'll also listen to your kid's thoughts. I didn't know you very well before, and I couldn't explain your behavior and other aspects clearly. This trip to Lanfeng, I learned a lot. It's huge..." Song Xilian said bluntly.

"Then let's do something about the humble job!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "As for the development prospects of the Zhiyi Regiment, if conditions permit, I will definitely develop the cavalry battalion."

"Oh? Cavalry battalion? But as far as I know, your cavalry battalion has a size of more than 400 people. Among the national army, if a regiment can have such a cavalry unit, it is quite powerful." Song Xilian I was a little surprised and didn't understand Zhang Tianhai's thoughts.

I saw Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said: "In terms of numbers, it is basically enough, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it still needs to be improved. The current cavalry battalion is no different from the cavalry in the cold weapon era except for a rifle. .”

"What do you mean?" Song Xilian narrowed his eyes slightly, looking interested.

It's not that Song Xilian doesn't know that the position of the cavalry at this stage is a bit embarrassing - after all, the maneuverability is more than enough, but the assault ability of the cold weapon era has also weakened, and it seems that it is useless except for chasing down the rout. This is the main reason why the position of the cavalry is in such an awkward situation.

"The cavalry battalion of our regiment has a total of three companies. It's not too much, but it's also a lot. Since the appearance of tanks, the cavalry's assault ability is almost zero. Therefore, I have been thinking about it. How to transform the cavalry battalion." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Transformation?" Song Xilian seemed more interested.

"Yes, it's transformation." Zhang Tianhai nodded, but his gaze turned into the distance, gradually deepening.

Before Song Xilian could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say, "The maneuverability of the cavalry is still what we need urgently. How to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the cavalry is what I'm thinking about now. With the changes in the form of war, for those who lack For us who have heavy weapons such as tanks, it is very urgent."

"Oh? Then do you have a preliminary plan now?" Song Xilian asked with great interest.

"Yes, but there is no condition to realize it." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

Being poor is the greatest original sin...

"Then let's talk about it, maybe, I'm the commander, can I help you?" Song Xilian smiled and said half-jokingly.

"About this cavalry battalion, I want to build them into a quick-response force, a mobile force that can quickly go to the front line of the battlefield, and a firepower reinforcement force that can fight independently." Zhang Tianhai said in front of the chief for the first time. came to my own mind.

"Oh? How to strengthen the law?" Song Xilian was indeed very interested. In his opinion, Zhang Tianhai belonged to that class of extremely talented people.

"It is to build the cavalry battalion into units with company-level troops as units with various tasks. First, each company of the cavalry battalion will issue a combat radio station so that they can receive command operations at any time." Zhang Tianhai Start talking.

"For example, the first cavalry company will assume duties similar to the ancient scouts, that is, scouts, and the company will maintain its current status;
Another example is the second cavalry company. If conditions permit, a large number of grenades, mortars, and Japanese-made heavy machine guns will be issued, and the company will be built into an immediate machine gun company, which is a fire support force. ;

The last one, as for the construction of the third cavalry company, let's build it according to the existing infantry company system! "When Zhang Tianhai said it, he tried his best to slow down, so as not to distract Song Xilian.

After all, Song Xilian is now the leader of an army, if his head gets hot, it is really possible to allocate a large amount of equipment to him.

Zhang Tianhai can still tell which is more important, he is not stupid!

"If you think so, the use of the cavalry battalion can indeed improve the combat effectiveness of the troops. Your idea is very good. If you can really win one or two battles, I will immediately fulfill your little wish." Song Xilian smiled, he really has this ability...

"Yes, the humble job must live up to the high expectations of the military. When the Japanese army arrives, they must be killed and discarded." Zhang Tianhai assured, with a smile on his face.

After all, Song Xilian still regarded the officers from the No. 30 Sixth Division as his own.

As for why he didn't agree directly, it must be to block the mouths of the No.70 army...

In general, Song Xilian's visit to Lanfeng not only gained a lot for Song Xilian, but for Zhang Tianhai, why not?

Early the next morning, Song Xilian left Lanfeng County with his two followers and the driver.

Zhang Tianhai proposed to send a cavalry company to send the commander to Kaifeng, but Song Xilian refused, and the reason for the refusal was also very moderate: he said that the army was too large, and he was afraid of being "taken care of" by Japanese aircraft.

In fact, Zhang Tianhai also knew why Commander Song rejected his request.

With Song Xilian's ability, there is no need to rely on Zhiyituan's power to take power, and it is not necessarily a good thing for Zhiyituan to send troops to send him off.

As for Song Xilian's ability, there is no doubt about it - an incompetent person can lead the No. 30 Sixth Division in Shanghai for three months?

Besides, Song Xilian in history took over as the commander of the No.70 First Army on the battlefield on May 70. He had only been in office for about [-] days, and he commanded the No.[-] First Army to engage in continuous fierce battles with the Japanese army.

However, the fly in the ointment is that Gui Yongqing, a very deceitful friendly army commander, and a very deceitful Long Muhan appeared, which shamed Song Xilian's record.

By the way, as for why Song Xilian didn't need to go to Luoyang, but returned to Kaifeng directly?
The reason is that after the commander-in-chief of the First Theater Command moved to Zhengzhou, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government also made a decision: to establish the First Corps of the First Theater, which had jurisdiction over Huang Jie’s Eighth Army, Gui Yongqing’s No. .20 Seventh Army, Song Xilian No.70 First Army, Yu Jishi No.70 Fourth Army, Wang Jinzai's new No.30 Fifth Division, with Xue Yue as the commander-in-chief of the corps, stationed in Kaifeng, Henan!
In addition to the establishment of the First Corps in the First War Zone, the Military Command Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government also issued an order, that is: all armies and ministries under the jurisdiction of the First Corps in the First War Zone will immediately march towards Kaifeng, No delay!

Now that the main force of the No. 70 First Army is already moving towards Kaifeng, there is no need for Song Xilian to go to Luoyang to perform his duties. He just waits quietly in Kaifeng.

Zhang Tianhai also received this order, but he was ordered to stay in Lanfeng and wait for the main force of the First Corps to gather before making a decision.

Zhang Tianhai knew about the establishment of the First Corps: the curtain of the Battle of Lanfeng has been gradually opened!
Whether this battle can save Lan Feng's defeat depends on the next thing. Xue Yue's corps is not the only one in the third war zone directly under the first regiment. We can only see if Song Xilian can help here. Besides, what else can he do?He doesn't have much to do!
He is just a small regiment commander, and among the First Corps where more than a dozen troops gather, he is nothing more than an inconspicuous small troop!
Gui Yongqing's No.20 Seventh Army, Huang Jie's Eighth Army, Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army, and Song Xilian's No.70 First Army, these troops are the real protagonists of this battle of Lanfeng!

Although the first regiment directly under the third theater is a battle order belonging to Song Xilian's No. 70 army, but that doesn't change the established fact that they are a small force in comparison!

PS: The second update is here!

There will be another chapter in a while!
Thanks to the starting point book friends BEIQIANG1976, Ronin A, QQ reading book friends Traveling through Dangxianyu and Xiaolou Tingfeng for two monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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