War of Resistance

Chapter 593 Prepare first? !

Chapter 593 Prepare first? !
The establishment of the First Corps seemed to have nothing to do with Zhang Tianhai, so he held a military meeting symbolically, announcing the establishment of the First Corps in the First War Zone, and then ordered the troops to garrison as originally planned.

I don't know if it was influenced by Song Xilian, Zhang Tianhai also became fond of walking to the top of Lanfeng County, where he looked far into the distance, as if he could make his thoughts clearer.

The breeze gently blows on Zhang Tianhai's handsome face, as if it wants to blow away all the irritability on his face.

Standing in the breeze at the top of the city, Zhang Tianhai vaguely felt that he might have forgotten some important steps, and they were important steps to keep Lan Feng from losing!
Where is it?Where is it?Countless question marks flashed through Zhang Tianhai's mind.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai started to walk around in place, and started the scene of circling.

At this moment, Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of the regiment, walked up to the top of the city and saw Zhang Tianhai walking in circles, so he jokingly said, "What's the matter? Break the head of this Lanfeng city."

"Stepping through Lanfeng City...stepping through Lanfeng City..." Zhang Tianhai murmured to himself, suddenly there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, and a ray of light flashed past.

Zhang Tianhai slowly cast his gaze under the thick city wall.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's strange movements, Zhou Fangjie suddenly felt that he was a little inexplicable, and he didn't know what this guy was thinking, so he just ignored the greeting, and stared at the ground with shining eyes, as if there were gold ingots on the ground .

"Hey, my Commander Zhang, what are you looking at? There doesn't seem to be any gold ingots on the ground?" Zhou Fangjie walked to Zhang Tianhai's side, and followed Zhang Tianhai's gaze to the ground.

"No, there are things on the ground that are more valuable than gold ingots." Zhang Tianhai murmured.

"Huh?" Zhou Fangjie said inexplicably.

A very crazy and bold idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Tianhai's mind.

This idea still needs to be carefully considered. Once it is implemented, there are many aspects involved.

"By the way, Lao Zhou, how much explosives does our regiment have?" Zhang Tianhai raised his head and asked Zhou Fangjie.

"Explosives reserve? What are you going to do?" Zhou Fangjie asked in surprise, Zhang Tianhai is usually not so boring as to ask a bunch of nonsense.

That can only show one point, Zhang Tianhai has an idea of ​​what to do next.

"You answer my question first! My idea is not mature enough, so I have to collect all the information before making a decision." Zhang Tianhai said directly, but he avoided answering Zhou Fangjie's question directly.

"There seems to be half a ton left!" Zhou Fangjie thought about it, and said with some uncertainty.

After learning this data, Zhang Tianhai directly said to a sentry who was standing guard next to him: "The sentry who is standing guard over there, come here!"

"Yes! Commander!" After the sentinel responded, he hurried over at a trot.

"You, go to the regiment headquarters immediately, call Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineering company, and tell him that the commander of the regiment ordered him to come here as quickly as possible!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Yes! Regimental Commander!" The sentinel responded, and then hurried to the regiment headquarters.

"Hey, Zhang Yulin, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? I always feel that you are a bit mysterious." Zhou Fangjie said jokingly.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhou Fangjie with a very serious expression, and said, "Old Zhou, if I say that Lanfeng will be the center of the Battle of Eastern Henan, would you believe me?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. Now that Xuzhou has not fallen, where did the Battle of Eastern Henan come from? Don't even think about it..." Zhou Fangjie stopped suddenly when he was halfway through. He remembered Zhang Tianhai. There is one advantage—that is, it is about combat, but it never tells lies.

"You mean, you think Lan Feng will be the center of the next battle?" Zhou Fangjie said in surprise.

"Yes, now our First Corps has been established, and the headquarters is located in Kaifeng. It is clear that we will defend the Longhai Railway and fight to defend Kaifeng..." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. Take a long sigh.

"But then?" Zhou Fangjie frowned deeply.

"If Lanfeng becomes the center of the battle, I think it is very likely that the ending of Luodian will reappear here. I want to make some first-hand preparations." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"When you say that you are going to prepare first, do you intend to bury explosives under the city wall?" Zhou Fangjie gasped as he spoke.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai did not deny it. Zhou Fangjie, as the deputy head of the first regiment directly under the third theater, will know about this matter sooner or later. Not only is it meaningless to conceal it, but it will also cause some unnecessary conflicts, such as suspicion. , crisis of confidence and so on.

"This...isn't that good...?" Zhou Fangjie said with some disbelief.

Zhang Tianhai looked away, looked to the distance outside the city, and said, "Just watch, this day will come sooner or later. Instead of us launching a counterattack after the Japanese take the city, that It will undoubtedly cause a lot of casualties. Because of this, I think that while Lanfeng County is still in our hands, we can make some pre-emptive preparations."

"You are the head of the regiment, and you usually see things farther than us, but this time, I still choose to believe in your vision. Since I want to do these things, as the deputy head of the regiment, how can I not support it? What about you?" Zhou Fangjie smiled and said, in fact, he also had some gambling elements in his heart, he wanted to bet again whether Zhang Tianhai's gaze was really so effective?
Furthermore, the situation Zhang Tianhai mentioned is not impossible.

And it is very likely to happen!

About 15 minutes later, Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineer company who arrived on a fast horse, trotted all the way to the top of the city.

"Reporting to the regiment, Li Chengjie, the commander of the engineering company directly under the humble regiment headquarters, has been ordered to report to you!" Li Chengjie stood at attention and saluted.

"Okay, I called you here this time because I have a secret mission for you. But if any secrets are leaked, I only ask you!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, don't doubt that if he can't do it, his subordinates will be sent to prison. If you are unconvinced about such things as the ground-rectification, you can gamble with your own head?
"Yes! Tuan Zuo! The humble official will never reveal any secrets!" Li Chengjie hastily promised.

"Then I would like to ask you a more professional question now. If you are asked to plant half a ton of explosives under this city wall, and the fuse must be pulled 300 meters outside the city, are you confident in completing this task? "Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

"It's okay to bury the explosives, and it's okay to lead the lead 300 meters outside the city, but I would like to take the liberty of asking the group, what kind of explosion effect do you want?" Li Chengjie asked.

"Collapse the entire city wall!" Zhang Tianhai said harshly.


PS: The first update is still due, and there is another update due, wait for tomorrow!The old man is too sleepy. . .Good night. . .

(End of this chapter)

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