War of Resistance

Chapter 594 Vigilance

Chapter 594 Vigilance
After hearing this, Li Chengjie didn't show too much shock, he just responded in a flat tone: "Yes, group seat, half a ton of explosives, as long as the layout is reasonable, it is enough, and it is enough to blow down a city wall. "

Zhang Tianhai nodded solemnly, and said, "Then it's up to you to execute it tonight! At twelve o'clock in the morning, you will lead the troops to gather here. Before departure, you must strictly abide by the confidentiality order!"

(Note: The commander of the engineering company is Li Chengjie. I was confused when I wrote it earlier, and I forgot.)
"Yes! Group seat!" Li Chengjie stood at attention and saluted. He was not tall, but he was strong, and he walked like a soldier.

After Li Chengjie left, Zhou Fangjie asked, "This time, are you going to keep it secret?"

"Yes, it must be kept secret. Except for the three of us and the engineering company, other troops are not allowed to leak information." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Do you want to say hello to He Jiye from the gendarmerie?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"No need, one less person who knows will reduce the risk of leaking the secret. If He Jiye has any questions, just ask him to come to me in person." Zhang Tianhai made the decision directly. He was not the kind of indecisive person from the beginning to the end. , The decision he is going to make, there are not many people who can stop it.

"Then tonight's security force, which force do you plan to use?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Just the secret service company! Let Liu Houming send troops to garrison the intersections of the same south gate, and don't approach without permission. The core area must be in a vacuum state, and then let the people from Li Chengjie's engineering company be responsible for the construction." Zhang Tianhai Shen Shen Said in a very firm tone.

"Then it's up to you." Zhou Fangjie said helplessly.


It's night, twelve o'clock in the morning,

The location is the south gate of Lanfeng County. The security forces of the secret service company have been lined up near the south gate. They start to arrange tasks in units of classes. Basically, each class is responsible for an intersection.

In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, when Zhou Fangjie was arranging tasks, the officers and soldiers of each squad issued a warrant issued by Zhang Tianhai himself: No one is allowed to approach the south without the order of the head of the regiment. Door, violators, military law!On May 27nd in the [-]th year of the Republic of China, Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, issued an order.

At this time, the grassroots units of the field troops were not so standardized in issuing orders: special period, special treatment, everything is subject to the order of the military chief!
At this time, the base of the south gate wall has become a large construction site, and the engineers of the first regiment directly under the third theater are desperately digging fortifications.

"Li Chengjie, is one night enough for you to complete the task? The alert must be lifted before six o'clock tomorrow morning. Being responsible will hinder the normal operation of Lanfeng County, which will lead to a series of unnecessary things." Zhang Tianhai is now Li Chengjie asked next to him.

"Regiment, don't worry! Our engineering company will never delay the regiment headquarters. Before dawn, we must complete the task!" Li Chengjie promised.

"I hope you don't just issue a military order with me and not complete the task." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, group seat. If you can't complete the task on time, then please punish me!" Li Chengjie promised very seriously.

"Okay, since you have made such a promise, then I will trust you. Do you understand the mission I gave you?" Zhang Tianhai asked again.

"Understood, I have already made a detailed plan today, as long as it detonates, the corner will definitely collapse." Li Chengjie said in a low voice on purpose.

"Remember, waterproof preparations have been made. It's the rainy season. I'm afraid that the rain will soak the explosives. Moreover, the area where the explosion collapses should preferably accommodate a company or even a battalion of officers and soldiers to charge in. Otherwise, we will definitely not be able to regain Lanfeng as soon as possible." Zhang Tianhai instructed Li Chengjie.

"Understood." Li Chengjie was in awe. Although he didn't know why the group seat made this move, but he heard that it was a decision made to counterattack Lan Feng in the future. His long-term vision was beyond his comprehension. The only thing to do is to cooperate with the group as much as possible.

Because he was not too relieved, Zhang Tianhai didn't go back to the regiment headquarters to sleep that night, but stared here all night.

After dawn, he went back to sleep.

This night, the south wall of Lanfeng County was busy all night, but after waking up early in the morning, it seemed that there was nothing special, and it was still lively.

Since the first regiment directly under the third theater entered Lanfeng County, the defense of the surrounding city gates was handed over to the troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

As for the police in Lanfeng County, they have become a team dedicated to patrolling the city.

"You pancakes! Fresh pancakes~"

These street vendors started their busy day early in the morning. Perhaps this income is not worth much to Zhang Tianhai, but to these street vendors, it is enough to support their family. .

Sitting on the co-pilot of the vehicle, Zhang Tianhai looked at everything around him silently, but he was thinking silently in his heart: In another half a month, maybe this place will not be so lively anymore, right?

In the city, there are crowds of people, and it looks quite lively, but how long this excitement can last is unknown.

Perhaps, when this place is going to become the center of the Battle of Eastern Henan...

Lanfeng County is not big, so Zhang Tianhai returned to his regiment headquarters within a short while.

Dragging his tired body, Zhang Tianhai found Zhou Fangjie and said, "Old Zhou, I can't do it, I'm too tired. You are responsible for all the operations in the group today. I'll go back and get a good night's sleep."

When Zhang Tianhai spoke, he was yawning, showing his exhaustion.

"Okay, no problem. It's time for you to sleep well and do everything yourself. I think you want to learn from Zhuge Liang and devote yourself to death." Zhou Fangjie joked about Zhang Tianhai.

"All right, all right, I'll let you do some work, and you'll be whining about it. Okay, okay, today you are the boss, you have the final say." Zhang Tianhai said helplessly, and then went back to the room I'm going to bed.

"Go!" Zhou Fangjie smiled and shook his hands.


PS: Today's first update is sent, it's Calvin, this chapter should be shorter, the second update will be made later, and there will be an update.

(End of this chapter)

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