War of Resistance

Chapter 595: Zhuge Liang beforehand?

Chapter 595: Zhuge Liang beforehand?
Time is passing day by day, but the battle situation in Xuzhou has not stopped, and the battle is still very fierce.

On May [-], [-], the enemies of Hanshan in the southern section of Jinpu Road and He County continued to invade Chao County in the afternoon.

The enemy on the southern section of Jinpu Road was mainly the northward troops of the Central China Expeditionary Army of the Japanese army. Its main purpose was to open up the Huainan Railway, and then to open up the Jinpu Railway, and join forces with the North China Front Army under the city of Xuzhou.

Looking at the attack direction of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army, it is divided into three routes——

Among them, the East Route Army, with the No.17 Division of the Japanese Army as the main force, combined with the Third Division and a part of the [-]th Division, marched northward from Nantong, Hai'an, and Yancheng to Funing;
The Central Route Army went north from Zhenjiang along Shaobo and Gaoyou, and went straight to Huaiyin. The Japanese army on this route took the [-]rd Division as the main force, coupled with a part of the [-]th Division, and Fujita, the commander of the [-]rd Division. Become a commander, the whole journey is like a broken bamboo!
The West Route Army gathered the essence of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army—with the Ninth Division and the No.13 Division as the main force, coupled with the [-]nd Division and the [-]th Division, it can be said to be the main force. As far as possible, the main force of the army on this road is already [-] troops.

In order to cope with the northern offensive, the frenzied commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, the Sixth General Hata Jun, even ordered the Sixth Division to fight directly along the south bank of the Yangtze River to Wuhan. This kind of combat plan cannot but be said to be very rampant.

Although Seishiro Itagaki's [-]th Division and Rensuke Isotani's [-]th Division suffered a major defeat in the direction of Xuzhou, Hata Junroku believed that it was a problem with Seishiro Itagaki and Rensuke Isotani's command ability, and replaced Gu How could a brash man like Shoufu fail so easily?
It can be said that the whole of Xuzhou is almost a mess.

But what measures has the Chinese military taken?Probably only the soldiers came to block, and the water came to cover——

On the east road, Han Deqin's No. 20 Fourth Army was in charge of blocking the Japanese army's northward advance. This army had two armies and four divisions under its jurisdiction, plus a Jiangsu Security Corps, which barely counted as five divisions.

The No.20 Fourth Army is the Seventh Army of Miao Chengliu and the No.80 Ninth Army of Han Deqin himself. The equipment is not sophisticated, but it is still capable of fighting.

The No. 40 Sixth Army of Fan Songfu and the No. 20 Second Army of Tan Daoyuan, who were urgently transferred from the north of Xuzhou, were in charge of defending Huaiyin. Commander Fan Songfu served as the front-line commander.

Facing the West Route Army, the absolute main force of the Japanese army, are only the three armies of the Gui Army, namely Li Pinxian's No.11 Army's No.30 Army, and Liao Lei's No.20 Army's Seventh Army and No.40 Army. military.

Once the battle started, it was very fierce.

It’s no wonder that almost everyone is not optimistic about the situation in Xuzhou—the Japanese army attacked fiercely from the north and the south, and their troops have strong combat effectiveness, coupled with the coordination of heavy weapons, at least on paper. The national army above has no advantage!
On May [-], the national army troops in Pi County and Tancheng County in the northern section of Jinpu Road launched a counterattack against the Japanese army that was about to approach the city in three groups at dawn——

The east is attacked from Niangzi Lake; the west is attacked from Lianfang Mountain; the front is attacked from Laogou.

Once the battle started, all battles were fierce.

In addition, there were fierce battles in the northwest of Pixian County, northeast of Taierzhuang, and on both sides of Yixian County and Taizao Branch Line.

On May [-], Tancheng fell. After occupying Tancheng County, the enemy continued to invade Xin'an Town.
The battle in the northern part of Pixian County had already been decided on the evening of the [-]rd. After the national army troops captured Daliang and Xiaoliang, which were heavily guarded by the enemy, some of them approached Sihu Town, and part of them divided their troops to attack the South Bridge.

This department was the Dian Army unit under Lu Han's command. For a while, the battle report about the Dian Army's success on the front line of Xuzhou spread all over the country.

The name of the heroic Yunnan army and its commander Lu Han also began to spread throughout the streets and alleys of the country.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, Zhang Tianhai, who had had a good night's sleep in his room, finally woke up with vigor.

"How is it? Nothing happened while I was trying to catch up on sleep, right?" Zhang Tianhai, who had finished brushing his teeth and washing his face, walked into the combat hall of the regiment headquarters.

"There are no major events, but there are a lot of battle reports for small events." Zhou Fangjie said with a wry smile.

"Oh? What's a trivial matter?" Zhang Tianhai asked curiously.

"Generally speaking, it means that there is no big defeat, so it's a trivial matter." Zhou Fangjie said with a bitter face, as if Zhang Tianhai had exploited his labor force.

Well, the kind that doesn’t give money.

"Tell me, what do you think is a big deal?" Zhang Tianhai asked with great interest. After all, he had already slept, and his mental state was naturally very full.

"Old Zhang, come and take a look." Zhou Fangjie walked directly to the military map, and then picked up the baton.

"Well, then I'm going to hear your high opinion." Zhang Tianhai walked to Zhou Fangjie's side with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, in my opinion, as long as the two places of Hanzhuang and Pixian are not lost, other problems are not big." Zhou Fangjie pointed at Hanzhuang, Pixian and Taierzhuang on the map with his baton. Location, "Hanzhuang is now the north gate of Taierzhuang, and Pi County is the east gate of Taierzhuang. As long as there is no discrepancy between these two places, Taierzhuang will have no worries. Taierzhuang will have no worries, so Xuzhou will have no worries."

"Then why don't you take a look at the location of the southern section of Jinpu Road?" Zhang Tianhai pointed to the Central China area, and continued: "As far as I know, the Central China Dispatch Army of the Japanese Army also sent a lot of troops to the north, whether it is Huaiyin or Fuzhou. Ning, or if something goes wrong in Su County and Mengcheng, it will be a big problem."

"However, as far as I know, the troops of our army responsible for defending the three routes of the Japanese army can really use the strength of the four armies, Li Pinxian's No.11 Army, and Liao Lei's No.20 Army, plus Han Deqin's No.20 Fourth Army; Fan Songfu's No.40 Sixth Army plus Tan Daoyuan's No.20 Second Army, these two armies can barely be regarded as the strength of a group army? Without the Japanese attack, there is no other way." Zhou Fangjie said confidently, obviously confident in the deployment of troops in the southern section.

"The defense of Su County should not be a problem, but the key is Mengcheng. I just don't know if Mengcheng can hold it." Zhang Tianhai pointed to Mengcheng County, which is about [-] kilometers southwest of Ibusukian County.

"Oh? Why Mengcheng? I want to hear your opinion." Zhou Fangjie said in surprise. After all, the location of Mengcheng is incompatible with the strategic goal of joining forces in Xuzhou...

"It seems that you go to Xuzhou here in Mengcheng is the opposite, but if you look at it in a different way, it is completely worthwhile to win here." Zhang Tianhai said with some mystery.

"What's the purpose? Could it be that they want to attack Fuyang and then enter Huangchuan County, and finally go deep into Wuhan alone?" Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly, obviously because he was not optimistic about the prediction that the Japanese army would attack Mengcheng.

"Look, if they take down Mengcheng first, then go north to Yongcheng, from Yongcheng and then north to Dangshan for a fierce attack. At the same time, the Japanese North China Front Army will advance from Jinxiang in Shandong to Shanxian, and then attack Dangshan or Dangshan. It's Guide (that is, Shangqiu), look at the battle situation, what kind of shape will it show?" Zhang Tianhai always had a smile on his face, with an arrogant look of "I was Zhuge Liang beforehand".

"Mengcheng, Yongcheng, Dangshan...Jinxiang, Shanxian, Dangshan?" Zhou Fangjie gestured with a baton, but at the end of the gesture, his face changed drastically, "Could it be that these little devils really have such big powers?" Appetite, do you want to swallow the main force of the fifth theater of our army?!"

"Don't worry, we have to see if the Japanese army really wants to take down Mengcheng before making a conclusion!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, his face was full of calmness and calmness.


PS: The second update is presented...

Make up, wait, I will try to make up tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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