War of Resistance

Chapter 596 Secret plan?

Chapter 596 Secret plan?

"Actually, according to what you said, the intention of the Japanese army to encircle the main force of my fifth war zone is really becoming clearer." Zhou Fangjie said with a wry smile. Facing Zhang Tianhai's military talent, he was perfect. Such a tough character, he inevitably felt some gaps in his heart.

You said, these are students who graduated from Whampoa, and they also served in the national army camp, and some of them were recruited by themselves. Why is there such a big gap between people?
In fact, it is normal for Zhou Fangjie to have this kind of mentality—in fact, his ability has always been very good. It is impossible for people with poor ability to teach troops like the corps to survive. , that's the position of lieutenant colonel battalion commander...

To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, Zhang Tianhai felt that he had treated Zhou Fangjie a little bit badly: If Zhou Fangjie abandoned his regiment and joined Gui Yongqing's No.20 Seventh Army, he must at least be a regiment leader, otherwise No matter how you look at it, positions such as the chief of staff of the brigade are more promising than the Zhiyi Regiment.

I want to return to my heart, but I can't say these words. If Zhou Fangjie thinks about it and feels that he is at a loss and really goes to the No. 20 Seventh Army, then it will definitely be a big deal for the first regiment directly under the third theater. talent loss.

"Just wait and see. After all, these little devils really have this ability now. If it were me, I would implement such a tempting action plan." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, but in his words, he was against the Japanese army. Action plans are shown highly favorably.

Of course, this kind of praise is purely from the military point of view-after all, the two armies are facing each other, and sometimes war is also an art. From the perspective of professional soldiers like them, when the war is going on, this cannot but be said is a work in progress.

"Then if you were the commander of the national army, how would you deal with this sudden change?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

Hearing Zhou Fangjie's question, Zhang Tianhai suddenly heard what Xu Zuyi said in his ears: "Even if we know their strategic intentions, so what? Don't we want to resist until the last moment before retreating? The country is poor and weak." , we have no other way but to resist the advance of the Japanese invaders with our flesh and blood."

"What else can I do? Probably the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it! When it is really unbearable, then command the retreat." Zhang Tianhai explained the meaning of Xu Zuyi and Chief Xu.

War is not limited to the local gains and losses of a city or a pool. What is important is to annihilate the enemy's vital strength and rely on the position to consume and wipe out the enemy's strength.

The strategy of the national army's war of resistance, except for a protracted war of resistance, has no other way.

Are these big battles trying their best to consume the vital strength of the Japanese invaders?Only when the vital strength of the Japanese army is greatly consumed, they will be unable to fight and drag.

"Don't you usually have a lot of crazy ideas? Why can't you do it now?" Zhou Fangjie joked with Zhang Tianhai all the way.

"You think I'm Zhuge Liang? I'm still throwing beans into soldiers." Zhang Tianhai said angrily, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, I think you are at the end of your rope." Zhou Fangjie once again made a behavior that drove Zhang Tianhai very crazy - contempt.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath: I was telling myself secretly that I can't be as knowledgeable as this guy, so stay calm.

"The initiative of the war is no longer in our hands, what else can you ask me to do? It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice..." Zhang Tianhai spread his hands and said helplessly.

"But this is a hypothesis..." Zhou Fangjie said helplessly.

"Assuming that's the case, it doesn't make much sense. We don't have the initiative on the battlefield...it's up to the superiors." Zhang Tianhai shrugged helplessly again.

"Okay..." Zhou Fangjie was defeated.

"However, we can predict the whereabouts of the Japanese army to prepare for the battle. Especially the battle on Lanfeng." Zhang Tianhai changed the subject, "Come on, come with me to my office."

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhang Tianhai's gourd, Zhou Fangjie followed him in.

After Zhou Fangjie entered the head's office, Zhang Tianhai closed the door. Before closing the door, he did not forget to tell Wang Liang: "Adjutant Wang, no one is allowed to enter without my permission!"

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Liang responded.


It was pitch black inside the house, Zhang Tianhai turned on the light.

Under the dim light, Zhang Tianhai's desk had a city defense military map near Lanfeng County.

"Old Zhang, what are you doing?" Zhou Fangjie approached the map and began to observe it.

"This map is probably my contribution to Lan Feng..." Zhang Tianhai said in a low voice.

On this map, in addition to the circle mark on the south city wall, the city defense headquarters is also marked with a circle.

Zhou Fangjie was not stupid, he immediately understood the meaning of these circles.

"Zhang Yulin, you are crazy! Once you plant explosives here, if the news leaks out, the enemy only needs to send a special agent, and all the officers in our regiment headquarters will die!" Zhou Fangjie lowered his voice and questioned One sentence.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head slightly and said, "In theory, as long as it is done properly, this will be a great gift."

"Great gift?" Zhou Fangjie said in disbelief.

"Yes. It's a big gift. The city defense headquarters where our regiment headquarters is stationed is the most suitable headquarters. If the Japanese army comes in, I guess it is possible to use this as the headquarters. .” Zhang Tianhai said.

Before Zhou Fangjie could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "If this is the enemy headquarters, we will blow it up in one fell swoop when we counterattack Lanfeng, and with the collapse of the southern city wall, do you think the probability of a successful counterattack is very high?" how many?"

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai cast his eyes on Zhou Fangjie with deep eyes.

"Indeed, your move is very powerful. However, what I'm more curious about is why you would have guessed that Lanfeng would fall so soon? What if the troops stationed in Lanfeng fought to the end and the entire city of Lanfeng was destroyed, It's not so simple to plant a bomb under the city defense command, right?" Zhou Fangjie's voice was full of doubts.

Could it be that Zhang Tianhai would say that in history there was a bastard named Gui Yongqing who abandoned Lanfeng without authorization, and then ordered Long Muhan's troops to defend Lanfeng?But in the end even the bird man Long Muhan ran away?

For them at this time, nothing had happened yet, and it was unreasonable to use a large amount of explosive reserves in the regiment simply by predicting, even Zhang Tianhai was the same.

Zhang Tianhai cleared his throat, thought about the reason for fooling Zhou Fangjie, and then said: "Now the troops in the first war zone are no more than the troops in the fifth war zone. Most of the troops in the fifth war zone are miscellaneous troops, which is good."

"But don't forget that the troops in the Fifth War Zone have been in the army for a long time. Like the Yunnan Army that was reinforced from the rear, they can be called the elite of the elite. Look at the second army of Sun Lianzhong of the Northwest Army. Group Army, Gui Army No. 20, the Seventh Army of the First Group Army, the predecessors of these troops were already famous all over the world during the Northern Expedition." Zhang Tianhai couldn't help sneering when he said that.

"But the troops in our first war zone are all headed by the Central Army, especially Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army, whether it was in Songhu or in the defense of Nanjing, they all fought very well. "Zhou Fangjie's face was a little embarrassed. Although he also knew that this was an objective fact, he has been living in this era and has a deep-rooted concept-the Central Army is number one in the world!

"Not to mention Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army, it can be called an ace unit. But our No.70 First Army and Gui Yongqing's No.20 Seventh Army are different. Both of these armies are mostly recruits , a war has started, if the camp is bombed, it will be over." Zhang Tianhai made up his reasons solemnly.

"Okay! Now that you've made your decision, let's do it! I hope there won't be a day when Lanfeng falls." Zhou Fangjie sighed, as if he was persuaded by Zhang Tianhai.

"En." Zhang Tianhai nodded, then lowered his voice very seriously and said, "I will start preparing for the implementation of this plan in two days. This secret plan, the senior management in the regiment, can only be known to you."


PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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