War of Resistance

Chapter 597 War is imminent!

Chapter 597 War is imminent!

"I understand, Lao Zhang. I can choose to trust your judgment again this time." Zhou Fangjie nodded solemnly.

"Let's be honest! The plan I made this time is just a gamble, and it's a big gamble." Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "If I'm arrested one day, you have to come up with this plan It was carried out on my behalf..."

"You don't want to say such depressing words." Zhou Fangjie really wanted to kick Zhang Tianhai's ass, but this kid really deserved a beating.

Before Zhang Tianhai could open his mouth, Zhou Fangjie seemed to remember something, and then said: "By the way, the military commander has visited and inspected the troops these few days, but it has delayed some scheduled tasks in our regiment. Think, is it still necessary to continue to patrol the troops?"

"Yes, must, let Liu Houming continue with the survey team, and the battalions must not be delayed, especially the cavalry battalion, this battalion must not be let go!" Zhang Tianhai mentioned the cavalry battalion emphatically.

"The cavalry battalion? Are you planning to restructure the cavalry battalion so soon?" Zhou Fangjie said incredulously.

"The equipment can't keep up now, but it's coming soon." Zhang Tianhai said, recalling the memory of this Lanfeng battle.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in my mind: It seems that any friendly troops ran away without armor and armor during the Battle of Lanfeng?And it's an elite force.

"Where did the equipment come from?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Soon, as long as there is a war, all the supplies and equipment will not be a problem..." Zhang Tianhai said somewhat mysteriously.

"Okay. Trust you!" Zhou Fangjie said helplessly.


So, on May [-]th, Liu Houming, who was struggling, was forced to take this survey team composed of a special agent company and an engineering company, and drove to the first battalion stationed in various places in Lanfeng to continue the work of rotation training and guidance... …

At the same time, the supply battalion received an order that the supply battalion should apply to the logistics department of the No. 70 First Army for explosives used by engineers. The order was issued by none other than the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. Colonel Zhang Tianhai, head of the regiment...

Regarding this order, Zhu Shaohong expressed a lot of puzzlement, but he obediently applied for it. It is none of Zhu Shaohong's business whether the materials will be approved.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Tianhai to do such endless things, and then make it difficult for his subordinates to do it, and the final goal cannot be achieved.

So, after ordering Zhu Shaohong to carry out this order, Zhang Tianhai called the No. 70 First Army's military headquarters, and the core content was to ask for explosives.

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's sudden demand for explosives, Song Xilian also had some doubts and asked him why he was here.

Zhang Tianhai probably found a reason to evade it, saying that it was necessary to blow up some stones when building a strong fortification, and only needed to use it.

Song Xilian didn't suspect anything else, so he agreed, and said that he would go to say hello to the logistics department.

After Zhang Tianhai hung up the phone, he took a deep breath immediately, and his whole body was in a cold sweat: Is this the first telecom fraud case in the Republic of China?And it came earlier than Li Yunlong's telecom fraud case...

However, all of this is not a big problem, as long as the military seat nods and approves, anything is fine.


Lan Feng's calmness does not mean that the frontline battlefield is so quiet.

On May [-]th, the day when Youth Day should have been established in later generations to commemorate the "May [-]th Movement", Xuzhou's front line is still full of wars.

On this day, Tancheng County, a city that had been lost to the national army a few days ago, once again became the center of the battle.

In charge of the battle here is the Shiyou 60 Division under the former Northwest Army Division. The designation of this division is the No. [-] Ninth Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

Since Tancheng County is located in the northeast of Pi County, the barrier to the southeast of Taierzhuang, and belongs to the outermost periphery of the Taierzhuang position, the Japanese army could not take down Pi County, which was firmly defended by the No. 60 Army and one of the No. 80 Fifth Army. Therefore, Tancheng County It has become the center of a new round of competition.

The Chinese and Japanese armies circled around this place in Tancheng County, and launched a repeated tug-of-war——

The Japanese army wanted to take Tancheng as soon as possible and defeat the troops on the outskirts of Taierzhuang. As long as they smashed Taierzhuang, the last line of defense on the outskirts of Xuzhou, their troops could go straight to Xuzhou and then to Wuhan!
And what about the national army?Their purpose is very simple, they want to resist the front of the Japanese army and keep the Japanese out of Taierzhuang!

Only if the Japanese army can be kept out of Taierzhuang, Xuzhou will not fall!
Facing the planes and artillery of the Japanese army, they knew that they were dead, but they still wanted to go up!The Chinese soldiers are using their thin flesh and blood to block the Japanese aircraft and artillery!

As for Shi Yousan, this person's character is really problematic, and he is quite bad. He is a mother who gives milk, and he can even be a famous "rebel general". more excessive.

But the officers and soldiers of the No.60 Ninth Army under his command are indeed fighting hard.

And later, Shi Yousan did suffer retribution—when he wanted to join the Japanese as a traitor, he was buried alive on the bank of the Yellow River by his sworn brother, the patriotic general Gao Shuxun who did not want to be a traitor.

On May [-]th, Tancheng County, the right wing of southern Shandong, and the Taizao branch line were all in a scuffle, and the shouts of killing were loud.

On the same day, the Northwest Army unit of the No.40 Second Army No.20 Seventh Division of the Second Army, which had just been supplemented, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Huang Qiaosong, joined the Furong Brigade of the Japanese [-]rd Division. The main force of the regiment fought fiercely in Nigou Xizhuang, killing more than [-] enemy commanders under Major Ji Zhizhongye.

On the evening of May [-]th, the reinforcements of the enemy attacking Tancheng consisted of more than a thousand infantry units, plus more than [-] cavalry, four tanks, and eight artillery pieces. The Nianzhuang of the branch line launched an invasion.

At 60:[-] a.m. on May [-], the Japanese army that invaded Nianzhuang was hit by the elite of the national army—the No. [-] Army of the Yunnan Army. It was also broken by the following Yunnan army troops.

The recapture of Fengjiayao immediately received high praise from the commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone, and directly sent a telegram of commendation to Gao Yinhuai, commander of the No. 60 Army's [-]rd Division.

On May [-], the enemy in southern Lunan suffered from no progress in Xuzhou for several days, so under the command of the front-line commander Rensuke Isoya, the enemy on the left wing forced the main force to cross Nanyang Lake, and was confronted by the defenders of the national army. Whacking, the operation ultimately fails.

On the same day, the Air Force of the National Revolutionary Army sent more than [-] planes to the area of ​​LY and Tangtou to bomb the Japanese airfield and destroy [-] Japanese planes.

Also on the same day, the Executive Yuan of the Nationalist Government allocated 15 yuan to send commissioners to relieve the victims of the Taierzhuang War Zone.

The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is blowing, and the life experience is ups and downs and the rain beats the flats.This is the truest portrayal of the disaster victims in troubled times.
And that night was also the time when the explosives dispatched from the war zone arrived at Lanfeng County, where the first regiment directly under the third war zone was located.

That night, Zhang Tianhai sent a special agent company and a guard platoon to guard the regiment headquarters, while the officers and soldiers of the engineering company began to perform their tasks under Zhang Tianhai's order.

The war is approaching Lan Feng day by day, and there is not much time left for Zhang Tianhai. He must seize all the time and opportunities he can seize and make some preparations.

The weak lights of the electric lights are desperately trying to illuminate this "construction site". Unfortunately, there is no such thing as drones in this era. If there are, you will definitely find that the officers and soldiers of the engineering company almost control the entire city defense commander. Everything was dug up, even the side of the building!


PS: This is to make up for the second update last night, and there will be two updates in a while!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend Song Xiaotian from Sanyi class for the 588 book coin reward!

(End of this chapter)

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