War of Resistance

Chapter 598 The Madman

Chapter 598 The Madman
The faint light shone on Zhang Tianhai's handsome and resolute face, no one knew what he was thinking.

Only he himself knows, he is calculating, how long before the war is coming, judging from the timetable, he still has [-] days, but the genius knows whether Chief Cheng, Chief Xue and the others will be overwhelmed, They transferred the first day directly under their third war zone.

You know, the first regiment directly under the third war zone now belongs to the No. 70 First Army's battle order. When it comes to fighting, what if Chief Xue and the others think that the No. 20 Seventh Army is more suitable for defending Lanfeng?
If it is as expected, the Doihara division is now in a state of assembly, and it may be rushed in the direction of Dangshan or Kaifeng.

It is clearly written in the history books-Kenji Doihara’s No.14 Division is not easy to mess with. Counting the reinforcements, there are a total of 140 troops. [-] four doors!
The Doihara Division originally had an artillery regiment, and this artillery regiment had 36 75mm caliber mountain cannons, plus twelve 75mm caliber field cannons. The firepower was already extremely strong. How about two heavy artillery regiments?

Compared with the firepower of the heavy artillery regiment, the firepower of the ordinary artillery regiment is like a joke-their heavy artillery regiment, a regiment has 36 120mm caliber howitzers, plus twelve A 75mm caliber field gun!
Two heavy artillery regiments, counting the artillery regiment directly under the No.14 division, there are 72 120mm caliber howitzers, 36 75mm caliber field artillery pieces, 36 75mm caliber mountain artillery pieces, plus It itself has a combat force of more than 3 people. With such a firepower configuration, crushing the first regiment directly under their third theater is like a joke.

This is a big battle of 10,000+ people, and it's not something their mere [-]-strong troops can get involved at will.

If they act rashly, all four thousand of them will have to confess here, and it's not even enough to put a gap between their teeth, so they can use skill, that is to say, they can only fight the most critical battles.

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai was a little dazed.

"Hey, Old Zhang, what are you thinking?" Zhou Fangjie patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder, and pulled Zhang Tianhai back from the thoughts of memories.

"No...it's nothing..." Zhang Tianhai stammered, after all, it took a lot of brains to think of a reason in a hurry.

"I was fascinated by watching you just now, and miss your Zheng Man again?" Zhou Fangjie joked to Zhang Tianhai.

"I really want to think about it, but there is no way to think about it, isn't it? Wuhan is a hundred and eight thousand miles away. It's not easy to see him once." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Maybe after this battle, our troops have to retreat to the rear to make up for it. Now the military situation in Xuzhou is urgent. According to the front-line battle reports, there are already traces of enemies outside Mengcheng. It seems that the Japanese really want to eat them." The main force of the fifth theater of our army..." Zhou Fangjie smiled, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like he is enjoying himself while suffering.

"Maybe! The Japanese army is ambitious and wants to kill the main force of my fifth theater troops. The next battle will only be worse. If you and I don't die, we will definitely be withdrawn to the rear for replenishment." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, it was indeed much more dangerous than the battle against LY and the battle against Yi County, and its degree of danger was almost comparable to the time when he disobeyed orders and stayed in Nanjing.

More than 400 people seem to be quite a lot, but don't forget that the enemy they are about to face is almost armed to the teeth. Ferocious, it can also raze Lanfeng County to the ground.

Even if they managed to survive this battle, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

This kind of premonition, whether it is Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, or Guo Qiliang, their premonition is very strong.

Although the national army has not yet shown a defeat, and large forces are still actively fighting the Japanese army, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Japanese army is gradually oppressing the living space of the national army. Troops are gone!
"I don't know, whether we can survive!" Zhou Fangjie's mentality is not too optimistic. Ever since he guessed the strategic intention of the Japanese army, he has been full of pessimism about the frontline battle in Xuzhou.

"Live, we must be able to survive, it depends on how the battle is fought. If we don't fight well, we will all be finished." Zhang Tianhai smiled and spread his hands, feeling a bit like a desperado.

Indeed, for Zhang Tianhai's style of play, it is undoubtedly like dancing on the tip of a knife. The key is to see if he can play this wave of operations. If he can play it, he will undoubtedly receive a lot of praise and applause Yes, if you can't play, then you will only die.

"Then try it." Zhou Fangjie's eyes also flashed with heat, and the two looked at each other and smiled, but their eyes were already desperately crazy!
Unknowingly, Zhou Fangjie has been infected by Zhang Tianhai, a lunatic - those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Obviously, after being with this lunatic Zhang Tianhai for a long time, Zhou Fangjie has gradually become crazy!

Yes, yes, Zhang Tianhai is indeed a lunatic, and a very calm lunatic. Before he acts, he will plan how to implement these plans, and the most important feature of these plans is-the risk is high, and the rewards are also big!
But without exception, these plans are very risky, and if you are not careful, you will be burned, and the burn will be the kind that does not leave a piece of armor behind.

In order to make the so-called "perfect" preparations in his heart, Zhang Tianhai's rest has become irregular recently.

As the war drew closer, Zhang Tianhai's mood became more and more heavy. If he didn't make these preparations, he wouldn't even be able to sleep well.

He knew very well what the outcome of the failure of the Battle of Lanfeng was - Chiang Kai-shek blew up the Huayuankou levee, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River turned into a swamp country, and the city of Lanfeng would no longer exist in the torrential flood.

Perhaps Zhang Tianhai's sense of responsibility is too heavy, so heavy that he has to find ways to shoulder this heavy burden, so heavy that he wants to die, and also wants to save the lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese people!

Zhang Tianhai is a generation who grew up under the red flag, and grew up under the general environment of people-oriented thinking. He can't treat human life like nothing!
Maybe, the god let him go back to this era, just want him to save these poor people in this era?
Looking at the starry night sky, Zhang Tianhai couldn't figure out why God wanted him to go back to this era.


The excavation speed of the engineering company is very fast. In addition, in order to ensure the detonation effect, these explosives cannot be buried so deep. Not only can they not be buried deep, but they must try to bury them shallower.

So, after a whole night of hard work, the officers and soldiers of the engineering company finally completed the placement of explosives in the main positions under the city defense command, and the key point is to take waterproof measures.

Since that night, Zhang Tianhai has issued a military order - no one is allowed to smoke in the regiment headquarters, and anyone who violates the order will be punished by military law.

What is the meaning of this "military punishment"? In fact, everyone knows that it is punishment by shooting.

Although everyone doesn't know why Tuan Zuo, who has always been irritable and smokes, issued this military order, but no one dares to touch this brow. If Tuan Zuo gets angry, they may even die.

No one would be so stupid as to risk their own lives for such frivolous things. What's more, Tuanzao usually smokes, which means that they don't have an aversion to cigarettes. There must be a reason for such a strict order now.

Ever since, the magical "no-smoking order" began to be implemented...


PS: The first update is here!

There will be another update before 01:30, please wait patiently!
Thanks to Qiqidian book friend Paulin Zhizun for the reward of 500 points!

(End of this chapter)

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