War of Resistance

Chapter 599 Japanese Encirclement!

Chapter 599 Japanese Encirclement!
On May 27th of the [-]th year of the Republic of China, the battle on the southern section of the Jinpu Line started in Caolaoji. A part of the Japanese Ninth Division Ji Jialiangfu's unit forcibly crossed Luohe, and the forward troops forced Mengcheng.

Xuzhou, Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater.

The news of the Japanese army's forced crossing of Luohe on the South Road of the Jinpu Line was naturally notified to the commander of the fifth war zone as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the enemy troops approached the city, it would be too late.

The Sichuan Army Wang Mingzhang's [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]nd Divisions died in Teng County. Who is not afraid of such a result?Since they came here, they came here for the purpose of fighting against Japan, and they are not afraid of death at all.

But what are you afraid of?The fear is that death is worthless, and the fear is that it will die at the hands of friendly troops, not at the hands of the enemy.

In the eyes of everyone, the [-]st and [-]nd Divisions of the Sichuan Army did not die at the hands of the Japanese army, but at the hands of Tang Enbo and Wang Zhonglian——

Originally, when the two armies were fighting each other, the camps were different, and casualties were inevitable. However, Tang Enbo's army would not save them. A regiment of troops was sent to support, and the main force of the No.80 Fifth Army drove directly to Zaozhuang.

What does the 85th Army want to do in Zaozhuang?Of course, he wanted to create a move where he wanted to lead his troops to encircle and wipe out the Japanese army in Zaozhuang. Wang Zhonglian himself said that he wanted to encircle Wei to save Zhao and encircle Zaozhuang to relieve the pressure on Teng County.

But is that really the case?Wang Zhonglian was quite aware of the strength of the enemy army at the front of Jinpu Road. He went to Zaozhuang to fight purely because he wanted the old lady to pinch persimmons—specially pick the soft ones.

When the main force of the Isoya Rensuke Division of the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army went south, it was equipped with a lot of heavy artillery units. When the fighting in Teng County was at its most intense, an average of more than 1 shells were fired into the city every day. God, that's more than 3 hairs.

More than 3 shells, that almost razed the city to the ground!

People who can become the chief are not stupid, not to mention that Wang Zhonglian was originally a leader in the first phase of Whampoa, otherwise he would not be the first batch of people in the first phase of Whampoa who can become the commander of an army. From a different point of view, to reinforce Teng County, that is to die!Therefore, he didn't want his troops to die or be killed.

Because of such a lesson learned from the past, the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Army of the Gui Army who were stationed here immediately reported the situation as soon as they received the battle report.

Li Zongren is the leader of the Guangxi faction, it is impossible to treat them with death. What they have to do is to give the officers as much time as possible to prepare and prepare, and wait until the troops are ready to fight. It's all cold.

In the past few days, Chief Li Zongren Li hasn't left the commander's office very often, because the frontline battle is tight, and all troops cannot do without his command and coordination.

"Sir, the southern section of Jinpu Road, the No. 20 First Army Seventh Army urgent telegram." Xu Zuyi personally took this urgent telegram to Li Zongren.

The Seventh Army is the number one ace unit of the Guangxi Clan. It was known as the "Seventh Steel Army" during the Northern Expedition. Therefore, when Xu Zuyi received this telegram, he immediately decided to bring it to Li Zongren in person.

"Oh? Something happened in Mengcheng too?" Li Zongren was a little surprised.

"Yes, something happened in Mengcheng too. It seems that Zhang Yulin really got it right. The Japanese army's retaliation was just to eat up the main force of my fifth war zone." Xu Zuyi looked helpless. smiled.

"Oh? Is this the case?" Li Zongren quickly found out the location of Mengcheng on the map.

After seeing the location of Mengcheng, combined with what Xu Zuyi said just now, Li Zongren's expression suddenly became very serious.

"Brother Yan Mou, you just said that this deduction was made by that brat Zhang Yulin?" Li Zongren said with a serious face.

"Yes, that's what that kid said. This kid's strategic vision is really advanced. If it weren't for this kid's ability to fight, I would have wanted to transfer him to our commander's department as a senior officer. What battle, this strategic vision is worth two divisions!" Xu Zuyi gave a very high evaluation.

"Oh? This kid really deserves such a high evaluation from you?" Li Zongren felt a little surprised.

"If you knew, Mr. Li, this kid's deduction was made a week ago, you wouldn't have said this sentence..." Xu Zuyi smiled and said.

"It's really hard to find talents. If you really say that, this kid's military talent may be comparable to Liu Fei." Li Zongren joked in his standard Guangxi Mandarin.

Liu Fei, he is referring to the current Director of the First Office (Operational Office) of the Military Command Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government...

"If that boy Zhang Yulin heard this, he might fly away." Xu Zuyi smiled, "By the way, what do you think of the battle in Mengcheng?"

"This little Japanese swallowed up the main force of my 60-strong army in the fifth war zone. In my opinion, their appetite is a little too big. I'm afraid they're going to spoil their stomachs. Mengcheng must stick to it! I'm afraid Let's see if this little Japan has such a good mouth!" Li Zongren slapped the table and said proudly.

Indeed, it seems that Li Zongren is standing in this position. Is there any room for him to retreat?He is gone, behind him is the whole of China!
As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.

Just like what the author Jun Zai said earlier, some people are saying that if you "spray" Zhang Liuzi's behavior, if you stand in his position, you will also run away.

But the author wants to say: "Some people, since they are already sitting on the top of the wind, they must take off, they must do this, otherwise, they are national sinners."

Even though many people think that the author's point of view on Zhang Liuzi's loss to the Northeast is contradictory, but the author of this dog still insists on this point of view...

Alright, back to the book.

On the same day, May [-], the enemy in Lincheng was rushing to build the Guanhu Highway in an attempt to invade Pei County to threaten the north of Xuzhou (that is, the left wing of the national army). The guerrillas on Weishan Lake were very active. Try every means to prevent the Japanese army from building roads.

Pei County in the north of Xuzhou, Taierzhuang in the northeast of Xuzhou, Su County in the south of Xuzhou, and Huaiyin, [-] to [-] kilometers southeast of Xuzhou, were all within the range of the Japanese army.

Coupled with the fact that the Japanese army wanted to capture Mengcheng, hundreds of kilometers southwest of Xuzhou, and then attack Yongcheng in the southwest of Xuzhou and Dangshan in the west of Xuzhou.

A large net carefully crafted by the commander of the Japanese North China Front, Toshiichi Terauchi, and the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, Hata Toshi, is gradually taking shape!

Their goal is to wipe out the main force of the fifth theater of the national army stationed in Xuzhou, nearly 60 troops!
It can be seen that their goal is not small, on the contrary, it is very huge!

Also on the same day, the enemy's base camp decided to send an additional fifth division of the reserve army (i.e., the [-]th Division) to China. They landed in Tianjin, Qingdao, and Shanghai respectively. After an emergency assembly, they then attacked the north and south sections of Jinpu Road. , In an attempt to open up the Jinpu Road, and wipe out all the main forces of the Fifth Theater of the National Army!

Once the 60 army falls into the encirclement of the Japanese army, the consequences will be disastrous-there is no large-scale resistance in East China!

PS: The second update is here!

Finally made it up!
(End of this chapter)

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