War of Resistance

Chapter 602 Emergency call ahead

Chapter 602 Emergency call ahead
Lan Feng, the third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment.

Two telegrams broke the tranquility of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

"Report to the regiment! The military department urgently conveys the front-line battle report!" A combat staff officer came to Zhang Tianhai's "big classroom" to report.

Yes, yes, it is the big classroom.

In the past few days, Zhang Tianhai has already taken up the position of teaching the platoon teacher, and it is time for class.

After hearing this report, Zhang Tianhai walked out of this temporary classroom without even thinking about it, leaving only the officers and soldiers of the teaching platoon looking at each other.

There was no other reason, only because Zhang Tianhai had ordered that there should be no disruption of class order if there were no particularly urgent matters.

Since this combat staff officer came to report, it must be a very critical matter.

"What's the battle report?" Zhang Tianhai asked holding his breath, not to mention that there was something sudden on the front line that required him to lead the troops to put out the fire.

"Student, please take a look at it yourself!" The combat staff handed Zhang Tianhai a piece of translated text, "By the way, Commander, Deputy Commander Zhou is waiting for you to go back at the regiment headquarters."

"Well, I'll go back now." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and after returning to the classroom to announce his self-study, he hurried back to the regiment headquarters.


After Zhang Tianhai left, the classroom immediately became lively, which was exactly the same as the situation after the teacher left in school.

However, the noise here revolved around the departure of the group seat.

"Sanshui, I bet you that something serious has happened." One of the soldiers who looked like a bit of a mouse said to his comrade Li Sanshui who was sitting next to him.

Li Sanshui was not ugly, on the contrary, he had good features, he looked like a gentleman.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There must be something serious. If we don't keep it together, we will have to go to the battlefield immediately. Since this group has been our teacher for a few days, he has never missed a class. This will be in a hurry I walked away, thinking about it with my butt." Li Sanshui said with a hum.

"Hey, it's meaningless for you to say that... Why don't we take a gamble to see what's going on?" said the sly-eyed soldier.

"Don't gamble, don't gamble, this is too bad luck." Li Sanshui's head shook like a rattle.


The camera switches to the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

Zhang Tianhai strode into the combat hall of the regiment headquarters, he was still panting slightly in his chest, obviously he came here in a hurry.

Considering the limited space in the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai did not arrange the temporary classroom of the teaching platoon in the regiment headquarters, but in a large house about 200 meters away from the regiment headquarters.

Yes, it is the one that was requisitioned urgently.

"Old Zhou, what's the matter?" These were the first words Zhang Tianhai asked after entering the regiment headquarters.

"Let's talk after you read the telegram in your hand!" Zhou Fangjie saw Zhang Tianhai's flustered appearance, and seeing how anxious he was, he guessed that he went back to the regiment headquarters without reading the telegram.

Only then did Zhang Tianhai remember that there was still a telegram in his hand, and he became confused.

I saw that this telegram reads - All the combat troops of the First Theater Command, the Japanese forward troops have entered the south of Mengcheng, and it is very likely that they will break into the defense area of ​​our First Theater in the near future. Please do your best. Good first-level combat readiness, ready to go into battle at any time.Commander-in-chief of the first war zone, on May 27, [-]th year of the Republic of China, at [-]:[-] pm urgently.

After reading this order, Zhang Tianhai's complexion really became a little strange: Didn't the first regiment directly under the third war zone always prepare with the strongest combat readiness?Wasn't the Japanese army's march into Mengcheng already prepared?What is Lao Zhou trying to do?
Seeing Zhang Tianhai's weird expression, Zhou Fangjie already guessed what he was thinking in the atmosphere.

So, Zhou Fangjie said with a wry smile: "Old Zhang, don't look at me with such eyes, I told you to come back, I really have something important to discuss..."

After hearing these words, Zhang Tianhai's face softened a little, and he said, "Oh, then tell me! What's the matter?"

"It's the military seat. After forwarding this telegram from the chief's department, he immediately called our regiment headquarters. He said that the commander's department of the fifth theater in Xuzhou has accurately judged the Japanese army's combat intentions. Let us Prepare for all battles. And let me tell you immediately." Zhou Fangjie explained with a wry smile.

"Oh? The fifth war zone has been completely and accurately judged?" Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised. To him, this news was indeed of a relatively valuable kind.

"Yes, I don't know why the military seat is so anxious, I must tell you immediately." Zhou Fangjie really didn't understand Song Xilian's approach, and he didn't know if he had taken a fancy to Zhang Tianhai's brain.

At this moment, another urgent telegram arrived.

"Reporting to the regimental seat and deputy regimental commander, the commander of the first war zone sent an urgent call!" This time, the person who came to report was Gu Shi'an, the director of the staff department.

"Urgent telegram?!" Zhang Tianhai's face changed slightly. After all, it was not a special situation. The commander of the war zone would not have such an urgent telegram, and it was noted that it was an urgent telegram!

"Tuan Zuo, please take a look!" Gu Shi'an handed over the telegram to Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai received the telegram, his expression changed dramatically!

So what is this telegram about?It's very simple - the various combat units under the jurisdiction of the First Theater, according to the information from the front line, the enemy has assembled a powerful combat force in Pu County, north of the Yellow River. More than one artillery wing will be strengthened, and a large number of mechanized units will be strengthened.It is hoped that the troops will be ready to assemble and go into battle at any time.Especially to inform the troops of the First Corps.Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone, May 27th, 42th, [-]:[-]pm, Urgent telegram!

After seeing this information, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help not paying attention to it. Pu County is very close to Lanfeng, and after Heze is Lanfeng!

(Note: Pu County is now in the territory of PY City, that is, Pucheng Town.)
If you guessed right, the troops assembled in Pu County are probably the No.14 Division of Kenji Doihara!
The battle of Lanfeng is about to begin!

"Old Zhang, what's the matter with you? Judging by your face, it's quite bad. How about gathering a division of the Japanese army in Pu County? Our First Corps now has four armies under its jurisdiction plus one Division, these four armies are all units of our Central Army, even if they fight over, I don't think they will be able to please them." Zhou Fangjie said very confidently.

Zhou Fangjie's self-confidence did not come out of thin air. It was the confidence given to him by the strong strength of the First Corps—these four armies, plus Wang Jinzai's new No.30 Fifth Division, amounted to nearly 15 Counting the first regiment directly under their third theater, it is already a full 15 army!
A division has only more than 3 people, and with the strengthening of the troops, it is only more than 4 people. From the paper data, does it seem that the national army has the upper hand?
Hehe, only Zhang Tianhai knows the details...


PS: Today's first update is here!The second is that I am afraid that I have to wait again, it is too difficult, and I am stupid to go to work continuously.

Thanks to QQ reading book friends Wandering Yelong and Xiaoping for two monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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