Chapter 603
In fact, according to this era, judging from the previous situation, it is not impossible for the national army to keep the Doihara Division. It is just that the fighter is in a flash. Once the fighter is delayed and waits for the Japanese reinforcements to come up, the fighter will also Just missed it.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, whether this battle can save the Yellow River embankment and the lives of millions of people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River depends on whether he can defend Lanfeng.

Zhang Tianhai couldn't stop Gui Yongqing's retreat, and he couldn't stop Long Muhan's No.80 Eighth Division from abandoning Lanfeng. The third war zone is directly under the first regiment, and it is still a drop in the ocean of history.

Whether he can succeed or not depends on his personal preparation and luck - after all, it is up to man to plan, and God to make things happen!

"Old Zhou, in conclusion, don't go down so fast. Is our army almost ready to switch?" These days, because he was busy with other things, Zhang Tianhai never asked about this matter.

"Basically, two rounds of defense have been changed, and the last round needs to be changed. Now Li Chunfei's first battalion is stationed in Neihuangji, and Wang Ziqing's third battalion is stationed in Lanfeng City. The second battalion and the fourth battalion's defense area It's also changed." Zhou Fangjie reported truthfully.

"It seems that the preparations are almost done, and the last rotation is short. After the last rotation, everything will be much easier." Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, but his eyes were full of deepness.

"Old Zhang. To be honest, I don't quite understand the meaning of your arrangement. All the battalions of our regiment must be familiar with Lan Feng. But according to the information from the front line, with the strength of our regiment, we are going to fight a division of the Japanese army." The regiment's main attack, I'm afraid it won't last?" Zhou Fangjie really didn't understand Zhang Tianhai's arrangement, if the battlefield was not in Lanfeng, wouldn't their hard work these days be in vain?

"It doesn't take too long, it can only last for 24 hours, right? As long as the military seat doesn't try to save us, our regiment will not be finished. Besides, the defense training these days is very important for our regiment's defense. From the perspective of the above, there must have been considerable improvement." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder, "Old Zhou, you trust me once."

Zhou Fangjie was really defeated by Zhang Tianhai, he couldn't say anything, he just nodded slightly.

In the regiment headquarters compound, the sun is still everywhere and the trees are full of shade. I don't know how long this good day can last.

Last night, it had rained a few times, and the playground was wet. Many troops got mud on their feet during training.

Looking at the traces left by the heavy rain on the playground, Zhang Tianhai was thinking in his heart: The flood season of the Yellow River is coming soon...

The flood season of the Yellow River is coming. Once the Huayuankou levee explodes, the consequences will be disastrous...

Zhang Tianhai grew up by the sea in his previous life, and he is very aware of the power of water—what's more, he was a soldier of the Marine Brigade in his previous life. Isn't the Marine Corps amphibious?
Looking around Lanfeng County, Zhang Tianhai inexplicably felt a sense of irritability in his heart. Before that, there were some signs of irritability, but when the battle of Lanfeng was about to start, he suddenly had a feeling of confrontation The confusion and uneasiness, that is not ordinary irritability.

As soon as Zhang Tianhai raised his head, he saw Xu Sangou walking back from the outside. He said to Xu Sangou: "Come on, Xu Sangou, how many drinks will you have with the leader?"

After hearing this sentence, Xu Sangou's eyes lit up first, but then he remembered that the head of the regiment didn't seem to treat guests a few times. Last time, he invited him to prostitute for nothing, but he brought the troops to arrest him. ...How dare the bustard take money...

"This...isn't that good?" Xu Sangou frowned slightly, as if hesitating, thinking whether this is another big hole...

As soon as Zhang Tianhai saw Xu Sangou's jabbering appearance, Zhang Tianhai became angry. He raised his brows and said, "Damn it, I finally bought you a drink. I'm hesitant, believe it or not, I'll take you to the gendarmerie and lock you up for a few more days?!"

"Yes, yes, sir, I obey your orders!" Xu Sangou agreed almost without hesitation when he heard that the leader wanted to arrest him and put him in confinement again, but he kept wailing in his heart: Damn it! , Thief God, is there any law of the king?I, Xu Sangou, is an honest person, why can I only be bullied by the group members every day...

It's really unfair to meet people...

Xu Sangou wants to cry but has no tears.

This is the first time Zhang Tianhai has forced others to drink since he became a human...

And the key is that the other party is still full of reluctance, like those little girls from good families who have been harmed by little devils...

It happened that Zhang Tianhai was not in the mood, but if he was in the mood, he would have to kick Xu Sangou's ass...

Well, this bad habit was infected by Hu Jiaji, the former head of the regiment...God knows, kicking people's ass is so cool?

It is still the old place, Yueyang Tower Restaurant.

Zhang Tianhai made an exception today and ordered four dishes. He wanted to improve the food, and it would also be cheaper for Xu Sangou. A lot of psychological shadow has been cast.

Visually, the psychological shadow area has exceeded three bedrooms and one living room...

"Xu Sangou, look at your cowardly bird, what are you afraid of, I'm not a tiger, what was the pride when you asked me to throw Shen Wei down?" Looking at Xu Sangou who was a little at a loss Zhang Tianhai asked with some dissatisfaction.

Anyway, Xu Sangou was also a soldier who followed him back from the front line in Songhu alive, and Zhang Tianhai followed him when he was in Xi'an. This person still has some feelings.

To be honest, if it wasn't because Zhang Tianhai felt that Xu Sangou had a good heart and he was the soldier who followed him the longest, otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to take the position of guard platoon leader.

"That group seat, to be honest, it feels like we are sitting together, as if we are not as comfortable as when we were in Xi'an." Xu Sangou scratched his head, after all, he was still the Shaanxi boy Xu Sangou who said whatever he wanted.

"Isn't that nonsense? I'm not that little deputy company commander anymore. I'm now the head of the regiment. Of course I have to arrest you. The 400 people in the regiment are all looking at me. Don't arrest me." Improve military discipline, and this regiment will be abolished." Zhang Tianhai stared at Xu Sangou while eating vegetables.

"What, Commander, I did go to that place to play. It's a bit wrong, but you don't have to bring dozens of gendarmes to arrest me at that time, do you? It made me feel ashamed in the guard row. I can hardly lift my head." Xu Sangou scratched his head and said.

"To be honest, if I'm a leader, you're a leader too. If I'm free, maybe I'll go there with you and have fun." Zhang Tianhai changed the subject and said, "But , you are not the leader now, you are the leader of the guard platoon, and I am the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater, so neither of us can go to play, understand?"

"Tuan Zuo, you mean... don't blame me?" Xu Sangou raised his head and asked, his eyes full of hope.

Zhang Tianhai glared at Xu Sangou angrily, and counted: "Of course, compared to your meritorious service, it's not as good as expelling you from the army, but if there is a next time, see if I dare to put you to death." you kid."

"Hey, I believe, I believe." Xu Sangou smiled, seeing that the group seat no longer blamed himself, so he quickly picked up chopsticks to eat and drink, without the slightest restraint before.

Well, he, Xu Sangou, was originally brought up by Zhang Tianhai, head of Zhang Tianhai. After all, he is also one of his own, so it is impossible for him to really kill himself.

Thinking about it, Xu Sangou took a few mouthfuls of rice, feeling really good.


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you for the 100 book coin reward from QQ reading friend Xiaozhi!

(End of this chapter)

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