War of Resistance

Chapter 604 First Meeting

Chapter 604 First Meeting
At this time, it is the heat of the day, perhaps because it is the heat of the day, so the streets of Lanfeng are crowded with people, just to go to the streets to play more, catch up with the fairs, and prepare for the usual Prepare more necessities for your life.

The seat Zhang Tianhai chose was the one facing the street, and it was also the one that was least likely to be sniped.

It was precisely because he was afraid that something would go wrong, so Zhang Tianhai simply changed into a civilian attire in order to avoid trouble, which seemed to be the case.

And Xu Sangou is no exception.

"Xu Sangou, to be honest, you kid should be more aggressive. I always feel that you are a bit muddy and can't support the wall. I wanted to say, let you work hard, and then send you to the military academy to study and come back to be a Company commander or battalion commander or something, but in the end you just don’t live up to it.” After two glasses of strong wine, Zhang Tianhai began to criticize Xu Sangou.

"I see, Tuan Zuo." Xu Sangou had a bitter expression on his face.



The weather in the south is always hotter than that in the north, and it comes faster.

At this time, Zheng Man has settled down in the Zhang family.

To the surprise of everyone in the Zhang family, Zheng Man, a daughter-in-law who was born in a wealthy family and had a certain position in the army, did not dislike her family environment at all. , and get along very well with Zhang Yulin's parents. If the current standard is used to score, it will be ninety if not one hundred.

"Xiaoman, after entering the door of our Zhang family, are you still used to it?" Yu Zhiyun asked.

"It's okay, Mom, it's pretty good here. I live comfortably in this house." Zheng Man touched his slightly protruding belly, with a happy smile on his face.

Compared with that resplendent and resplendent home, although this home is a little cruder, it is warmer and warmer.

The best thing about the Zhang family is that they feel sorry for her, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhang family.

"Mom, did my uncle come back today? I bought so many vegetables." Zheng Man asked.

"That's right. Tian Nan is in the village, but he has suffered a lot. It's time to come back and eat something good when he comes back." Yu Zhiyun had a smile on her face. The two sons had grown up, but one was better than the other. Promising.

With such a state of mind, how can she not be cheerful all day long, besides, she is a person who is indifferent to the world.

Not long after, the two returned to Zhang's house. Zhang Tianhai's father probably heard the conversation between the two, and he sighed: "My second son, what's wrong with you, you have to be a teacher like me. , not promising."

"Dad, isn't this teaching good? You just teach and educate people, and you don't have to go to the battlefield." Zheng Man smiled.

As for Zheng Man's daughter-in-law, Zhang Fuhan really couldn't find any reason to refute it. He said that the level of cultural knowledge seemed to be higher than that of others. If he wanted to talk about war, he was a soldier.

"Being a soldier is better than being a teacher. I heard that, wasn't Hu Zongnan a teacher before? Isn't he very promising?" Zhang Fuhan retorted a little dissatisfied.

"Dad, don't hate these things. For this old Zhang family, one soldier is enough. Like when I first met Zhang Yulin, I almost didn't die..." Zheng Man's mouth quickened, and The son said that he was bald and pursed his mouth.

"What? Almost sacrificed?" Hearing Zheng Man's leaked words, Yu Zhiyun couldn't help but tense slightly. Zhang Tianhai is her eldest son, who left home since he was a child. All the love was given to Zhang Tiannan.

When he suddenly heard such dangerous news on the front line, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"No...it's okay, I've survived." Zheng Man smiled awkwardly, "Mom and Dad, don't worry about it."

Seeing Zheng Man's face, Yu Zhiyun could probably guess how difficult the conditions on the front line were, but she didn't tell the truth, but asked tactfully: "Then can you tell me how you met Yulin at that time?" Is it?"

Zheng Man herself was born in the military command, and she had already heard this kind of poor questioning skills—didn't she just want to know the situation on the front line from the side?
However, Zheng Man also has a general understanding of these two old people: one has nothing to do with the world, and the biggest thing is the matter of the Zhang family's three and a half acres of land; full of patriotism.

Just these two people, Zheng Man also knew that they probably wouldn't do such stupid things.

Zheng Man thought about it, and felt that the love experience of these two people did not rise to that level of political heights, so she said it out: "I met Zhang Yulin at the front line. When I first met him, He had just been promoted from company commander to battalion commander. At that time, their battalion commander was transferred back to be the brigade chief of staff, so it was him who took over."

"Then it seems that Yulin's ability is quite good." Zhang Fuhan smiled, seeming quite proud.

Unexpectedly, it was Zheng Man who shook his head lightly and said: "No, that's because the number one successor of their battalion died in battle, and the second successor was injured and was taken off the line of fire. It's his turn now." .”

"..." Zhang Fuhan just wanted to say something, but he was at a loss for words, and didn't know what to say.

"A lot of people died on the front line. The first time I met Yulin, it was about interviewing him. I introduced him under the leadership of their Master Song." When this incident was mentioned, Zheng Man seemed to be caught in a meeting Like a sea of ​​bitterness, it is boundless, and no matter how hard you struggle, you can't get rid of it.

Zheng Man didn't stop talking, but continued: "At that time, when the Battle of Songhu was at its fiercest, Zhang Tianhai and his company were almost wiped out. line of defense."

Regarding these memories, in Zheng Man's view, they are extremely precious, like a glass of old wine, the older it is, the more mellow it is.

"Later, Yulin told me that in that battle, if a soldier named Xu Mu hadn't blocked the fragments of Japanese shells for him, he would have died. But that soldier named Xu Mu would never wake up. But he came, and died on the front line." When Zheng Man talked about this, it seemed to be eloquent, but every thing was remembered in her mind.

After hearing these words, Zhang Fuhan no longer insisted that Zhang Tiannan must go to the army: as Zheng Man said, it is enough for the old Zhang family to have one soldier to defend the family and the country.

At this moment, the door of the Zhang family opened, and a young man in a simple tunic came in with a bicycle on his shoulder.

I saw that this young man was still relatively tall, but he was a little thinner. His thin figure made the simple Chinese tunic suit look extra large; judging from his appearance, he was six points similar to Zhang Tianhai. From the perspective of genetics, Zhang Tianhai looks more like his father, while Zhang Tiannan looks more like his mother.

Compared with Zhang Tianhai's masculinity, this Tiannan looks a bit gentle and weak.

If you have to compare these two brothers, it is a bit like "one article and one martial arts", and they belong to the category of "poor literature and rich martial arts".

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." After entering the door, Zhang Tiannan yelled while putting the bicycle away. Judging by his gentle movements, it probably reflects the excellent family education.

"Xiao Nan, you're back. Mom and your sister-in-law bought you a lot of food. Many of them are your favorites." After hearing Zhang Tiannan's voice, Yu Zhiyun rushed out to greet her. This was her favorite food. my little son...

"Sister-in-law? My elder brother...is he back?" Zhang Tiannan showed a trace of hesitation, perhaps because the two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, so there was a sense of unfamiliarity.

In fact, Zhang Tiannan can't be blamed for his lack of affection for his elder brother. Zhang Yulin left Wuchang before he was sensible, and went to study at the Whampoa Military Academy. After he became sensible, he only heard about this elder brother in photos and from his parents.

"No, it's your sister-in-law. Your elder brother is still leading troops to fight against Little Japan at the front." Yu Zhiyun hurriedly said, of course the family reunion should be happy, but it's a pity that Zhang Tianhai didn't come back.

"Oh, so." Zhang Tiannan nodded, a trace of bewilderment appeared on that young face.

He had never encountered such a situation, and he did not know what to do.

"Hurry up, Xilou, come and meet your sister-in-law. She and your brother met on the front line, and he is also a party soldier." Yu Zhiyun pulled Zhang Tiannan past her.

West Building, this is naturally Zhang Tiannan's nickname.

Perhaps it was the reason why Zhang Tiannan lacked wood in the five elements, so there was a wooden character next to his characters.

"Mom, this must be the younger brother, right?" Zheng Man looked at Yu Zhiyun, and said with a smile on his face, his demeanor was graceful and generous, and he would not be violated.

This may be temperament, and a small family of a poor family cannot raise such a temperament.

Therefore, when Zhang Tiannan saw this stranger, he felt a little awe in his heart: maybe it was related to Zheng Man's military status, maybe it was because of his calm and prestige.

But, exactly how, who can know?
"Hello, sister-in-law." Zhang Tiannan called out timidly. Although he was still a young man in his twenties, the youthfulness and simplicity in him had not dissipated.

Looking at Zhang Tiannan's appearance, Zheng Man couldn't help but feel emotional: two brothers who are both compatriots, how can there be such a big difference in personality?This is caused by the different aspects of perception.

No matter what, Zhang Tianhai has been on the battlefield many times. The bold and unrestrained aura on his body is not comparable to Zhang Tiannan's bookish spirit. In Zheng Man's heart, he can tell at a glance which is higher and which is lower.

Thinking about it, but Zheng Man's EQ is not that low, she smiled and said, "Hello."


PS: The first update is here!

Let's wait a little before the second!
Thanks to Qiqidian book friend Paulin Zhizun for the reward of 500 points!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Zhuo Feng a for the 100 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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