War of Resistance

Chapter 605 Zhang Tiannan

Chapter 605 Zhang Tiannan

After a meal of hard work, the Zhang family's dinner finally started.

It's just that not all the meals on the dinner table are Zhang Tiannan's favorite meals, at least more than half of them are not. There are only one or two dishes that he likes to eat.

Most of the meals look nutritious and healthy, and there are some chicken soups and the like.

Zhang Tiannan glanced at his sister-in-law who was having a gentle meal, and probably knew that it was more likely that these nutritious and healthy dishes were prepared for her sister-in-law.

However, regarding all of this, Zhang Tiannan didn't say anything, just took a few mouthfuls of food silently, and then asked, "Well... sister-in-law, how is my elder brother doing at the front line now?"

"Your elder brother is very good. Now he is the leader of the regiment, and he is the leader of the strengthened regiment. There are more than 4000 people under him." Zheng Man said casually, with a rather careless expression.

"Four...more than 4000 people..." Zhang Tiannan gasped. To him, having so many people under his command was beyond his imagination.

"Yes, there are more than 4000 people. But the battle on the front line is a decisive battle involving hundreds of thousands of people. If you are not careful, your brother's strength is not enough to put a little devil's teeth. A division of the Japanese army can There are more than 10 people. When Teng County was attacked, more than 3 shells were fired into the city a day. The whole city was almost flattened.” Zheng Man said this matter openly, this young man It is estimated that he has not had much contact with his elder brother, so it is better to let him know in advance.

"However, more than 4000 people are almost equivalent to two Wuchang security groups..." Zhang Tiannan murmured, as if he didn't listen to what his sister-in-law said.

"What's so great about this Wuchang security group? Compared with your elder brother's group, even if there are four Wuchang security groups, they are no match." Zheng Man said slowly after eating a bite of food. It is also true that the Wuchang security regiment was not well equipped in the first place. After knowing that the Anti-Japanese War began, the training was gradually improved. However, the poor equipment is an established fact that cannot be changed.

Since Zheng Man was born in the military intelligence and espionage system, she still has authority to see some information about the Wuchang garrison, but she just listens to these things, and doesn't want to care about so many things.

After hearing Zheng Man's words, Zhang Tiannan couldn't help but be amazed, then raised his head and asked, "Is the army really so powerful?"

"Xilou, your question is quite unlevel. Since your sister-in-law said so, she must be so powerful." Yu Zhiyun said something to Zhang Tiannan, as if to remind him not to be too reckless.

"Oh, Mom. I see." Zhang Tiannan responded casually.

And Zhang Fuhan, who was eating at the side, was eating in silence without saying a word - obviously he was quite dissatisfied with Zhang Tiannan inheriting his mantle.

"You, if you want to be a soldier, you might as well apply for the Central Military Academy, and then come out to serve as a soldier. Your elder brother is from the seventh phase of Whampoa, and he can be regarded as a group of people who go faster in the seventh phase. " Zheng Man said something, but felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly added, "What is the specific, I think we can wait for your elder brother to come back to talk about it!"

"Then big brother, when is he coming back?" Zhang Tiannan looked a little admiring.

Many people will find a person of the same age, or even someone who is older than themselves, as a goal to strive for, but when this goal is so successful that he cannot surpass it, then this person will naturally become an idol.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai belongs to this type of person, he is the latter.

Zheng Man thought for a while, and said: "Maybe this battle is over. Your brother's troops have not been on vacation for ten months. They have always been close to the front line, or they are on the front line. Specifically, What happens depends on the arrangements of the Military Commission.”

"Oh." Zhang Tiannan responded, then continued to eat with his head down.

Zheng Man took a deep look at Zhang Tiannan, but didn't speak again.


Zhang Tianhai naturally did not know about the situation of his unfamiliar younger brother.

He was already half-drunk at this time, and half-dream and half-awake, he and Xu Sangou, who was almost half-drunk, were on their way back to the camp.

"Tuan Zuo, you just said that you want to promote me to be the company commander, is that true?" Half drunk and half awake, Xu Sangou asked with a grin.

I saw Zhang Tianhai pointing at him helplessly, and said: "Anyway, as long as you are so upright, I would have promoted you a long time ago. But you are not up to date, and insisted on giving me many excuses. How can you let me do this?" What should I do..."

"That... Tuan Zuo, let me apologize to you first. To express my apology, why don't we have some fun?" Xu Sangou said with a chuckle.

"Looking for fun?" Zhang Tianhai's head was full of black lines, and he could roughly guess what Xu Sangou was talking about.

I saw Xu Sangou lowered his voice, and whispered next to Zhang Tianhai's ear: "It's just..."

But the more Zhang Tianhai listened to him, the darker his face became, when finally he couldn't bear it anymore.

Unfortunately, Xu Sangou had another big footprint on his butt.


The next day was May 27th in the [-]th year of the Republic of China.


The fierce battle here is still going on, the Japanese forward troops have already rushed into the city, and started fierce street fighting with the defenders.

"Duo Lei Lou Mou!" A soldier of the Guangxi Army who spoke in vernacular stabbed his bayonet forward at the back of a Japanese soldier!

"Hey!" The sound of a sharp knife piercing into the flesh sounded, and at the same time, the body of the Japanese soldier was also stiff.

The sharp knife stabbed the liver, and the intense pain made the Japanese soldier unable to move his whole body, and his whole body was tense and stiff—sometimes it is difficult to overcome the inherent laws of nature with just the will to fight.

After the Japanese soldier was stabbed, the Guangxi soldier opposite him immediately pushed forward the rifle with the bayonet in his hand.

The sound of a sharp knife piercing the flesh sounded again, and the Japanese soldier died immediately.

Before they could be proud, the next Japanese army had already rushed towards them. These thin soldiers of the Guangxi army were using their lives to fight these Japanese soldiers who were much better than them in terms of physical fitness and military combat quality!
The violent shouts of killing resounded over the sky of Mengcheng.

It was precisely because the two armies entered into hand-to-hand combat and close combat that the Japanese army made an exception and did not launch a violent bombardment of Mengcheng.

But the shouts and gunshots from all over the city never stopped.

In the few villages outside the city of Meng, there were also a few companies with incomplete organizational structures in ambush, but what's the use of this?Apart from having a certain harassing effect on the flanks of the Japanese army, there is no other great use at all.

Mainly, rely on the defenders of Mengcheng to resist the advance of the Japanese invaders!

PS: Make up for the second update last night.

Calvin's feeling is really too difficult. . .I will definitely finish this month's chapters before twelve o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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