War of Resistance

Chapter 606 The 4th Division, Attack!

Chapter 606 No.14 division, attack!

A very tragic hand-to-hand combat took place in Mengcheng, with screams one after another.

The small troops in the villages outside the city are also constantly supporting the battle in Mengcheng, and fierce battles belonging to the small troops are raging on the periphery.

On the same day, the fighting in the southern section of Jinpu Road was tense, and the enemy troops invaded Guzhen.

In the afternoon of the same day, the national army captured Hanshan County, planning to attack Nest County occupied by the Japanese army.

It was also on this day that the Japanese Air Force air raided Xuzhou five times, dropping a large number of incendiary bombs and sulfur bombs, a total of more than 220 bombs, burning more than [-] houses in total, killing and injuring more than [-] civilians, and thousands of houses on both sides of the Jinpu Railway. The rest of the rooms were also burned.

On this day, Xuzhou's air defense sirens rang for a whole day without stopping.


The lens is still Montreal.

"Deputy Chief Zhou, there are more and more little devils in front of us now, and we can hardly stand it anymore..." A soldier who spoke Guiliu dialect (that is, a language divided into Southwest Mandarin, a kind of Guangxi dialect) ran to Zhou Reported in front of Yuan.

"Why can't you stand it, come with me, I don't believe you can't drive away these wild cubs!" Zhou Yuan walked forward with a pale face.

The soldiers of the Gui army around saw that the highest military commanders in Mengcheng had stepped forward to command the battle, and their morale was immediately boosted.

"Fight! Brothers, show the dignity of our Bagui children!!" Zhou Yuan picked up a rifle made in Hanyang and loaded the bullets. A strong-willed Major General of the Gui Army!

"Kill!!" These Gui army officers and soldiers were roaring, using their inferior weapons to resist the Japanese invasion.

"Please tell Regiment Commander Lingyun Shangling for me. If I die, he will be in command of the entire defense of Mengcheng, and don't let the country fall into the hands of the enemy!" Zhou Yuan ordered a staff officer beside him.

"Yes, Deputy Commander!" The staff officer responded, and hurried to inform Commander Ling Yunshangling.


It was also the eleventh day.

Time, noon; location, Pu County.

At this time, Pu County had already been completely occupied by the Japanese army, and the plaster flags of the Japanese were flying on the surrounding walls and the county government.

This place has long since ceased to be as lively as it used to be, and a large number of people have fled Pu County.

Pu County has already become a large barracks for the Japanese army, and nearly 4 Japanese troops have assembled here.

This was the most proud moment for Lieutenant General Doihara Kenji. Standing on the top of the south gate of Pu County, his short and sturdy body became even more straight.

At this time, behind Kenji Doihara was a Japanese military flag - the Rising Sun Flag!

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, our troops have basically assembled, and the two heavy artillery regiments assigned to us by the First Army are already in place. We only need to wait for the Division Commander's order, and we will start Let's go!" Chief of Staff of the No.14 Division Tadashi Sano said confidently, in his opinion, with the current strength of the No.14 Division, how many units of the Chinese army can stand up?
"Two heavy artillery regiments, plus a field artillery regiment, plus the reinforcement of a tank squadron, are enough to crush any Chinese army trying to resist!" Doihara Kenji's face slightly smirked There was a smile.

At this time, Kenji Doihara did not put on his military cap, but exposed his well-combed and meticulous hairstyle in front of everyone.

"Division Commander Yingwu, my No. 14 Division has never encountered a decent enemy since it landed at Tanggukou on August 12, Showa 14 (that is, [-]). They met my No. The [-]th Division's units all fled desperately, and I believe this time will be no exception." Colonel Tadashi Sano flattered him.

"Yoxi, that's for sure. Our No.14 division is the elite of the Imperial Army. It has won countless victories. When the Chinese army met our army, all of them fled. Only that idiot Isotani Rensuke When you meet such an opponent, you will be defeated!" Kenji Doihara said disdainfully, obviously looking down on Rensuke Isotani.

"Division Commander Isoya Rensuke has always been arrogant and conceited. He is not as brave as our division commander." Tadyoshi Sano continued to flatter and was proud of it.

"However, Sano-kun, we should be more cautious. My old classmate Itagaki-kun also suffered a big loss from the Chinese Army in Shandong..." Doihara Kenji said "Itagaki-kun" , Naturally, Lieutenant General Seishiro Itagaki, the head of the Fifth Division.

"Hay, Your Excellency, Head of Division." Sano Zhongyi replied.

"Your Excellency, Division Chief, I have some different opinions about the defeat of His Excellency Seishiro Itagaki's division commander," Sano Tadyoshi said.

"Oh? Different opinions? Let's talk about it!" Kenji Doihara asked.

Sano Zhongyi was not polite either, and said directly: "The first point is that the battle in Shandong is tight, and the Fifth Division can only send one brigade to attack LY to cooperate with the frontal battle on Jinpu Road; the second point The reason is that their fifth division is not equipped with so many heavy weapons and mechanized units like ours; third, according to the battle reports from the front line, it can be known that the Chinese Army has hidden a rather elite unit , They took Tangtou Town in just over an hour. Beizhi believes that the above three points are the reason."

Kenji Doihara nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Well, that makes sense. Next, what do you want to express?"

"Your Excellency, division commander, with the current state of our division, there is no such thing as what happened during the Lunan Campaign." Tadashi Sano said confidently, "The first point is that the front line of Xuzhou dispatched troops to our North China Front Army and Central China. Under the two-sided attack of the Chinese army, it has been winning steadily, so there is no such problem as the shortage of troops; secondly, we are equipped with so many heavy weapons and mechanized troops, and the strength of the Chinese army wants to stop us. No.14 The division is probably a little difficult, right? The third point, with the current strength of our No.14 division, is there any Chinese army that can be called the elite?"

After hearing Sano Tadyoshi's words, Doihara Kenji nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Yo Xi, Sano-kun is worthy of being a talented student who graduated from the land of our empire! I think so too, as long as we can If Kaifeng is captured, or Dangshan is captured, the hundreds of thousands of troops under the command of Li Zongren in the fifth theater of the Chinese Army will fall into the heavy siege of our imperial army, and then they can only be annihilated by us in one fell swoop!"

"The head of the division is wise!" Zhongyi Sano patted the third flatterer, which can be said to be the reincarnation of a flatterer...

The banners under the city covered the sun, and tens of thousands of Japanese troops had assembled. They were equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, and they were very well equipped. Since they entered the North China battlefield, they had won consecutive battles, and their confidence in the battlefield was quite high.

"In this battle, going south to Kaifeng, we must achieve the greatest results." Kenji Doihara said in a deep voice, and then pulled out his command saber: "The No. 14 division headquarters obey orders, target Heze, attack!!"


PS: Unexpectedly, my update is still too late.Handicapped Party is too scary...

Thanks to Qiqidian book friend Tianze Dragon King for the 500 points reward and two monthly tickets!
Thank you book friends for your support and voting all the time. This month is coming to an end, so I won’t thank you all.

I just look forward to returning all the chapters tomorrow!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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