War of Resistance

Chapter 607 Tricks?

Chapter 607 Tricks?
After Kenji Doihara gave an order, the assembled Japanese troops of the No. 14 Division with two heavy artillery regiments and a tank squadron (that is, tank squadron) set off.

There are more than 4 people, and there are three-wheeled motorcycles that are common in movies, as well as trucks used to carry soldiers and tow heavy artillery. One car after another, the action is very fast.

Of course, it is the cavalry regiment equipped by the standing division of the Japanese army that is responsible for opening the way.

Walking at the end is the infantry unit of the Japanese army, one car after another, one team after another, the scene is very shocking.

This is the standing elite unit of the Japanese army!
And it's the best of the best!

Not long after the main force of the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army left Pucheng, a confidential telegram arrived in Wuhan.

This confidential telegram is about the news that the main force of the No.14 Division left Pucheng and headed south.

Don't think about it, the military command must be the news from the spies lurking in the front line. It is not easy for the Zhongtong to extend its hand so long.

As soon as the news arrived in Wuhan, Chiang Kai-shek immediately issued an order for the correspondents to convey the news to the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the First Theater and the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater.

So, two hours after the main force of the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army left Pucheng, this information about the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army leaving Pucheng was sent to the Commander's Department of the First Theater Command.

Later, this urgent information was sent to the First Corps in Kaifeng through the hands of Cheng Qian.


Kaifeng, Headquarters of the First Corps of the First Theater Zone.

"Mr. Xue, Mr. Xue, Generalissimo Jiang forwarded the emergency battle report!" A combat staff officer came to the door of Xue Yue's office.

Xue Yue's office at this time was exactly the office of Cheng Qian, the former commander of the First War Zone.

"Huh? Emergency battle report at this time? Come in! Read it." Xue Yue said in Mandarin with a thick Cantonese accent.

"Yes, sir!"

I saw the combat staff officer walking in with strides: "Report to Chief Xue, Commander Cheng of the war zone has sent an urgent telegram: hereby, the headquarters of the First Corps of Commander Xue Yue is now receiving urgent information from the Military Commission-the No. .The 14th Division, together with one or two heavy artillery regiments, plus an unknown number of chariot units, has moved south from Puxian County. Please ask all the soldiers of the First Corps to prepare for battle! The Commander of the First Theater Command, At 27:[-] p.m. on May [-], [-]th year of the Republic of China!"

After hearing the news, Xue Yue immediately set his sights on the military map.

"Pu County...Pu County..." Xue Yue cast his eyes on the location of Pucheng, and his expression was quite meaningful.

The location of Puxian County is not far from the Yellow River, to be precise, it is very close.

Not far past the Yellow River is Heze.

The location of Heze is far or near, but the advantage is that the location is dangerous—Yuncheng in the northeast of Heze and Juye in the east have both fallen into heavy siege by the Japanese army, and it seems that they will not last long.

Although there is a security team in Heze, what is this in the face of tens of thousands of elite Japanese troops like wolves and tigers?

But don't forget, this security team is full of soldiers, at most there are only two thousand people, and the equipment must be very poor.

With such troops, can they be expected to defend the first charge of the Japanese army?

This is a huge question mark.

Of course, the most important thing is that Heze is very close to Lanfeng!

In less than a day, with the mechanized troops of the Japanese army chasing after them, their large troops can appear around Lan Feng!
"Xianji Doihara, what exactly do you want to do? After taking Heze, do you want to take Cao County and go straight down to Dangshan Mountain, or do you want to directly invade Kaifeng?" Xue Yue muttered to himself, wearing white The fist in his command glove was already lightly clenched.


After a long time, Xue Yue's tightly clenched fist finally relaxed.

"Staff Wu!" Xue Yue called out to the staff officer who came in to report just now.

"Humble job!" Staff Officer Wu replied in a deep voice.

"I want to ask you something." Xue Yue said with a very determined expression.

"Sir, please tell me, the rank must be that you know everything, and you can talk endlessly!" Staff Officer Wu replied in a deep voice.

"You've been in the staff of the First Corps for a long time. You have visited the troops below at least two or three times, right? You know the troops below, right?" Xue Yue turned around. , looked at Staff Officer Wu and said, those eyes were as cold as ice, as if they wanted to pierce people through.

"Reporting, sir, I still understand it. Compared with many staff officers who have never been in the army, I barely understand it." Staff Officer Wu responded.

"Then let me ask you, based on what you know about the troops below, is there a brigade-level troop that has the maneuverability of cavalry and has a certain combat effectiveness?" Xue Yue asked in a deep voice.

Staff Officer Wu thought for a while, and said: "I'm afraid this brigade-level force is gone... In the battle order of our national army, most of the brigade-level forces are still composed of two regiments and one brigade, and only a few of them are cavalry. company, but the direction of combat power is definitely insufficient.”

"Then according to what you said, wouldn't it be appropriate for me to send a division of troops?" Xue Yue's face sank slightly.

Indeed, the position of Heze is very important.

But the order he Xue Yue received was to guard Yudong and Dakaifeng!
Furthermore, the distance from Heze to Lanfeng is not too far for the Japanese army with mechanized troops.

But for the Chinese army running on one pair of legs, it is really far away-this is an unequal choice.

The main force of the fifth war zone has already been smashed into a pot of porridge on the outskirts of Xuzhou, and they are already in a state of being overwhelmed, let alone supporting the direction of Heze.

Moreover, Heze is backed by the Yellow River, and the east and northeast have been occupied by the Japanese army. Once the south and southwest are cut off by the enemy, it will undoubtedly be a last stand for the national army waiting to defend this place.

The situation is quite dangerous, which is why Xue Yue is unwilling to send large-scale combat troops to Heze.

But... did Heze and the security team in Heze just give up in vain?

Xue Yue wasn't reconciled, so even if it was to create trouble for Little Japan, he had to do it.

"Mr. Xue, I understand what you mean. Indeed, this Heze is now a deadly enemy, but if we send troops with proper actions, it must be able to solve it." Staff officer Wu gritted his teeth and said: "For example, No. 70 one The third war zone under the command of the army headquarters is directly under the first regiment, and its troops are well equipped, and although they have gone through great battles, their combat effectiveness is still good."

"Oh? The third war zone is directly under the first regiment? I seem to have heard... I heard that the commander of this regiment is a thorn in the side, and only that guy Song Xilian can surrender." Xue Yue said, but he didn't know where it came from. Hearsay.

If Zhang Tianhai knew, he might say: "You are the one with the pimples, your whole family is the one with acne!!"


PS: Make up the last update of last month.

Recently, the unit has been transferred, and there are more busy things. I can hardly sleep well at night, so the update has been delayed...

Thank you for the three monthly tickets of QQ Reading Book Friends Eternal Melody!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, book friends 20180924225114604, baby Minmin, book friends 20181212234059221, QQ reading book friends who have cried, laughed, tired, and silent monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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