War of Resistance

Chapter 608 Heze's former enemy commander?

Chapter 608 Heze's former enemy commander?
"Stinger?" Staff Officer Wu had a strange expression on his face.

"I heard it was, what's the matter? Do you know something about this person?" Xue Yue frowned.

"It's kind of familiar. I have heard of this person before when I was a staff officer in the No.30 Sixth Division. He is brave and fearless in combat, but he belongs to the type of thick and thin. It's definitely not the thorny thing that others said. It's just, where did you hear that?" Staff Officer Wu's expression was a little strange, as if he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh...

"Didn't your army commander say this?" Xue Yue frowned.

"Eh..." Staff Officer Wu immediately didn't dare to speak out.

"Since you don't think Zhang Tianhai is a thorn in the side, tell me the real situation of this person! And whether this army can obey the command!" Xue Yue said, of course, the last sentence is especially important. focus.

"What I knew when I was in the No.30 Sixth Division was that Zhang Tianhai was not a thorn in the head, on the contrary, he was brave and resourceful. He was directly promoted from a deputy company commander to deputy battalion commander in the Songhu battlefield. He has been promoted to be the head of the regiment again. You know better than the humble one whether the head of the regiment Zhang is a mediocre person." Staff Officer Wu said.

Xue Yue put his hands behind his back, thought for a while, and said, "Immediately send my order, and the first regiment directly under the third war zone under the No. 70 First Army will immediately march towards Heze!"

"Sir... there, it's a place of death... Do you really want to send such an elite unit to die?" Staff Officer Wu hesitated a bit. Anyway, they used to be in the same unit. How elite is the first regiment directly under the third war zone? , he is very clear.

"It depends on whether he understands command, and whether he can command the troops flexibly is also a test of the commander's ability." Xue Yue said meaningfully, and then added: "In addition, go to the fifth Commander-in-chief of the war zone, said that I want the command of the Heze security regiment! Report to me immediately after the call is restored!"

"Yes! Sir!" Staff Officer Wu responded helplessly, but in the end he could only obey the command of the officer.


Ten minutes later, Staff Officer Wu stepped into the door of Xue Yue's office again.

"Report to Chief Xue, Li Zongren, Commander of the Fifth War Zone, will call back." Staff Officer Wu stood at attention and reported saluting.

"Read!" Xue Yue said in a deep voice.

"Lieutenant General Xue Yue, Commander of the First Corps in the First War Zone, the Japanese invaders are now fierce. Our main force in the Fifth War Zone has been locked in a bitter battle with the Japanese army. It is really impossible to take into account the situation in Heze. Your theater can take over this regiment." Troops. Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone, at 27:[-] p.m. on May [-], [-]th year of the Republic of China." Staff Officer Wu read, his words were correct and standard.

"Okay! Now that the tools are all ready, it's time to start the fire." Xue Yue smiled, and he didn't seem to be too panicked. He then ordered directly to Staff Officer Wu: "Immediately appoint Zhang in the name of the Corps Headquarters of the First Corps." Tianhai is the commander-in-chief of Heze's former enemy, and the Heze security regiment is temporarily under his command!"

Perhaps because of other reasons, Xue Yue issued another order: "Order No. 20 Seventh Army Gui Yongqing Department, after the No. 70 First Army Department leaves Lanfeng, immediately enter Lanfeng to take over the defense area!"

"Yes! Sir!" With such an important matter, Staff Officer Wu couldn't help not obeying the order immediately.


It didn't take long for the news of "transfer from Lanfeng to Heze to serve as the former enemy's commander-in-chief" to the regiment headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

"It seems that the general trend of history cannot be easily changed after all... No matter how hard I try, I will always be turned back to the original state by the wheel of history..." Zhang Tianhai held the telegram in his left hand, and fisted it in his right. But it was squeezed tightly.

"Tuan Zuo, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand a word?" Xu Sangou who was at the side said a little confused.

"It's okay. No matter what, if we are going to face difficulties in the end, maybe there will be a little more chance of winning with the addition of the Heze security team?" Zhang Tianhai smiled helplessly.

When was it Zhang Yulin's turn to assume the post of the former enemy commander-in-chief, which at least had to be filled by a brigade commander?

But after thinking about it, it's relieved that the strength of the first regiment directly under the third war zone is not weak, and with the Heze security regiment like a oil bottle, isn't this the same as managing a brigade?

"Tuan Zuo, are we going to withdraw now?" Li Guolou, the new combat staff officer, asked.

"If you don't withdraw, what else can you do? Wait until the No.20 Seventh Army makes way, and move around..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

But before his grief had passed, an idea flashed through Zhang Tianhai's mind. To be precise, it's not a very good idea...

But who is Zhang Tianhai, he must act vigorously and resolutely. Now that he has made up his mind, he will execute it quickly: "By the way, Staff Officer Li, send a report to the military headquarters for me, saying that my third theater is directly under the First Regiment. Ministry, the ammunition reserve is insufficient, requesting additional ammunition."

Zhang Tianhai wants to ask Song Xilian at this time, is this really for Song Xilian?

Of course not, the person Zhang Tianhai asked Xue Yue for... Humph, robbed Lao Tzu's long-prepared lair?Don't you need some "starting fees" when the army is moving out?There is a saying that when the cannon fires, the golden ten thousand taels...

"Yes, group seat!" Li Guolou said with a grin. He had long heard that the head of the group was a ghost, the kind who wouldn't lose money no matter what he did.

well-deserved reputation...

Once this request for ammunition was sent to Song Xilian, Song Xilian naturally knew that Zhang Yulin was protesting, so he cunningly kicked this "ball" to Chief Xue Yue...


After receiving this telegram asking for help, Xue Yue was also quite helpless: "This kid is interesting, and I feel like he won't suffer even the slightest loss...Let his troops move their nests to Gui Yongqing and ask for a front-line war. Immediately come to ask for ammunition, boy... you are not kind..."

"Then...according to the commander, should I give it to him or not?" The adjutant also said helplessly.

Chief Xue has always been nicknamed "Tiger Boy", and he has had it for a long time, so it can be seen that his temper is not particularly good, but at this moment, he is so helpless.


The reason is that Zhang Tianhai's army is a direct-line army...

Generalissimo Chiang's troops went to the battlefield without guns and ammunition, and they didn't need guns. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

What's more, now Xue Yue is the commander of 10,000+ troops, he can endure what ordinary people can't bear, otherwise, the hearts of these subordinates will be chilled, who will listen to his command...

Well, of course, these troops are mainly based on the direct line of the Central Army. They belong to that kind, and those who are obedient will give you some face, and those who are not obedient will have no choice but to give you two ways at critical moments.

At this time, Long Muhan had not been shot, but there had never been a precedent of Huangpu's direct line being shot in the Central Army.

Although Han Fuqu has a high official position, isn't he also from the Northwest Army?How can a proper miscellaneous army background be compared with the direct line of the Central Army?

"Of course I have to give it. If I don't give it now, I can't justify it... This kid is really a prick..." Xue Yue couldn't help sighing.


PS: The first update is here, the rest is still owed!

I'm so sleepy, I'm going to work at 07:30 tomorrow, it's too hard.Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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