War of Resistance

Chapter 614 Reorganize the security team?

Chapter 614 Reorganize the security team?
"Come on, tie up Captain Han to me immediately!" Zhang Tianhai pointed a gun to Han Yiwen's head, and said to the officers and soldiers around him.

What Zhang Tianhai did not only startled Cao Wuzheng, even Han Yiwen was taken aback: After all, don't point fingers... What if something goes wrong?
If it really went off the rails, it would be a strange injustice through the ages. A dignified head of the regiment actually left the world in this way?cough cough cough...

"Deputy Commander Cao, immediately order the troops of your security regiment to assemble. I have something important to announce!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, directly in a commanding tone.

"Yes... yes! Sir!" Cao Wuzheng was startled by this sound. There was no other reason, but because Zhang Tianhai's scheming was too deep, and his skills were so good.

The most important thing is...he still has a powerful army under his command, and the ones entering the city are just the vanguard!

After taking down Han Yiwen, Zhang Tianhai didn't stay idle. First, he asked Liu Houming's subordinates to take care of Han Yiwen, and then he took a few people to follow Cao Wuzheng to inspect the security team.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's calm and relaxed appearance on the horse next to him, Cao Wuzheng couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhang, you have taken down our regiment leader, and you still only brought these few people here Are you not afraid of rebellion when you inspect the troops?"

"What are you afraid of? No, are you still here? As long as you are here and Han Yiwen is still alive, this army will not rebel." Zhang Tianhai smiled, showing two rows of neat big white teeth.

"But why do you think so?" Cao Wuzheng couldn't help asking again, he was really curious about how the young officer in front of him, who seemed to be several years younger than himself, was so much more ruthless than himself What?
"If you wanted to rebel, you wouldn't have waited now. You should have brought troops at the city gate and wiped us out." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, his face full of composure.

Cao Wuzheng curled his lips, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it.

Cao Wuzheng didn't speak, but Zhang Tianhai turned his head, looked at the former who was also riding a horse, and said, "I don't think you are the kind of person who wants to be a traitor, otherwise you wouldn't be so nervous. But For Han Yiwen, who has controlled the city for several years, he may not be able to resist such temptations."

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Cao Wuzheng's face changed slightly, and he said with a wry smile: "Why did you see that, Mr. Zhang?"

"The situation is different now. Now the Japanese soldiers are pointing directly at Heze, and this place is about to become a battlefield. It is understandable for Han Yiwen to make more plans, but the mistake is that this matter is about the peril of the nation. The vanguard troops of the Japanese invaders are about to attack, and the regiment leader Han is still drunk and enjoying life at home?" Zhang Tianhai sneered, "Could it be that he wants to welcome the Japanese army into the city? The troops who want to live and die with Heze, how can they look like this? !"

"Mr. Zhang, you are more considerate. Han Yiwen has shown me a lot of kindness over the years, but if I really want to be the traitor who kills off his sons and grandchildren with him, I'm afraid I can't do it." Cao Wuzheng said with a wry smile. He said that Han Yiwen wanted to surrender, but from his words, he was already [-]% sure.

"If you have such an idea, that's the right one. Fortunately, I brought the troops here quickly. Otherwise, I would have waited for the Japanese to hit the city. In my opinion, it might be too late, right?" Zhang Tianhai was very serious. Said bluntly, he was really glad that he came quickly, otherwise, if he had to go to war with the Doihara division without preparation, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

Whenever he thinks that Xue Yue sent his troops to the front line before the training is completed, Zhang Tianhai is full of resentment: "Mr. Xue, the focus of this battle in the east of Henan is on Lan Feng. You sent me here. It is estimated that at most one brigade can be wiped out for you, if there are too many, it is not within the scope of ability...

It wasn't that Zhang Tianhai was timid to fight and was afraid of death, but because in his opinion, the battle in Heze was of little significance at all, and he was in danger of being encircled by the Japanese army on three sides at any time. Will catch up with the whole group.

Even with the entire Zhiyi group, the Yellow River will still burst its embankment, so what's the point?It would be better to put the main force of Zhiyi regiment on the battle of Lanfeng.

In other words, Zhang Tianhai didn't intend to stick to Heze from the very beginning!
Since the Doihara Division is here, Zhang Tianhai, even if the Doihara Division is an iron rooster, he will pull a few hairs down.

The whole regiment came to Heze, of course it couldn't be in vain, and the ammunition they asked for from the Corps headquarters couldn't be left rusty.

The point is, how to "pluck a few hairs" off Doihara's body is a question worth considering.

A bold plan has initially emerged in Zhang Tianhai's mind.




"Assemble! Assemble!!"

Under the roar of the soldiers on duty and the very sharp whistle, the officers and soldiers of the Heze security regiment began to gather listlessly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Tianhai frowned deeply, almost becoming a "Chuan" - the state of the Heze security team was something he had never seen before.

Many soldiers are yellow and thin, and some soldiers are even old and weak soldiers. Yes, they are the kind of "veteran" who are most suitable to be guards in future generations...

"I guess, your army has paid a lot of money, right?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Cao Wuzheng, and said with a smile on his face.

Seeing this is the case, which officer can be happy?It's not the kind of person who is so idiotic that he has no heart.

"Sir, you also know that the Heze security regiment is not my final decision. All personnel changes and troop transfers must be signed by the head of the group before they can be implemented. In fact, it is the deputy head of the group. It's a duty officer of a regiment headquarters..." Cao Wuzheng said with a wry smile, his words were sincere, and he didn't look like he was lying.

Hearing this sentence, and then referring to the appearance of Cao Wuzheng when he was going to welcome their Zhiyi regiment into the city, and the information given back to him by the adjutant of the war zone, Zhang Tianhai finally understood why Cao Wuzheng, a majestic man, It's so frustrating.

It turned out that there was another reason for this.

Zhang Tianhai looked at Cao Wuzheng, smiled, and said: "It's okay, from today onwards, you will have real power, but I can tell you that my prerequisite is that the Heze security group must be reorganized."

"Reorganize the security regiment?" Cao Wuzheng was a little surprised. This Chief Zhang, if he doesn't make moves, he's done. When he makes moves, they are all big moves...

They are all methods of thunder!

"Yes, it must be reorganized. You can see for yourself, can a unit like this hold Heze? Once a war starts, it will be useless at all!" When Zhang Tianhai said this, he was a little bit sympathetic. None left.

Cao Wuzheng also knew that what Zhang Tianhai said was the truth, and thinking about Han Yiwen's results, he immediately made an extremely correct decision——

I saw Cao Wuzheng turned around, gave a military salute to Zhang Tianhai, and said: "Everything is under the arrangement of Chief Zhang, the humble officer must obey the order, and live and die with Heze!"


PS: The second update is delivered, it is still a bit late, I can't take it anymore, good night everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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